Between You and Me...

Saranghae appa...


Author's POV


"im really sorry about that...ji hee don't usually do that kind of thing..." Jiyong look at an empty wall infront of him with a confuse stare like the wall can give him anything that can answers his curiosity. after that horrific phone-call from ji hee seven immediately trapped him into something that he's believe will lead to an interrogation.

"aah..sure problem"

"you okay man?" jiyong really can't fool his sunbae-nim, whenever jiyong make that soothing tone it means something troubled him and seven will be the only one who notice.

"yah...of course...why would im not okay...i mean...dara is in her best condition so far...and eemmhh....everyone is okay.." Jiyong cursing softly in his whisper...why did he talk like that! it'll make seven more suspicious.  "im just...really tired hyung that's all...."

"what did ji hee blabering this time?" Seven directly says in a firm tone.

"can you just let it go hyung...its nothing..."

"i should take her to the mental hospital really..."

"what!? are you crazy...No man! ji hee just...she's just....lonely i she's called me..and by the way..what kind of father that put his own daughter to the mental hospital? its crazy..." jiyong shook his head and turn his body from facing the wall and see dara infront of him sleeping calmly. he's caress dara's head softly and smile bitterly. he catch a glimpse of his wedding ring while caressing dara's forehead and it makes him wonder about various things. About Dara....about him....about their marriage and about...his weak but handsome beloved son.

"you didn't catch anything that i said did you?" Seven's voice break his revery.

"im sorry...did you say something hyung?"

"yah...this little bastard! you should respect someone who is talking to you! especially your own sunbae-nim! i was like your third father after yang sajangnim and your father!"

"neeh...neeh...aboji...jwesonghamnidahh..." jiyong chuckle and let out a long sigh. "hey i a bad father?"

"it depends...did you ignore your family? did you make your family cry?"


"but the most important thing is...will you sacrifice everything for the sake of your family?"

jiyong pause. his eyes portray sadness but his lips keep the warm smile remain. that's a simple question...yet..he can't answer it immedately. why is suddenly he's having a second thought about dara and his new-born baby. why is he pause? he can immediately say YES or NO...but why did he halt?.

The sun-light crawling slowly through the curtain and illuminate his vision.

"why would im not? i'll give everything....even something that priceless for me...."

"Your CH jewelries set?"

jiyong close his eyes firmly.

"YAH! Choi Dong wook! do you have to ruin this dramatic moment of mine!? you sun of a beach!"

"how dare you call me that! you fudge-head! why you suddenly ask that stupid question!? of course you're a great dad! whatever it is that happened between you and my daughter...i'll find out sooner or later....i really have to go please be safe and call me if something happen..okay?"

"okay dad..."



that stubborn man wil never let that go....he's a choi dong wook for nothing....

jiyong sigh and put his phone back to his pocket and look on to dara's face. he's propped his arm on the head of her bed so his face is hovering on top of hers while his other hand resting on her hand.

" heard me right? i'll give you everything i had...even something that no one can name a price..." jiyong take dara's hand and put it on his chest. he feels a really painful sting it can kill him right away....its the aching of his love for her.

"my heart. my soul. my life"

as his face get more closer his heart-beat freak him out. it pounding so fast inside...the feeling of powerlessness, the capability of doing nothing. he blame himself....he blame his stupidity for everything that happened...this unbearable feeling of can't see his wife smiling happily like the old days.

his lips on hers.

calm, soft and intoxicating.


hurt him so much.




The room is dim and she don't know why but she feel a suffocation running through her body. she keep walk and walk through the dim place but as she keep walking, her surrounding suffocate her more and lead her to no-where. she can't hear anything....the only thing that her eyes catch is just a green wall around her that produce the dim green light.

"where am i?"


heheheeheee...catch me if you can...


she can hears a little kid's voice not so far from her....a little boy running with his small feet away from her. out of her mind she follow that little boy. 

"wa-wait! dont run away from me.....please come back! wait for me! wait for me!!!". she can't even hear her own voice although it feels like she already screams her lungs out loud. 

the room get around her more tightly. make her crazy it can explode her head. 

at the end oh the room her steps stopped by a really thick wall made from crystal glass. a really disturbing sight happen infront of her....that little boy is crying alone in the middle of the room...she can't even take another look from the sight infront of her its too painful...


a man is lying infront of that little boy.....not moving....not breathing....


he's cold as corpse.


"NO!!! DON'T TOUCH HIM!!!! NO!!!" her tears already damp her face while bang-ing the thick crystal glass trying to break through and she'll definitely gather that man in her embrace and never let him go....let no one touch him even that little boy....






but mommy.....


she freeze on her spot. mommy? that little boy called her mommy? what? 

that little boy standing and erases his face from tears and slowly turn his face to her...


Daddy needs our help...













Dara's eyes finally open widely and all her eyes can see is jiyong. Dara immedately hug jiyong tightly while her body shudders really hard.

"ji...ji....jiyong....ji...jiyong....ji...*hic*hic*! NOOO!"

"hey dara? dara honey! im here....its okay...its okay...." jiyong squezee her body with the same intensity that she give to his body and give a lot of small and deep kisses to dara's fore-head. "its okay....whatever it is...its okay dara....its okay...."

"jiyong....jiyong....ji...jiyong...dont leave me....dont leave me...." dara already on the edge of her sanity. she realize it was just a dream...but the dream that's too real for her. dara let go of her embrace and look at jiyong's face eagerly. she's examine that tired face infront of her and suddenly the owner of the face...with no reason...sealed his lips on hers....eager as she is and his kiss full of longing for her. 

dara closed her teary eyes and savoring the slow movement from both of their lips. feels so right and safe. 

jiyong caressing dara's forhead while his lips still moving with certainty....he's really missed her so much since the last time she's been sleep. her precious wife that he's loved with his heart and body. 

Dara's lips start to moves eagerly and now they're already on the bed. crawling, scratching and gripping each other's body. unconsciously dara repeal an infusion from her hand and throw it away while her lips still explores jiyong's lips and neck hungrily.

"oh my god....dee...dee...we have to stop..." its actually a very unbearable feelings for jiyong...when dara get wilder..every cells in his brain berserk and if he could he'll just ripped that thin fabric of her clothes. But dara is still in a bad condition for the next they'll share together. "dara....please....stop...your condition..." dara seems dont want to listen her husband's petition, she keep give jiyong's neck a hot kisses every where.

with one move, jiyong finally manage to make dara stop and he's pinned her under his body.

"i love you baby....and im doing this because my love for you is bigger than my needs....i will not do something that make both us regret...inspite the fact that i want to rip off that stupid fabric on your body and put myself inside you senselessly...."

 dara's eyes widened and smile cheekily, she then mouthed a word "thank you" to jiyong and kiss his lips deeply."ji...don't go...sleep here with me....hug me as tight as you can....neh?"

jiyong smiles widely and immediately hug dara super tight. "i'll do that before you ask for it....i'll happily do that my queen...." jiyong kiss dara's head and tightening his hug "i love you dara....i love you....i'll never leave....."






"forever by my side?"


" your side...."


















thank you for the comments and subscribes guys!!!! :* nothing much from me for now! just wait and watch okaayy?







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Chapter 20: Authornim where is the update????
cathphils #2
Chapter 20: Yah where is the next button?

Main authornim, so hooked up with the story that I can't wait to see the next chapter. Gosh this is amazing. Wot wot
rthanzel #3
Chapter 20: seriously your work hooked me .... weird feelings,,, please make a happy ending
Chapter 20: Authornim!!! Please make dis a Happy ending!!! Don't let anyone die please!!!
Crayra #5
Chapter 20: unnie, please let them happy,
bluethoughts #6
Chapter 20: yaaah~! Kwon FAmily Fighting!!!!!!
Chapter 20: Does AFF do unsubscribe automatically?
Cause it happened!
What a situation they are facinng...
daragon18 #8
Chapter 20: Authornim!pls give daragon a happy ending.I just saw this story and read it in one go and I'm hooked.I can't wait the next chap.daragon family fighting....
Ahahahah...we'll see about that^^ indonesian....
missheart #10
Chapter 20: Are you indonesian ??