Special Girl

Special Girl

Listened to Special Girl and Without You by Infinite H while writing this oneshot. 


Lee Howon is his name or as I call him Hoya. He has been my bestfriend for as long as I can remember. But what he doesn't know is that throughout the years I fell for him. I wasn't the type to fall for any guy especially my bestfriend. The thing is I fell for him. Hard. It's difficult being bestfriends with a guy who is not only hot, but wicked nice when it comes to girls. 

He can have any girl he wants, but he rejects every single one of them and I don't understand why. I've watched it all happen and even though the girls get rejected they still like him. That's exactly how I know if I were the one to confess to him, I would be rejected like the rest. I'm beginning to think he likes guys because he has never dated a girl before. 

Not only that reason, but when a guy confessed to me Hoya encouraged me to date him. At that time I did like Hoya, but of course I accepted because I didn't want him to suspect anything. I knew if I didn't accept later on he would question as to why I declined.

It had only been a week since I dated that guy, but he ended up breaking up with me because he knew of my feelings for Hoya. I've never told anyone about my feelings for him, but it must have been easily seen because everyone knew. Except for Hoya. If everyone knew of it why didn't he? Does he think we are not fit to be together? Does he only think of me as a bestfriend?

It will definitely ruin our friendship if he didn't feel the same way. But I feel like it would too late if I don't confess to him now. 

"Kim Eunbin!" I heard someone yell which caused me to come back to reality. 

"Y-yes?" I asked not knowing exactly who was talking to me. 

"I asked you who you wanted to work with on this project. But since you weren't paying attention I put you with Choi Minho. Minho please explain to Eunbin about the project since I don't have time for this." The teacher said a little annoyed. 

"Thinking about Howon again weren't you? Why don't you just confess to him already?" Minho wondered. 

I shook my head. "It will ruin our friendship if he doesn't feel the same way. If it doesn't work out we probably will end up not talking like most couples who break up. It's better to have my feelings kept away in the dark where no one knows except me." I told him. 

"That's the thing you have to take risks! How exactly do you know if he doesn't feel the same way? For all we know he could be thinking about you like you think about him! And what do you mean 'no one knows except me'? Everyone knows you like him. I'm pretty sure even he knows that you like him. If you need help confessing to him just know I'm your man." He said with a wink. 

After discussing that we planned out what we were going to do for our project. Luckily we got done talking about it because the bell rang. I stuffed everything into my bag and literally sprinted to lunch. The only day I get to see Hoya is during lunch because he's a grade above me. 

As I was walking to my usual table I spotted Hoya with a girl. It looked as if the girl was confessing to him. I saw the girl walk away with a frown clearly shown on her face. That just means he rejected her confession. I cheerfully walked to the table and took a seat next to him. "You rejected another girl, didn't you?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, the one I like hasn't confessed to me yet and it's bugging me so much. If she likes me so much why hasn't she confessed yet?" He asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Do you like this girl back? Do I know her? What's her name?" I asked question after question curious as to who this girl was. 

"Woah woah woah. You'll find out when she confesses or if she ever does. I'll give you a hint though, she's someone cute." He said then walked away to get some lunch. That left me stumped. She's cute? There's so many girls here, it could be any one of them! I need another hint! 

"Hoya, that is not a very good hint. I need another one pleaseeee!" I begged him. 

"Fine. She's at this lunch and has brown hair." 

"Those are not good hints! Practically every girl in here has brown hair! I need another hint. A better one." I told him. 

"I'll give you a hint everyday until she confesses. I know I sound desperate, but I hope she confesses soon because I honestly would not be able to handle seeing her with some guy again." He said. He must really like her to be able to say that. Before we left lunch, we agreed to meet at our usual spot after school to walk home together. 

Throughout my last two classes I couldn't concentrate because I was too focused on what Hoya had said. Does he really like this girl? Who is she? She better not steal my best friend away from me because that would be torture for me to not be able to talk to him everyday. I suddenly felt someone shake me. "Eunbin the school day is over. Are we working on the project at your house or mine?" Minho asked. 

"Let's work at mine since it's close by." I said while packing my bag. We walked to the front gate and that's where I saw Hoya. This must be the girl because he keeps smiling like a dork. I guess she confessed to him... I walked by him, but he didn't even see me. 


Disappointed. That's how I felt. He didn't tell me who he likes, but I watched it happen. They're going to live in a huge house and have a happy family. I'm just going to be the best friend that never confessed when she had the chance. I'm still going to be living with my parents and won't graduate college or even have a job and live life as a loser. "Eunbin, you okay?" Minho asked.

"H-huh? O-oh yeah. Just feeling a little tired, can we work on this tomorrow? I'm sorry, but school tired me out." I apologized. He nodded his head then parted ways. I felt my phone vibrate, but just ignored it. Once I got home I went into my bedroom closing the door tight. I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep. 

A few hours later I woke up feeling really thirsty. Before going down to grab a drink, I grabbed my phone and decided to check the message I received earlier. It was from my parents and it said that they were going to be late tonight. I opened the fridge and found a note taped to one of the water bottles. 


I know you like me. Come find me and you will have your chance to confess. Come now or it will be too late!


Who could have possibly gotten inside my house and tape this onto a water bottle? And how exactly did this person know I was going to get water once I woke up? I grabbed a coat and texted my mother that I won't be home. I stepped out into the cold and started shivering. I took my gloves and put them on them zipped my jacket up. I noticed red roses on the ground and decided to follow it to wherever it led to. 

"This person really wants me to confess. They even placed my favorite flowers onto the road." I said to myself. The roses ended and in front of me was a bakery. I entered the bakery and the fresh bread scent filled my nostrils. "MmM." 

"You must be Kim Eunbin. Am I right?" The baker asked and I nodded my head. "Here is a cake for you. Have a nice night!" He exclaimed. I opened the cake and there revealed another clue as to where I should go next. On the cake it said, "Almost there! Now head to the place that makes you the happiest and you will find another clue there." 

I ended up walking slower this time because I didn't want to drop the cake. I finally managed to arrive at the park and found a clue taped onto a tree. I set the cake down on a bench and pulled the clue off. "Now go to this address and you will find me there. See you soon!"

I called a taxi instead which took a lot shorter than walking and arrived at the destination. A hotel?! Why would this person make me go to a hotel? That's just absurd. I walked inside and was immediately brought into the dining hall. The place was decorated beautifully and there was even a stage! 

"Wow this place is beautiful!" I spoke to myself. Suddenly I saw some people that looked familiar. I walked closer to them to get a better look and they were just who I suspected. "What are you all doing here?" I asked them. 

"Ah Eunbin-ah! You see we just had dinner with the Lee's and Mr Lee here received a phone call to bring us all here. What brings you here honey?" Omma asked me. 

"Someone brought me on a scavenger hunt and I ended up here. But I don't know who this person is." I told them. They nodded their heads. 

"If you all may turn your heads this way I would like to begin now." I whipped my head towards the direction of the stage and there he was. He had a mic near his mouth, but it was attached onto him. Next to him was someone I had never seen before. I took another look around the room and noticed other people in there. 

One girl stood out. It was the girl that I had seen Hoya with earlier. "What is she doing here?" I muttered to myself. 

"I would like to perform these two songs for a special someone. Here performing with me is my partner Jang Dongwoo. We will begin now." On cue, music started playing. 

"When you're not here, I watch the TV by myself

When you're not here, Even If I try to take a stroll 

It feels somewhat lonely, It's only when I walk with you

That I feel relieved The ice breaks You really feel so nice

But oh my, because I might drift

away from you for a moment

I pay attention to each of my text messages

I feel like I'm becoming a fool, When you're not here"

(Without you by Infinite H)

Those lyrics really stood out to me. He must really like her if he's singing this to her. Not only that, but he's dancing for her too! I've never seen him dance... 

"Beautiful Girl - you're smiling next to me, 

I like you so much

You are dazzling, you are beautiful

I want you so I can steal you

Cause you are my 

Special special special special special girl 

Special special special special special girl"

(Special girl by Infinite H)

He must be confessing to her right now. She must be his special girl... The music ended and everyone cheered. Hoya spoke into the mic. I joined everyone in the clapping. He walked offstage and came right up to me. "So that girl confessed to you huh?" I asked. He shook his head. "She hasn't? I thought she did after school that's why you ignored me, am I right?"

"What? Who are yo- oh! Ailee wasn't confessing to me! She was helping me with something. I would never ignore you Eunbin-ah. How could you think that? Now I have a question for you. Are you going to confess?" He asked. 

"Confess to wh- you know?" I asked. 

"Of course I know. I've known for awhile now. Now answer my question, are you going to confess?" Hoya repeated his question. I shook my head. "Kim Eunbin, you are my special girl. Will you accept my feelings?"

"Of course I will." I said hugging him. A smile was clearly shown on both of our faces. Everyone cheered again and I looked at Hoya. He still had the mic attached to him. 


The ending wasn't exactly how I pictured it, but anyways I hope you enjoyed it :D

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Chapter 1: n'awwwww this is sooo cute ^^ Hoya is such a sweetie :D Well done author nim another awesome fic :P hehe
Chapter 1: hehehe..this is soooo good >.< sweet hoya :D good job authornim~
Sounds like it's gonna be good ^^ Can't wait for it to start :D