"cheat sheet" - tips, background, & example application

「The Secrets of Luminaria」

Author's Corner

          Heylo there! On a request, I'm going to share with you a little "cheat sheet" to help you out with your applications. Even if you have already applied (I know there are a couple of you), you can go ahead and change whatever you need to because I honestly really haven't read your applications yet. I hope you find this pretty helpful!



001. Try not to use overused ulzzangs, alright? I honestly am not fond of Song Ahri and Kim Shinyeong (;-;) They just bother me.

002. Keep your character as realistic as possible. I mean, you probably all know that, don't you? This is pretty much an AU fic, so the idols in the story are not idols. They can be just singers and actors/actresses, but just not idols.

003. Do I like sob stories? Sure. Just please don't make them to where your character kills her whole entire family because she's being forced to or make them some sort of princess of some country who was put in an arranged marriage because that's just...no.

004. I actually prefer quality over quantity, but having them both is quite nice. That's why I put the personality and background at a minimum of 2 paragraphs. 

005. I like creativity! 

006. I don't mind you reusing your applications for this because I honestly do that sometimes, but if you're going to do that, at least throw (not literally XD) in something new on the application.

007. Mary-sues? ...Please, don't make your character a Mary-sue.

008. I understand that there is a confusion with the birthdate part, so I'll explain it. If your character's birthday has already passed, subtract your character's age from 2313. If your character's birthday has not passed, subtract your character's age from 2312. I'd also like it if you added the equivalent year to it like in my example. :3



Luminaria was founded on the year of 2013 by a French man named Frances Tesla. The man was extremely talented architect and always used Italy, France, and Great Britain as his inspiration. Generally, the architecture in Luminaria is quite Italian, and also is influenced by steampunk themes and the Victorian era. The area is actually quite large as if a small country and pretty much experiences no sort of weather and stays nice and lukewarm all year long as if the seasons were fixated on spring. The people of Luminaria have not seen snow, rain, or any other type of weather, but most have read about it.

In order to grow crops and such without a sun, light and heat generators circle farms and ranches throughout the city to make the growths possible. As you may already know, there is no sky above the city but hundreds of miles of rock and dirt. The clothing that the citizens wear are just like the clothing that people back in 2013 and previous years wear. The citizens freely wear what they feel they want to wear.

The city is ruled by government with a president, vice president, and council, but there is partially people's rule as they can vote just like in a republic.


FAQ► (Your questions will be answered here!)

Q: What do you mean by "either way, your character will be accepted into the story"?

A: When I say that, I literally mean it...Okay, allow me to explain. Hehe. I will still be choosing five other girls to be the main characters, but even if you are not chosen to be one of the five other girls, your character will still have the chance to be an extra.


Q: Can my love interest be from the "world above"?

A: Sure can! I actually like that idea a lot, but I don't want everyone's love interest to be from the "world above". I like things to be quite diverse :3


Q: What is the greatest difference between Luminaria and the world above?

A: Well, the species of animals are quite different. There isn't much wildlife in Luminaria. Practically the only animal species you will see are your domestic pets like dogs, cats,  rabbits, snakes, etc. and the animals you can find at farms and ranches like cows, pigs, chickens, and horses. Activities in Luminaria are quite the same as the world above, so there will still be the regular schooling and holidays and things like that.


Q: Do the girls Luminaria a secret from those above?

A: Well, the answer is both yes and no. At first, the girls will keep it a secret and only tell those that they trust, but later on, they will end up becoming open about it.


Example Application

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Oh, my sweet Jesus. I'm sorry for no updates for a month! I have final exams this week and next week, but I'll definitely try to find the time!!!


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MindragonFan #1
Chapter 16: Finally logging on after being away for so long. This story still interests me a lot, so I hope you continue! *showers you in love*
Chapter 16: people are meeting each other! Eungwha the brilliant fashionist? and Key Dear, Sora's stalker, haha. (teachers interested in each other. this happened at my school lol)

Sooah was the one with the illness, right? Minju and Xiao just scared her off, poor thing.
Chapter 16: Eunghwa's so smart I'm jealous ;A; Gimmee her brain. I need it for my grades
kN42five #4
Chapter 16: Wah~ Ive missed this story for the longest^^ wow I love how acc you were with my character in class (really that is usually me in my classes but my teachers never let me get up to go get books T~T so I'm sitting bored forever) ooh I got to meet Sora!! It's a good thing my character wasn't rude to her (my character shouldn't be though because Sora isn't annoying^~^) lol the teachers sending notes to each other! Oh good not everyone hates my character~
Key how do you know everything?? Haha I had spaghetti today actually yum~
Sooah!! I feel very bad for her and wished she had somebody to support and be with her. She encountered Xiao Xing and Minju!!! Lol Minju I thought she would cry :(
I can't wait until the story prgresses^~^ fighting!
kN42five #5
Chapter 15: Yayyy~ Minjuuuu and Xiao Xing meet and realize they think the same about the world above what a coincidence that Xiao Xing is friends with minju's brother hehehe . OMG errbody all talking and messing around and supposedly studying in a library shh lol. I really enjoy Minju and Ilhoon's sibling relationship :( makes me wish I had one like that~ Wah Sora's so lucky to have such nice friends for her happy birffday to her characterrrrr^^
Man I missed this story and I'm about to go to bed but I decided to check my aft and how convenient you updated ^~^ Fighting!!
Chapter 15: I laughed at the y pants part, honestly. It was kinda awkward because my mom was looking at me laugh at my computer screen, but I think she got used to it by now XD
Chapter 15: Well, atleast Minju and Xiao Xing know they aren't completely crazy :D
And the y pants thing LOL
MindragonFan #8
Chapter 15: Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Mei calling Ilhoon y pants! That's so like her, shamelessly flirting with every guy she meets. (though that might annoy jay a little ;D ) This is awesome, Sora's bday was so sweet ^^ and I hope Minjun doesn't get to annoyed by the craziness that is Mei and Lei xD
Chapter 14: woot, finally finished reading everything.

go Ilhoon for being such a great older brother. he went as far as bothering Xiao to get the 'perfect gift', but the more those two talk, the better, right? ;P
Sora spacing out. poor Hoya, having to put up with her nuisance, haha.
I like Mei! she's quirky and it makes so much sense that her and Jay are close, cause Jay Park is awesomee.
Eunghwa's a neat character as well. priding herself on first impressions, although I do feel sorry for the poor boy who was merely asking if she was okay, lol.
Sooah's back story is really interesting. I'm curious to how it will play out.
Happy Belated to Minju, she's got an awesome brother. :D

yay for first chpt!
Chapter 14: Storyyy, start! :D
I like how you put all of the characters and what they were doing at those moments in there :o it was kinda cool.
I can't wait to read more. c: