Sweet Temptations

Replay Me and My Brothers [Hiatus]

Ok, I wasn't sure why I was standing here waiting for him, he couldn't possibly couldn't be coming. But yet I still stood here waiting. I'm too scared; this isn't even a date or is it? I'm not sure it was so awkward this was the first time I had even had to experience this before. I was so surprised when he had asked.

-after first class-

I was putting my books away and getting ready to leave Hye Ri was next to me doing the same so she had seen this boy too. Ryeowook, the guy I had been staring at during the beginning of class and I thought I had freaked out was standing right in front of me. He gently tapped my desk and looked up at him surprised to see this boy in front of me.
"Annyeonghaseyo," he said.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I replied, trying to be polite. I was pretty sure he was older than me.
"You are new here correct?" He asked a gentle smile on him face.

"Yes." I replied.

"I'm sorry I should introduce myself, I'm Ryeowook." He said smiling once again.

"I'm Soo Min." I said, almost melting in the view of his smile.

"Nice to meet you, Soo Min-ah." He said sweetly. "May I ask you something?"

"Nice to meet you too, Ryeowook." His voice and smile was slowly killing me, it was too cute. "Yes."
"Would you join me after school for some coffee?" He asked, looking directly into my eyes.
My eyes widened, I looked to Hye Ri quickly who gave me the go on look. "Me?" I asked looking directly at him. He nodded.
"It's ok, if you don't want to or if you are busy." He added.
"No no." I said quickly. "I'm just surprised, but of course I will."
"I’m glad to hear." He said, and smiled he handed me a sheet of paper. "It’s my number just in case. Let’s in the courtyard near the front doors after school, is that ok?"
"Ok!" I said with a smile trying to hold my composure.
"Ok, see you soon." he smiled and left. I looked at Hye Ri and she looked at me.
"Omo, did that really just happen?" I asked her.
"Yes, I saw it. It's true. Ryeowook just asked you to coffee afterschool." Hye Ri  said repeating what had just happened. My eyes and ears weren't lying; he had this really asked me to go to coffee with him after school. I started to hurry putting.
"Omo girl, why are you packing so fast?" Hye Ri asked. I was already done packing and standing to leave.
"I want this school day to be over already!" I laughed. "I'll see you in the next class we have together and lunch." and I hurried to my next class.


Omo what to do! I wanted to call Hye Ri so bad! I stood just looking through my phone when I heard a sudden voice.
"Hello Soo Min." I turned to see Ryeowook walking up to me. He stopped at smiled at me. I could melt he was too cute and so handsome.
"Shall we?" He held out his hand to me. I took it. I couldn't believe I was holding hands with Ryeowook, a member of super junior no less. I was surprised that he was even free for this afternoon for this outing. His hand was warm and he held it pretty close as he led the way though I was still able to keep up beside him. If anyone had looked they would automatically assume we were a couple which would be fine with me really. I continued to walk happily.
(Minho POV)

I was leaving the school, I saw Soo Min standing looking like she was waiting for someone. Was she waiting for Jonghyun and Onew? Then Ryeowook appeared. Hmm, when had they gotten to know each other? Wait, why were they holding hands and leaving? Were they together? How? Soo Min had only been at this school one day. That's weird. Just in case maybe I should follow them, and probably alert Onew but first I would just see where they are going.
(End Minho POV)

I was walking with Ryeowook as we asked things about each other. Our walk had become a game of 20 questions because Ryeowook had suggested it. Because of my question I had found out more about Super Junior and he had promised to let me hear more of their songs once we got to the shop. From me, he had found out the simple things that I love classical music; I studied a lot and other things. Soon we arrived at the shop it was pretty small and quiet there weren't very many people in here but it had a nice atmosphere. I felt relaxed as soon as we entered.
"Hmm what would you like, Soo Min?" Ryeowook asked me as we stood in front of the counter.

"Anything is fine with me but you don't have too I can buy myself I don't want to trouble-" He stopped me."Its fine, I'll pay. It wouldn't be nice for me to ask you out here and make you pay, now would it." He said smiling.

I smiled, "But its ok. I can pay."
"No no,  just choose" He said. The older lady behind the cash register was smiling at us with the -you kids are so adorable- look. I gave in to Ryeowook.

"Strawberry frappé." I said and similarity Ryeowook order the same thing and paid. We went and took a seat while they were preparing it.
"So Soo Min why are you going to SM academy?" He asked as we sat down.

"Hmm, actually to be truthful I didn't want to go to SM academy. My dad made me; I was surprised I even got it." I said, it was a lame excuse but it was true.
"Oh I see, Haha, your dad didn't listen to your wishes." Ryeowook laughed.
"Well yeah, if I had the choice I would have just gone to a public high school.
"Well I am glad they didn't listen or else I wouldn't have met you." He said again, looking directly into my eyes I could see he meant it. It made me smile.
"Thank you," I said. "Haha, I just didn't want to go to school with me brothers."
"You have brothers at SM?" he asked.
"Haha yeah we aren't really close though, there only my step brothers." I laughed. He laughed too.
"It's nice to know more about you, Soo Min! He smiled a full smile again. Omo this boy has an award winning smile. I couldn't take it, he was so cute.
“Here we go!” The lady had brought our frappes to our table. So nice, usually you had to go get your items.
"Kamsahamnida!" Ryeowook and I said at the same time then we looked at each other. The lady blushed I probably thinking how cute that was and left.
"Hmm, it's a surprise that you are in my class." I said; well it was a writing class so it wasn't that surprising.
"You think haha. I like to write so I decide to take that class."

"Oh really, that is cool. Hmm you must do a lot of writing, like songs?"

"Yes, I like sing writing but then I also like writing poems"
So sweet I thought this boy was really sweet. I was about to ask him something else when I saw someone I knew or at least thought I knew. Was that . . . Crap I forgot his name again. But why was he here?

(Ryeowook POV)
This girl was very cute, seriously adorable. I was surprised at her honesty even she had told me she didn't really want to go to SM most people would have told me that they were going to become a singer or rapper or whatever. But this girl was full out honest with the fact she didn't want to go SM, she didn't lie to make it herself seem more interesting. Then she wasn’t falling over my every word either. This girl was real. Wow I wonder if she has a boyfriend. She was definitely an interesting girl.
I look at her once again to see she was staring out the window looking at something. I looked too and saw Minho of our company’s trainee group SHINee outside. Hmm she looked confused. Did she know him? Was he her boyfriend maybe?
"Something wrong?" I asked her. She looked back to me.

"No, I just think I know that person outside." She looked again.

"Oh, I see. Would you like to go check?" I asked, she looked at me again.

"No, I don't want to find out." She laughed. She was so cute. . .
(End Ryeowook POV)

(Minho POV)
I had followed them all the way to a coffee shop. The setting seemed safe enough I mean it wasn't his house and they were just talking. I watched the two have a conversation. I don't think, it's anything to alert Onew and Jonghyun about but I will anyways. I took out my phone and was about to call Onew when suddenly his name lit up my caller I.D. I answered the phone.


"Hey Minho have you seen Soo Min?" he asked. I looked over at Soo Min and Ryeowook in the coffee shop. I see she hadn't told her brothers.

"Yeah I was just about to call you. I saw her leaving school with someone."

"Who, it wasn't Hye Ri was it? I just called her because Soo Min isn't answering her phone. She said she hasn't seen her either." Onew said. Well that was probably a lie Hye Ri knew I’m sure. I looked at Soo Min again, should I tell him? I heard Jonghyun in the background.
"Hey Minho," Jonghyun said I guess he had took Onew phone. "If u see her just tell us, araso.”
"Hey, I actually know where she is." I said might as well or they would kill me.

"You do?" Jonghyun asked. "Where?"
"At this coffee shop, I'm actually looking right at her right now." I said.
"Wait you took her to a coffee shop?"
"No, she at a coffee shop with someone."
"Ryeowook hyung."
"Wait what? Ryeowook? Why would she be with him?"
"Idk. Maybe they are a couple; I mean they held hands all the way here."
"WHAT?" Jonghyun yelled. Then he started yelling more things I just held the phone away. Soon I heard Onew voice through the phone.
"So Minho your telling us our sister is at a coffee shop with Ryeowook of Super Junior?"
"Where are you, Minho?" Onew asked. "Are u with them? What's the name of the shop"
"No, I followed them here and it’s called Sweet Temptations."
"Ok we will be there soon."
"Ok hyung." I said and he hung up. I looked back over at Soo Min. They were listening to music now. Ryeowook now sitting next to her; they seriously looked like a couple. I stood there waiting for Jonghyun and Onew to come.
(End Minho POV)

At this point I didn't care whether it was him or not. Ryeowook had kept his promise and we were listening to Super Junior songs. Right now, it was the song Don'T Don, I hadn't heard this before but it sounded really good, I love the violin part of the song. Beside me I kept hearing Ryeowook singing his parts under his breath. I made me giggle his voice was nice.
"This is a really good song. I love it." I said.

"Thanks we worked really hard when this song came out." he replied.

"Haha, I'm sure. . . Hmm this is embarrassing but I want to here you sing."

"Now?" he asked and looked around.

"No, it’s ok that is asking so-”

"Cause I can't stop thinking about you girl, I want to be with you~" He sang cutting me off and looking straight at me caressing my cheek. I looked at him and smiled his voice was really pure. He started to sing the next line when I saw Onew walk in.

Why was he here? He looked like, he was looking for someone. It couldn't be me could it? Next I saw Jonghyun who looked directly at me, I looked down. Oh .
Jonghyun was now heading for the table. I just looked down, Ryeowook looked at me.
"Ryeowook, what are you doing?" Jonghyun asked him, Ryeowook looked to him.
"Jonghyun? Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Because you wouldn't pick up your phone!" he said.
"I didn't hear it! Ugh, ok you can leave now please."
"No not till Ryeowook answers my question." he looked to
"He brought me here for coffee as you can see." I pointed at the table.
"Yeah but why?"
"Because. . ." I couldn't think of a reason.
"I like Soo Min and wanted to get to know her better." Ryeowook said to Jonghyun.
I wondered what he meant by ‘like’. But Jonghyun for some reason looked really pissed.

(Ryeowook POV)
She asked me to sing so I did but then to distractions came in Jonghyun and Onew. Hhh, Jonghyun doesn't seem to take my explanation too well I wonder if this was her bf. I guess I would find out.
(End Ryeowook POV)

(Onew POV)
I watched Jonghyun argue with Soo Min from a distance Minho was right behind me. It would have been nice if she had told us where she was going but no she didn’t. She just went and with a guy no less. Jonghyun had gotten the answer to his question and he looked quite pissed about it. I couldn't help it for some reason I was too.

(End Onew Pov)

(Jonghyun POV)
"I like her and want to get to know her better." Those words replayed in my mind. And I didn't know why but for some reason I wanted to snap Ryeowook in two. I looked at Soo Min, she looked at me confused. I was pissed now, but I had to suppress it.
"Ugh, I see." I pretty much growled through my teeth. I couldn't even understand why I was so mad right now. I was about to hurt Ryeowook when Onew stopped me.
"Jonghyun, let's just go." He said. I didn't want to listen to him but I did and walked away.
"If I may ask, are any of you her boyfriend?" I turned and glared at this boy I knew his intents.
"Ew, no." I heard Soo Min say. "Onew and Jonghyun are my step brothers and um. . ." she looked confused, "He is their friend. She said pointing at Minho. Nice, she still didn't remember his name.
"Oh I see." Ryeowook said. "I'll be sure to have her home soon, Onew and Jonghyun."
Soo Min blushed. "You don't have to explain to them." She looked down embarrassed. Ugh she was acting so cute towards this guy. It was making me more pissed, I really wanted to take his head and slam it into a wall.
"Thanks." I heard Onew say before I could even get a word out. And he pretty much dragged me out the store.
"So we are going to leave her with him?" I yelled.
"Do we really have a choice he's not hurting her and she doesn't not want to be here. Let's just go home." Onew said in a harsh tone
I glared at him as him and Minho started to leave. And then I looked at Soo Min in the coffee shop. I couldn't figure out why but I was still pissed and my heart . . . hurt?
(End Jonghyun POV)

Ugh, I can't believe that had just happened.

"So those are your brothers," Ryeowook said.
"Yeah, but not really." I frowned
"Mhm what does that mean."
"We aren't related by blood."
"I see well they're still your brothers and I respect that. They care for you a lot."
"Haha thanks."
We sat and enjoyed the rest if our coffee and listened to more k-pop, until he decided walk to me home. Just down my drive way we stopped.

“Thanks for today, Ryeowook.” I said, about to bowing he stopped me and grabbed my hand.

“No problem, Soo Min, I was very happy too. By the way you can call my Wookie oppa, id you want.” He said, happily.

“Hah really? Ok, Wookie oppa.” I laughed. He kissed my check and hugged me. It surprised me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Soo Min.” He said and began to walk away. I held my cheek, still surprised.

“See you tomorrow, Wookie oppa.” I said, almost whispering. I walked into the house; the first person I saw standing there was Jonghyun.  I looked at him, he looked at me, his eyes made him look upset.

He was about to say something, when I dashed up the stairs. I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say right now. He couldn’t ruin this moment for me.


Current Song: Up & Down by SHINee

OK, yes I know this was an extremely long chapter but it had to be done~ haha I needed to start some of the drama so I could continue on and this is the most important part of that drama~ I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it took forever to update, waiting for Lucifer to release made me waste time haha~ Kamsahamnida for waiting and reading!!!

btw the POV coloring will be like this:

Jonghyun and Onew will always be this color: POV

Yoojin oand Melee: POV

Minho, Key and Taemin: POV

Any minor charaters: POV 

Soo Min POV will never be labeled

yup that will be through out the whole story~

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doraemonmojacko #1
onew!!!!!!! CHICKEN im craving
New readaaa.... Love the story much!! Update soon plz... ^^
awww i so loved it.. can't wait to read more
Ezzy658 #4
Wow Onew is kind of scary but so cute!!!!<br />
Sorry I haven't commented on your story in forever, been busy with work and school!<br />
Jonghyun and Soo Min moment was cute and I liked how you gave us both POVs because we can see how it affected each one of them!<br />
Taemin is so adorable teasing Hye Ri
Soo Min and Jonghyun.... :D<br />
Lovely~!<br />
This chapter is really cute!<br />
Too bad Onew walked in at an awkward moment.<br />
Wait - Onew, what was that?!<br />
He said weird things to Jonghyun.<br />
Sounds threatening and scary that makes you wanna go WTF?! in your head. hehe~
AWESS~!!:DDD<br />
Jongmin Momment~!!:D<br />
Just Gotta Love itt!:DDD<br />
Love this chapter!!:D<br />
awww...how cute... coffee with Wookie oppa!
awww..shes crushing on a member of Super Junior!
awwww...nice chapter... i loved it
WAHH baby ubdate ubdate! love you! ^^