
Bursting the Bubble

2 minutes till terminal 4-3 will close for the next flight. Everyone who had boarded Air China has already exited the plane safely and reunited with their families. For some, business dealerships  from local companies in Seoul. Others are here to take a small vacation from the annoyance of certain people. Everyone was busy with their own personal stuff, but there is this one guy running down the terminal for dear life itself.

She's going to kill~ me...oh well. 

He has light brown doe eyes. Rough blonde-ish yet brown hair with bangs swooping down on eye level. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and grey sweatpant, with his polka dot blue suitcase tagging alongside his feet. Unlike most people, this guy is a heavy sleeper and overslept. That was a not the best first choice in the new country.

“Excuse! Pardon me! Sorry Miss!”

Luhan bowed endlessly as he accidentally ran over an adjumma’s foot. He sheepishly smiled at her with a lollipop in his mouth and continued to run to the check in center. A couple more hit and runs but he made it. Barely.

“Passport please.” The official asked. Luhan was panting heavily with a bit of sweet drool dripping on his bottom lip from the apple lollipop. LuHan held on the edge of the counter for support and struggled to find the papers.  The intern besides the officer looked at the foreign man in awe. He looks so cute! Even with those simple clothing, he could pull it off very well. She definitely awakened after standing in a cubicle for the past 4 hours.

LuHan respectfully gave his passport and waved at the intern. Her lip curled upward, she felt butterflies in her stomach. The official stared at the two strangely then just rolled his eyes then back at the passport.

“Dual citizenship, people just do this so they could get out of military service. “ he mumbled bitterly. LuHan didn’t pay attention since he was observing the new atmosphere and setting. He was completely amazed. Then reality snapped back.

“Can you even speak Korean?!?” The official snapped, scaring both LuHan and the intern. LuHan raised an eyebrow and took the lollipop out of his mouth with a little ‘pop’ with it came out.

“Eh? Speaking informally already? Hm. I make a lot of friends like that but looking at my age. I sir, I am speaking in Korean right now, awesome aren’t I? I moved another  country when I was a younger. My parents never let me speak Chinese well- he did- my Mom- she’d hit me on the spot- BAM!” He made a weird gesture, hitting the air with the lollipop.

Both the official and intern was taken back at the sudden action, dumbfounded indeed. The man was speaking in hyper speed as well!

LuHan took out the lollipop and held it up in the air then back into his mouth. The intern was amused at his childish behavior and just smiled at him greatly.

“Oh..okay. Have a safe stay Mr. Han” The official gave back the red passport back into LuHan’s hand. Before he left, LuHan leaned closer towards the counter and squinted his eyes.
“Oh! I like your name Intern. Have a great day!” 

The intern smiled ear to ear and watching LuHan walked out of the gates with her heart melting at his sweet smile. LuHan looked at the glass ceiling while exiting the main building of Seoul International. Finally he’s  here.

He took a deep breath of South Korean air and breathed it out. It felt nice to come back to his sister country. LuHan looked around, curious. It was early summer, the weather was warm with the sun shining on his pale skin.

The view of the Seoul was especially breathtaking, but that was interrupted when a person tapped his shoulder and a girl about to his eyebrow wearing a blue floral dress came up to view. He was staring at her strangely.

She smiled angelically at him and nodded. LuHan responded back with a sweet smile, similar to hers.

Ba-bump Ba-bump Ba-bump

"Yah! ert. You are still seriously. Annoying." She slapped him back to reality. Lu Han rubbed his cheek vigorously. "You are late. Late. Late. You know long I have been waiting for you! I could have been with-" 

Before she could fire another insult. LuHan clogged with a lollipop. That's right. His lollipop.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Still talking? Doesn't your mouth fall off after 5 years of your constant nagging. Sometimes I want to sew your mouth shut..."

He raised an eyebrow playfully. She shifted the lollipop with bitterly and stomped the ground like a little kid then attempted to kick the older one. He backed away slowly while laughing at her. 

Da Eun scrunched her nose, it was obvious she didn't want him here. "You brat! Go back to China." she snapped. 

After their first meeting with Lu Han's friend, it didn't go all so pretty. It was a rocky relationship. A very not-so-healthy relationship. She was about two years younger than Lu Han, yet these two are childish as ever. 


Author's Corner:

Ironically, Da Eun isn't the main of this fanfiction XD Keep trying you guys! 

It's the typical guyxgirl annoys each other scenario. They fall in love blah blah blah~

This chapter is roughly the  beginning of FBND if you guys heard of it :) 

It somehow felt right if you know what I mean . Comment, Subscribe and Upvote

Jkjkjk This is just the beginning. Mwhahaha~ 

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pandasmiles #1
Chapter 1: oh this is just like flower boy next door!! :)
Update soon ¡