the day when we first met

Saranghae appa...




???’s POV



i remember....

about something....



what is that ?


am i alive ?


i can hear sounds....

i can see scenery...


i can.....


feel warmth....


i feel so much alive....but....then somehow i don’t....


i still remember....


being loved by these two strangers....


i dont know them....

i dont know why they always talk to me...or....

say that they’re love me...


they dont even know me....


what is love ?

why they keep telling me that ?













It was a cold day, i remember there’s a lot of snow........

i dont know wheres that pictures come from....before all of this appear to me,  all i can see was darkness....

but then, after trapped for so long on that pitch black darkness, i saw a scenery of a luxury building covered by snow...a lot of people walk and talking to each other wearing a thick jacket and beanie.....a beautiful cold sky of winter....

i love that pictures....

i see it with my eyes....maybe ?

another pictures coming....i entered that luxury building.... a lot of various sounds of music coming, hit my ears.....beat-up music, with a lot of pictures of people on the wall....


who are these people ?

why in the world i am here ?

who am i ?


i keep walking.....seems like i already familiar with this building, because i know all the direction very well....

people always smile whenever they see me....some of them hug me and kiss me on the cheeks....

this is i that popular ?

finally,  i arrived at some kind of music room....people inside that room was singing and make a lot of sounds...they’re laughing, writing something on the paper, drink a bottle of water and humming a jingle of christmas song....

as i entered the room, a guy with black hoodie and red cap on his head standing happily and walking towards me...

“ heyy....good morning dee “.


Dee ?

Is that my name ?


That hoddie guy hug me and back to his seat,  hearing someone singing behind a glass wall...


“ good !...good job ji...thats the part... okay, you can come out now....”. the hoodie guy yelling after push a red button...

“ hyung...i think its still wrong....can we repeat ? “.

Someone from behind the glass wall talk.....i can’t  see his face, because of the blurred glass wall....all i can picture about him is, he is skinny, tall and his hair is like a red lamp....

“ can you just come out...”.

“ <*sigh*> fine....”.

That red haired guy walk out from the other room...and then his eyes sparkling when he see me.


“ omo ! dara baby !!! “.


Eh ?


I stood up and then running to his embrace, i hug that red haired guy.


Oh my god-__- this is awkward....but why am i seems so happy ?


“uummhhh....ji baby, i miss you “.


Oh my god ! is that my voice ? that squeaky, cute and high-pitched voice ?

Im a girl !?

Why can’t i see my face ?  

And this red haired guy is my boyfriend....i believe...

Goosshhh...what is this ?


another pictures coming before my eyes....

I see a beautiful girl with a cute face and thick coat hugging a skinny red haired guy...

On a studio....


So all that pictures is her vision....

why am i see everything with her eyes, back then ?

Who are they ?

Who am i exactly ?

What is this pictures ? 


I keep looking at them.....

They seems so happy.....hugging each other so tight...they laughing and then kiss each other lips afterwards.....


“ teddy oppa....can i kidnap this handsome dragon for a while ? “. That girl talking to the hoddie guy .

“ ppsshhh...fine...our work is done guys can go...but, jiyong....i hope you’ll be standing here on the early mornig okay ? “. Teddy pointing at the red haired guy.


So...his name is jiyong....hmmm...okay....

 and the girl name is....dara ! yes....dara...okay....


“ yes sir ! thank you so much for today ! “. Jiyong wear his black jacket and then carrying dara bridal style, walking out from the studio.


“ you guys better give me a good news next weeks ! i want a baby boy ! hahahahah...”.


I dont fully understand what’s  that teddy guy meant...but i think its about jiyong and dara’s relationship....maybe ?




                Jiyong and dara are now walking on some kind of market place with a lot of food and snack’s merchants....they roaming the market and eat a lot of snacks together....giggling on each other faces when they eat a spicy food...not caring about people that stared at them and sometime take pictures of them......

                “ oh my god ! thats GD and Dara....oh my god ! “.


 I can hear a bunch of girls squealing when they spotted jiyong and dara, some of them take their pictures.


“ this is will be a good pictures for nyongdal  website neh ? “.

                “ hahaha ! yess ! lets take pictures with them ! “.

                Finally they walking towards jiyong and dara, ask for autograph and pictures together.


Nyongdal ? whats that ?

                All these pictures and people are confusing me......


                After the girls finish with their needs of nyongdal.....jiyong and dara giggling and walk again...

they happy with each other....

                Why ?   



                i want to be with them....want to asking a lot of question....

                feel their happiness......

                why  am i stuck here ?

                where am i ?


i keep watching their movement...

                watch jiyong  covering dara’s neck with a thick scraf and feed her with some kind of soup, while that little lady sitting calmly and clap her hand happily....

                so happy.....

i feel happy.....i want to be with these two people.....


                Finally, after finish eating and left the market place, jiyong’s car stop at the riverbanks,   they end up sitting comfortly,  hugging each other’s body tightly and laughing happily.

                Dara rested her head on jiyong’s chest and jiyong keep showering her head with a small kisses, they stared at the cold river quietly. Snow falling slowly to the ground, covering the green grass around them.

                “ bbbrrrhhh....this is the coldest date ever ji...”. dara biting her lips and burried her face on jiyong chest.

                “ brrrhh...yeahh....i just do the order....someone said they want an old school and oh-so-drama-alike is it....”. jiyong tightened his arms around dara.

                “ hahaha....oh you ! but, i must admit...this is perfect.....the snow is nothing if you hug me this tight....”.

                “ cheesy...”.

                Jiyong lowered his head and capturing dara’s lips.


                Whats wrong with them ?


                Why all these pictures come to me ?


                Who am i ? where am i ?

                And whats jiyong and dara’s connection to me ?


                What am i to them ? what are they to me ?


                I keep following the pictures....


                “ ji....”.

                “ hmmm ? “.


                Dara whisper to his ear...


                “ prepare to change your hair color to blonde....”.


                Jiyong’s eyes widened....his mouth is half open...


                “ what !? you “.


Dara biting her lips and nodded excitedly.


“ yes...its been 2 weeks....”.


Jiyong laughing in happiness and throw his head to the sky...covered his eyes with his hand...


“ ? how come....ahahahhaha....oh my god, this for real ? “.

“ yes....i want to tell you earlier...but, you’ve been so busy lately....”.


Jiyong capturing dara’s lips and kiss her softly....


“ sorry, i want to talk about it with you too...but with all these works...i just...i...”.


“ ssshhh...its okay baby...i understand.....we finally can talk about it didn’t we ? “.


“ yes...yes ! the happiest man on earth....finally after  a year....we’ve been waiting...”. jiyong hug dara tightly and shed a tears of happiness.


“ hehehehe...congratulation appa....”.  dara smiled to him and then kiss his forehead deeply .


“ so happy ! thank you baby...thank you ! i love you dee....”.


“ just promise me, you will stop working too hard.....whenever i called and ordered you to go home and must obey me....okay ? “.  


   “ yes mam ! the weeks ? “.


Jiyong asked her curiously, demanding her explanation but dara’s face changes expression and she remove her arms from jiyong.


“ uh-hummh....yeah....i....i must tell you the truth....i....<*sobs*> i already talk about it to bommie...and bommie was crying when i tell her this....”.


Why....? why am i feel hurt....when dara crying ?



“ what is it baby ? c’mon tell me....its okay....”.


“’ll be mad at me....i...i can’t tell...”.


Dara averted her gaze and hugged herself, she’s burrying her face on her knees.


“ you trust me ? c’mon....i won’t be mad...”.



“ im sorry ji.....i...i lost our baby....”.



Dara whispered the last words, and lowered her gaze, i can see jiyong’s eyes widened and his eyebrow furrowed.


“ wha-what do you mean baby ? “.


Dara biting her lips, and erased her tears.


“ this is our second child.....”. dara hugged her tummy tightly.


Jiyong eyes widened.


“ i...i.....i lost our first child......i-im sorry ji.....i dont know what to do when.....<*hic*> i...i.....aaahh ! im sorry....”.


Dara crying on her knees, while jiyong just sit there look at dara’s back.

I feel pain....

I feel angry when dara tell the truth...

Eventhough, i don’t know them....but i feel concerned ...

And the truth hit me can dara lost their....child....

How careless...

I expected, jiyong will be mad at her and maybe leave her alone on the riverbanks...

But he didn’t....


Jiyong lowered his head and hugged dara from behind.....i can see tears rolling down from his eyes...


“ im sorry......”.


With only a single words from him, dara brusting out her tears harder and sobbing painfully....


“ im sorry....”.


Jiyong tightening his hug, and erased his tears.

Dara turn her body to his embrace and crying on his chest as jiyong tightening his arms.


“ im the worst ji......<*hic*> i-im sorry.....when...when i lost our baby...i...i dont know how to tell afraid you’ll be mad and leave sorry ! “.


Jiyong locked his lips on hers. Not wanting to hear her sobbing anymore.

                He keep rubbed dara’s head softly as their kiss got deepened.


                “ im sorry baby......i will never leave here....sshhh....”.

                Jiyong trying so hard to stop her from crying, while his own tears already falling to his pale cheeks.


                “ i will protect you....and our.....our baby....i promise, i will protect you, my precious wife and child.....i promise....”.


They just sit there, crying silently while the snow falling harder from the sky.



i want to ease their pain.....

i want to tell them....


that i....


love them.....



“ i love you....”.

Jiyong kissed dara’s tummy and then hugged his wife again...





And finally i realized.....


He was talking to me......

They was talking about me...


Jiyong is my father....


Dara is my mother.....


Something on my head tell me that..


Im theirs......


Their precious child.......



 flashback end








                after remembering that pictures again......

                i can’t see anything....


                what happen to jiyong and dara ?


                what happen to me ?


                why i can’t remember anything ?

                i just remember the pictures of that snowy day...


                the first time....i saw jiyong and dara....

                the first time i realized that.....


                im their new baby.....


                i always see them....everyday ....they always talking to me....


                say a thousands word of love to dara’s belly.....where i can hear it perfectly. Where i feel so safe and no one will ruined this feelings.....               


                jiyong and dara.....are my appa and umma.....


                instead of make them the one who caused all the pain either....


                i just can caused pain and tears for them......


                i dont deserved their love......



                i dont want to ruined their happiness....

                without me......jiyong and dara will be fine and happy....



                i better leave their life....




                i must go.....

















note : 


baby i try.......hoooo....try.....hooo.....


sorry for keep it hanging and make it confusing




the next chapter will be the reality....


please dont kill me i_____i


keep it cool, leave a comments, subscribe and love...


kekekek....okaaay ? 



hengshooww people !!!!

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Chapter 20: Authornim where is the update????
cathphils #2
Chapter 20: Yah where is the next button?

Main authornim, so hooked up with the story that I can't wait to see the next chapter. Gosh this is amazing. Wot wot
rthanzel #3
Chapter 20: seriously your work hooked me .... weird feelings,,, please make a happy ending
Chapter 20: Authornim!!! Please make dis a Happy ending!!! Don't let anyone die please!!!
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Chapter 20: unnie, please let them happy,
bluethoughts #6
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Chapter 20: Does AFF do unsubscribe automatically?
Cause it happened!
What a situation they are facinng...
daragon18 #8
Chapter 20: Authornim!pls give daragon a happy ending.I just saw this story and read it in one go and I'm hooked.I can't wait the next chap.daragon family fighting....
Ahahahah...we'll see about that^^ indonesian....
missheart #10
Chapter 20: Are you indonesian ??