Sunday Splash

[ONE-SHOT] Sunday Splash


The strong sunlight shining through the blinds startled you awake. You sat up slightly in bed after noticing that it was already ten. You rubbed your eyes, stretched your arms and let out a yawn. Scratching your head, you turned and faced the man sleeping beside you. A soft smile formed on your face as you looked at him.

Kim Jongin, your boyfriend of four years.

You lifted a finger and traced the area around his eyes. His eyes, you thought, were the warmest one could ever look into. And you felt lucky for being able to do it every single day. Your finger went down to his nose. Not too sharp, not too flat. You smiled as your finger reached his lips. His plump lips always felt soft and made him quite a good kisser.

A hand shot up to grab your wrist and you looked at its owner. Jongin opened his eyes and shot you a sleepy smile. Your free hand ran through his hair as you grinned back at him. His arms went around your waist and pulled you down from your sitting position.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, his voice low and husky.

"Good morning to you, too," you giggled as he nuzzled into your neck.

"I feel like staying in today, a lazy Sunday in. Anything you want to do in particular?"

"Let's go swimming," you replied after some thought.

"We can do that later in the evening. I want to sleep some more," he agreed, closing his eyes right after.

"You sleep, I'm going to wash up and fix breakfast."

 "No, you're staying here with me," Jongin whined as he wrapped his arms tighter around you.

You tried to pry his fingers off but he kept a strong hold on you. You wriggled and squirmed, but you still couldn't get out of his grip.

"Just ten more minutes," he pleaded as he held you down.

"No, get off," you rebutted as you tried to roll out of his grip, using your hands to push yourself off.

"Baby," he whined again, dragging the last syllable.

Jongin's arms wrapped themselves tighter around you and he rolled onto his back. You were now on top of him, your hands resting against his sturdy chest.

"Okay, okay, ten minutes," you gave in, inwardly pleased with the way Jongin was holding you.

“I knew you couldn’t resist me,” he teased, smiling with his eyes closed.

Jongin’s grip on you loosened a bit, and you took that chance to roll off him and the bed. His eyes shot open and he playfully glared at you. You only stuck your tongue out in response and ran into the bathroom before Jongin could get up and follow you.

“He’s not that irresistible,” you mumbled to yourself.

You took a quick cold shower and got dressed in Jongin’s long sleeved shirt and shorts. The sleeves were rolled up to your elbows and the shorts secured with a belt. Putting your hair into a messy bun, you stepped out of the bathroom to see Jongin sitting up on the bed with his legs and arms crossed. He looked at you, pouting.

“Yes?” you asked as you raised an eyebrow.

“Waffles for breakfast, please,” he requested, lips still forming a pout.

Letting out a chuckle, you walked over to him. You pulled him off the bed, making him stand. He was a good few inches taller than you were. You stood on your toes to peck his cheek, and Jongin’s automatic reaction was to wrap his arms around your waist again.

“You’re going to have to let me go if you want your waffles.”

“If that’s the case, I’d rather skip breakfast,” Jongin grinned, pulling you closer to him.

You gave him a look that you knew he was afraid of, and he immediately let go of you.

“Shower time!” he yelped, kissing your cheek before running to the bathroom.

You shook your head at his behaviour and headed downstairs to fix breakfast. You switched on the waffle maker and used a bowl to mix the ingredients together. It only took you fifteen minutes to make them, and Jongin was still in the shower by the time you were done. While waiting, you prepared coffee for him and tea for yourself. Jongin finally appeared at the bottom of the stairs just after you finished setting the table with the plate of waffles, butter, maple syrup, the drinks and the day’s newspaper.

Jongin sat down at the head of the table, and you chose the chair on his right.

“Looks great,” he complimented, smiling at you.

Although there was butter and maple syrup, you felt like you had forgotten to prepare something.

“Don’t we normally eat these with berries, though? Didn’t we buy them yesterday?” Jongin asked.

“Ah, so that’s what I forgot!” you exclaimed, immediately getting up to get the berries from the fridge.

“I’ll do it,” Jongin pulled you down, getting up himself instead.

Your eyes followed him as he opened the refrigerator and took out the container of fresh blueberries you two had bought just the day before. You watched his back as he washed them over the sink and put them into a bowl. When Jongin turned around to walk back to the table, you turned your head and stared at your empty plate.

“I saw that,” he grinned as he set the bowl down and took his seat once again.

You ignored him and put some waffles on his plate, drizzling maple syrup all over them, just the way he liked it. You always let him put the butter and blueberries himself.

“Thank you. I can’t wait to make a wife out of you,” Jongin remarked, smirking.

You simply rolled your eyes at his comment and ate your own food. It was nearing eleven, so you were almost sure that you two wouldn’t be having lunch.

“What time shall we swim? It’s a little too hot now,” he asked as he munched on his waffles.

“Six? I think it would be less hot,” you suggested.

“And what shall we do to pass time?”

“Movies!” you cheered, a wide smile on your face.

You had always loved watching good movies together with Jongin. He was comfortable to lean on, just like a pillow.

“I think we have time for three,” he softly smiled.

You cleaned up the dishes after you two had finished eating and made Jongin pick three movies from your collection. You finished washing them in record time, and got bars of chocolate and a two bottles of soda from the refrigerator. Jongin was already putting the first movie into the player and you sat on the couch. He came over and sat next to you.

“The Avengers,” Jongin said before you could ask.

You snuggled into his side and he put his arm around you. Your knees were pulled up to your chest and your arms wrapped around your legs. You tried to focus, but Jongin, on the other hand, was attempting to distract you in the middle of your second movie. He tickled your sides, but you weren’t ticklish so it wasn’t effective. He pulled you closer to his body and made you lay your head on his chest, but even then, your eyes were solely on the screen in front of you.

“Stop it, I’m trying to watch robots fight. This is the ,” you lightly chided, watching Hugh Jackman control Atom with his physical movements instead of his voice controller.

“You already know that Atom will win. We’ve watched this so many times,” Jongin whined, trying to gain your attention.

“I can’t help it if I like Hugh Jackman more than you,” you joked, glancing sideways to gauge Jongin’s reaction.

“What did you just say?” Jongin gasped, acting as if he was appalled by your statement.

He pushed you down on the couch, making you lie down. Before you could get up, he hovered over you, using his arms to support his weight so he wouldn’t crush you.

“I dare you to say that again.”

“I like Hugh Jackman more than Kim Jongin,” you bravely repeated your sentence.

Jongin crashed his lips against yours, catching you by surprise. However, you didn’t struggle. Jongin was our boyfriend, after all. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his head down, your lips moving in sync with.

“Well, your actions contradicted your words,” Jongin smirked when he pulled himself off of you.

“Whatever,” you stuck your tongue out.

The two of you cuddled on the couch, a blanket wrapped around your legs because of the air conditioning in the house. The last movie you decided to watch was A Werewolf Boy, and since it was new and neither of you had watched it, Jongin didn’t try anything funny with you and focused on the movie.

“Cheolsu…” you trailed, feeling your tears collecting beneath your eyelids.

Your hand shot out to grab a piece of tissue from the box towards the end of the movie, your tears falling freely. You dabbed at your face with the piece of tissue paper, your nose already blocked from all the crying. Jongin’s hand grabbed yours as a form of comfort, and you glanced at him. He, too, was crying. The movie came to an end after a few minutes, leaving you both in tears.

“That was so sweet,” you wailed. “He finally talked after 47 years, and he was still waiting!”

“I’d wait for you for 47 years,” Jongin smiled as he tightened his grip on your hand.

“You won’t have to because I won’t leave you,” you grinned, wiping your tears away with your free hand.

You then leaned in to peck him on the lips once, after which you stood up and led him to the bedroom so you could change for your swim. You chose to wear a pink and white striped bikini, while Jongin wore his white board shorts. You two walked to the pool in your backyard, towels on your shoulders.

Jongin jumped in right after throwing his towel on the lounge chair, making a big splash.

“KIM JONGIN!” you yelled, annoyed that he couldn’t wait.

He simply smirked and swam to one end of the pool. He started swimming his laps, and you dipped your legs into the pool. After a while, you slid yourself into the water and stayed in a corner as you watched your boyfriend do his laps. He had been at it for quite a while, and you wondered how he could get the energy to swim continuously. You observed his muscles and smiled to yourself. His arm muscles weren’t bulky, and you liked it more that way. His arms, although lean, always made you feel safe. His chest muscles, however, were a little bit more obvious, and you had to admit that you liked it when he was topless.

“Enjoying the view?” Jongin asked, snapping you out of your daze.

He had finished his laps and was now swimming over to you. When he came near, you splashed him with water, surprising him. He shook his head and wiped his eyes, playfully glaring at you once he could open his eyes again.

“You’re going to regret doing that,” he warned, coming closer.

You gripped onto the pool edge and used it to help you move along the length of the pool since you couldn’t swim that well. Jongin’s head disappeared underwater and you knew your chances of escaping him were slim. You used both your arms to pull yourself up, but before you could swing your legs over the edge, Jongin grabbed them both and pulled you down. His head appeared from beneath the water surface, and he was smirking at you.

“You can’t escape me, sweetheart.”

“Worth a shot,” you mumbled, looking away with your back facing him.

Jongin pressed himself against you, making you lean against the pool wall. He brought his head forward to kiss your cheek, and you couldn’t help but to turn around and face him properly so that you could kiss his lips instead. Your fingers were intertwined with his, and you felt the heat radiating from his body even though the water was cold.

Jongin ran his tongue along your bottom lip and you allowed him entrance. After a while, you pulled away since you felt a little breathless. Jongin continued to plant kisses all over your face, and you giggled when it tickled you. To occupy yourself with something, your hands combed through his wet hair.

Jongin pulled back and looked down at you, smiling softly. Your eyes met his, and you could see a whirlpool of emotions. Affection, a little bit of lust, but most importantly, the love he had for you.

“Do you know how much I love you?” he asked, putting his forehead against yours.

“No, tell me.”

“Last night, I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great, until I ran out of stars,” his eyes twinkled as he recited the quote he read somewhere. “Here’s another one. A match can light up a fire, a star can light up the sky, but you are the only one that can light up my heart.”

“So cheesy,” you pretended to cringe.

“But you love it.”

“Of course.”

Jongin leaned down to kiss you once. It was short, but it was sweet.

“I love you,” he sincerely said as he looked into your eyes.

“I love you, too.”

The two of you stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, before you broke the eye contact. You scooped water up with your two hands and threw it at Jongin's face.

"Way to ruin the mood," Jongin rolled his eyes as he wiped the excess water off his face.

Happy birthday, Kim Jongin! ♥

P.S: I made a Twitter account to talk to my readers! ^-^ -> @aegikebin

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Chapter 1: Awesome story!!! Love his teasing n cheesiness /cringes/
great story!!!
Chapter 1: frstkrxrhvjkvdsghydfvtbhmloijhfdvhukmngikmh!! This was so sweet!!!!!!!
potato-chips #4
omigosh,kaifeels salkfjklsdjfds.
strawberrylumps #5
Chapter 1: well, ain't that sweet! i was so sure i was melting while i was reading
Chapter 1: *bitting my bottom lips and gigling...its so adoreable ♡(●^―^●)♥
minnah #7
Chapter 1: Ahh so sweet~ love it!! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: So cute! I love it!
Chapter 1: cute cute cute! It's awesome! XD
xyxyxy #10
Chapter 1: Very cute! Look forward to more!