Let me introduce myself!



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"I promised myself I will never say this, but I think have fallen in love with you." 

"Its okay, I never thought I will fall in love either."


Main Characters:


Taeyeon - Protagonist


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D.O. - Protagonist


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-youngest son of the king


Sub characters:


Tiffany - Taeyeon's best friend 


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-great at fighting

-always there for Taeyeon

-loves clubs



Kai - ?


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-knows about Taeyeon's birth

-works in the military



Yuri - D.O.'s Fiancee


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-helps Taeyeon and D.O's relationship

-hates generals


-Ms Korea 3028






During World War III, our world evolved to an extent where the society didn't need humans. Many



scientists devolped robots and androids to make food, music, houses, and virtually anything that humans can


make or do. Robots are more efficient and profitable than humans, causing major brands to fire all and


depend on artificial beings. Due to this, many starved in hunger because no one can earn money. The


econmy dropped simutainously to the edge of human's society falling apart. Then, the Korea's last president, 


Do In Ah made up a decision to create fighters. Fighting was something robots cannot do, so unless you are 


a daughter or a son of a big company, you had no choice but to fight and defend your country. Now, evey


govenment builds a training room, and train train teenagers and pay according to the scores they


recieve. Higher the score, the trainee has higher chance of getting a promotion to higher wage.Currently,


our main character, D.O is a general, and the great-grandson of president Do. He is quite popular within


the ladies, not only because he is hot, but the fact that he is so rich makes him so wantable. Knowing this, 


he never dated anyone, actually, he hated girls in general. There are exceptions, like his mother and


maybe, just maybe, this girl.. #269112341.


Omg, this is my first fanfic! 

Thanks for reading and I will try to update frequently. 

Please subscribe, comment etc. 


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omo, Taeyeon & D.O, my biggest biases :(