Chapter 6


Joon immediately got up from his seat and rashly, threw his chair on the floor, making everyone surprised by his sudden action.

Dongho, Gain, Key and Daesung who were in the room immediately got up from their seats, staring at Joon. They feared that Joon will do something more horrible.

“Why did she succeed again?!!” Joon heaved loudly, staring at the damage he had caused. He was furious with Min hee’s unexpected achievement.

“HUH?!! WHY?”  Joon turned to look at each of their frightened and worried faces.

Abruptly, Joon dashed towards Key. Roughly, he tugged Key’s collar, pulling Key’s face a centimetre away from his face. Joon stared deeply into Key’s petrified eyes.

“You’re the one who planned those events, right?” Joon was now choking Key, lifting Key to his level.

Key was struggling to get some air. His feet weren’t touching the floor as he was shorter than Joon. “Aa.. aa... yes....” Key’s voice barely came out.

Daesung, Dongho and Gain were startled by Joon’s unexpected moves. They stiffened for awhile.

They wanted to help Key out but they were too afraid to stand against Joon. So, they just stood at their place, just like a statue, watching Key getting strangled.

Joon gripped Key’s neck tightly, preventing Key from breathing.

Key tried hard to peel off Joon’s hand but he couldn’t. There was no energy left in Key’s body. Slowly, Key was beginning to pass out. His hands limped downward.

Daesung noticed that Key was beginning to weaken. “I’ve to help Key. If too long, Joon could kill him...” Daesung whispered to himself.

Dongho and Gain heard Daesung. So, they all went to Joon. They tried to untangled Joon’s hand on Key’s neck.

While, Daesung tried to pull Joon away from Key. Daesung hugged Joon’s body from behind, pulling Joon with all his might.

Finally, they managed to get Key out of Joon’s grip. Key weakly collapsed on the floor. Gain managed to catch Key before he fell really hard on the floor.

“Let me go....” Joon pushed Daesung away, causing Daesung to fall on the hard wooden floor.

Immediately, Dongho rushed to his friend. “Are you okay?” Dongho asked Daesung. Daesung just nodded.

Joon went closer to Dongho and Daesung. Then, he stopped right in front of them. “You!!” Joon looked down, staring at Dongho’s face.

“Send the guys now...” Joon ordered monotonously.

Dongho looked up. “Yes, sir....”

Joon started leaving them. He turned into the corner before reaching the exit.

Dongho, Daesung and Gain sighed in relieve after Joon went into the corner. There was no sight of Joon now. They were glad, really glad.


Min hee’s side...

“Where’s Hara? Sunhwa questioned curiously.

“Hara?” Min hee started panicking. Her eyes scanned everything around them.

But, there’s nothing. There was no sign of Hara. There were only leafy walls surrounding them, limiting their view.

“HARA!!” Min hee shouted to the sky.

The girls scattered in the middle of the maze, going to every corner. They yelled as loud as they could.

“UNNIE!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!” Krystal tried her luck.

But still, there was no answer. Only the chirping of birds could be heard.

“Let’s get out from this place!!” Sunhwa suggested, looking all over the place with fears. Sunhwa was still traumatized after the incident that had happened to her on that garden.

 “Maybe we could find Hara on our way out....” Krystal gave reason. Min hee nodded.

They all went back through the maze again, together. This time, they weren’t going to split up, fearing that they will be captured again if they were on their own.

On their way, they still kept shouting and yelling Hara’s name.

Then... “Helpp....” A familiar voice shouted out of nowhere.

They all looked at each other’s faces.

“That’s Hara unnie’s voice, right?” Krystal asked Min hee and Sunhwa.

“Yes...” Min hee and Sunhwa nodded in unison.

“But where is she? HARA?!!” Min hee yelled on top of her lungs.

Again, Hara didn’t answer back.

“I think it’s from there...” Sunhwa pointed to the back.

Quickly, they rushed back to the tree house. After turning a few corners, they suddenly stopped.

There were a few men standing right in front of them.

“Oh no... RUN!!” Min hee ordered.

They quickly turned their backs and was about to run, when they saw a few men also blocking their way.

“Take them!!” Sangchu ordered. He was one of the men that had been sent by Dongho to capture those girls. Of course, Joon was the one who had ordered Dongho.

“Noo...” Min hee struggled in Sangchu’s hands. He was holding Min hee tightly from behind. “”


After turning around the corner, there was a long hallway before Joon could reach the exit. The hallway was long but not so wide. It was just a straight route. The exit door was just in front, at the end of the hallway.

The hallway was dimly lighted up by chandeliers hanging along the way.

Joon walked on the red carpet which was spread along the hallway with a fast pace, putting his left hand inside his pocket’s pants.

After a few minutes, Joon finally reached the exit door. Lazily, he opened the door.

When he was about to get out, he saw his uncle, Lee Byung hun.

Joon didn’t want to interrupt his uncle as Byung hun was busy talking on the phone. So, Joon silently leaned on the wall next to the door, watching his uncle from behind.

“I know.... I know... “ Byung hun kept talking with his back facing Joon.

“After everything’s settled... Then, I’ll take care of him....” Byung hun continued. “I’ll try to get the necklace that Joon’s parents had given to that kid as soon as I can...”

Byung hun went back and forth. He still didn’t notice Joon was there.

“Don’t worry... he will never find out about this...” Finally, Byung hun shut his cell phone off, leaving the place.

After hearing that, Joon was beginning to suspect that something was wrong.

“Who’s he talking to?” Joon begin to wonder. “And what does he meant that he will take care of him?...  Who’s him? Is it me?”

“My parents gave that necklace to that girl....?” Joon was so curious.

Why did his parents do that? What kind of relation does his parents had with Min hee? Is his uncle hiding something from him? All sorts of questions bombarded his mind.

Finally, Joon decided to leave the place with his mind preoccupied with those unanswered questions.


Min hee’s side...

Min hee winced at her throbbing stomach. She had been punched really hard by Sangchu on the stomach after she managed to escape from Sancghu’s strong grip.

“Ugh... aa...” Min hee slowly opened her eyes. “Where... am I?”

Min hee looked around her. This place wasn’t familiar. She never had been to this place.

Min hee was put in a middle-sized room. The room barely have any furniture in it. There was only a table and a laptop on Min hee’s right side which was about 2 meters away.

 The room also had a big black glass just like a window on one particular wall which was right in front of Min hee.

The window was so wide occupying the whole width of the room’s wall but only covered half of the wall’s height.

Min hee scanned each corner of the room while sitting on a heavy spinning chair. Then, Min hee realized that she was tied, both hands and feet, just like Krystal and Sunhwa.

“There’s a.... door!!” Min hee accidentally saw the black wooden door behind her.

Quickly, Min hee stood up from her seat. She was about to run towards the door but she stopped.

There was somebody entering the room. A man, no, there were two of them.

“Where do you think you’re going, missy?” A man in his fourties approached her, crouching on her right side.

Min hee turned to face the man. She stared at him fiercely. “Who are you? And what do you want from me?” Min hee tried to act brave even she was really scared.

Byung hun laughed. Lazily, he stood up, standing in front of the pitch black window.

“Who am I? Well, I’m his uncle...” Byung hun pointed his thumb to Joon who was leaning on the wall beside him.

Min hee’s eyes widened. “Lee... Joon?”

“And what do I want from you?” Byung hun walked towards Min hee. He stopped right in front of her, bending his body.

Byung hun held both arm rests on the chair where Min hee was sitting on. “You’ve taken something very precious from me... something priceless.... There’s only one kind in this world” Byung hun stared deeply into Min hee’s eyes.

“Well, it wasn’t mine but Joon had promised to give it to me...” Byung hun laughed a little. “So, where is it? Where’s the necklace?” His facial expression turned into a serious one.

“What necklace?” Min hee answered back. “I don’t like jewelleries.... so, why should I have one!!” She was dumbfounded.

Byung hun gave a small laugh again. Then, he went nearer and nearer to Min hee’s face.

“Don’t try to fool me... it’ll never work. So, let’s not play hard or I’m not gonna go easy on you...” Byung hun whispered on Min hee’s right ear.

Unexpectedly, Min hee bit on Byung hun’s left shoulder making Byung hun to back away.

“ARGH!!” Byung hun slapped Min hee’s face really hard causing her to fell on the floor along with the chair.


Eun hee’s side...

After a few minutes, Eun hee finally arrived at the cave.

Slowly and gently, Eun hee put Yunho down.

“Argh...” Yunho groaned unconsciously.

Immediately, Eun hee went to Yunho. “Yunho-sshi... are you okay?” Eun hee shook his body softly.

“Argh... my chest hurts, my back hurts...The pain is killing me...” Yunho sluggishly sat up, leaning on the cave’s wall.

“Omo, you’re bleeding!!” Eun hee shrieked. “Quick, get your shirts off!!” Eun hee immediately lifted a little of Yunho’s shirt then, she stopped.

Yunho was looked at her strangely, giving Eun hee a are-you-some-kind-of molester look.

“Yah!! I didn’t mean to do anything bad, okay...” Eun hee defended her action.

Yunho just laughed. “I was just kidding...” Yunho pinched Eun hee’s cheeks causing Eun hee to back away.

“Aa...umm...” The atmosphere between them suddenly became weird.

“I’ll get the bandages...” Eun hee scuttled away.

“Yea... I’m just...umm, gonna take off my shirt...” Yunho responded.

After several minutes of wrapping Yunho’s body with the bandages that Eun hee managed to steal, they both had dinner with some bread and crackers. It was the only food that Eun hee managed to steal.

Now, Yunho was already asleep. While Eun hee sat outside, staring at the stars.

Eun hee suddenly heard Yunho grumbled. Slowly, she went inside, bending her body because the cave’s roof was a bit low.

Yunho was turning and turning his body. “Maybe he’s not comfortable...” Eun hee thought. Eun hee gently went to Yunho and lifted his head. Then, softly, she put his head on her lap.

Eun hee had always been a caring and considerate person, no matter who the person is.

Eun hee stared down at Yunho’s sleeping face. Then, she remembered the real reason why they were here, to search for Yunho’s sister and also..... her long lost twin sister.

Eun hee slowly clutched the necklace she had been wearing all her life, the necklace that Byung hunhad been searching for. “Min hee, I’ll save you...”

( )


Min hee’s side...

“You handle this girl....” Byung hun ordered Joon, stomping to the door. Byung hun left the room.

So, there were only Joon and Min hee left in the empty room.

Min hee was still lying on the floor. She immediately took that opportunity to untangle herself. Slowly and carefully, she managed to untie both her hands and feet.

Joon slowly walked towards Min hee. His footsteps could be heard By Min hee.

After reaching Min hee, Joon was going to correct Min hee’s position when he suddenly got a hard slap on his face.

Joon backed a little.”You...” Joon quickly moved towards Min hee.

Min hee was ready to attack again. As Joon was getting closer, Min hee quickly threw a punch in the air.

But, Joon managed to dodge it. Joon swiftly bent his body, moving to Min hee’s back. Joon managed to catch Min hee from the back.

Joon covered Min hee’s neck with his right arm while his left arm was pulling Min hee’s left arm to the back.

Min hee tried to struggle but she couldn’t.

“Trying to hurt me, huh?” Joon whispered to Min hee’s ear.”This is what you gonna get from hurting me....”

Suddenly, the black broad window which was in front of them became bright.

There was another room across the window. The lights in that room gradually . The room was too empty. There was nothing.

Min hee’s eyes widened after she saw.... Hara!! She was lying unconsciously on a steel table in the middle of the room. It was somewhat like a dissecting table.

“What are you going to do to her?” Min hee sobbed in fears. “And... and where’s my other friends?”

“Your other friends are safe... don’t worry...” Joon showed Krystal and Sunhwa on the laptop near him. Joon still held Min hee tight from the back.

“Please leave them alone.... Just do it to me....” Min hee pleaded.

“Okay.... I won’t bother them anymore after this if only you could save her....” Joon pointed to a big hanging spinning saw blade on top of Hara. The saw blade slowly went down.

 Joon quickly released Min hee. “HARA!!!” Min hee banged on the window, crying

To be continued.... sorry for the long chapter...


To lolisho: You're most welcome... Glad that you like it!! ^_^ Yeah, when I was writing that I also laughed a little... Hihihi pls keep reading my story...

To U-Kissluva: Yeah I tried to make Joon as evil as I could... Glad that you like the characters that I had created... So, who's your favourite? Min hee or Eun hee?

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ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
iloveljoesomuch #2
amazing! update soon
update soon
They finally met!! <br />
I hope that one day, Eun hee and Yunho will be in a relationship :))<br />
UPDATE SOON!! :))))))
This is getting better!<br />
I really love your story!!!! :D
The first chapter was already shocking, especially about the cat. But the story's totally awesome!!
lolisho #7
Ohh yeahh!! Yunho and Eun Hee are soo cute!!<333<br />
aand YES. Finally meeting with each other! Sweet~ <br />
Lol. Fishy donghae is a bad guy~?(hahh, my Suju bias). <br />
Love love love the update!:D
OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY FINALLY MET! AHHHH TAHTS AMAZING! awwww yunho and eun hee are soooooo adorable! all i want to do with that couple scene is gooo awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww its soo cute! YAY JOONIE! omg min hee and joon will make THE PERFECT COUPLE! i feel sooo bad for him though i mean hes trapped and hes going to get tourchered by that jerk face uncle of his. OMG YOU CANT HURT THE EUN HEE'S FRIENDS! THEY ARE SOOO AWESOME AND THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING! AHHHH stupid hyori your soo mean to joonie! T_T LUV LUV LUV LUV LUV THE STORY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER ! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!^^ FIGHTING
lolisho #9
ani~ it wasn't boring at all! Its on the way for Eun Hee and Min Hee to meet!:D ne, I'll try too soon ^^
YAY! min hee and eun hee will meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!! i hope! awwwwwwwwwww i got scolded! lol well I LOVED IT! its gave me a more insight on the evil of joon's uncle. HE'S SOOO EVIL! awwwwwwwww poor joonie! LOVED IT PLEASE UPDATE SOON!