What Happened?

I See You (Dear Mom...)
Hello!!! I did update yesterday. I just can't help myself, and must update again. So here's chapter 3! BUT I won't update with chapter 3 until I receive at least 3 comments. And all of my applicants, MUST leave a comment this time. Please just say something, and tell me who you are so that I am aware. Chapter 4 will reveal some new characters, so I can't update that until I hear from my applicants, and I would really like to have more before I update. So, again, if you are interested, read my forewards for all the information, and email me please! FYI to the applications I already received, if you didn't share certain things such as age or height and other physical characteristics, I made up my own. If you aren't okay with that, please email me again and let me know. Okay, thank you for reading!!! Enjoy!
Listen: I'm Really Hurt- T-ara
Chapter 3: What Happened?

Maylie's POV

Good, he heard my request and left me to be alone. I don't want him suspicious about what is going on with me. He would just be another person to hold me back from the little bit of life I am trying to live.

I don't want to go to sleep, but I really can't get up. What the hell am I supposed to do?! I am way too stubborn to just lay here.

I attempted once again to lift my head up, and before I got any further, I became so dizzy and everything blurred in circles around me. I immediately laid my head back down in defiance, but was not about to give up. Maybe some meds will help... But I can't get to them.

Aish, I REALLY hate to do this, but I have no choice if I want to stay conscious much longer. He'll have to find out eventually anyway.

"Jaejoong!!" I shouted with all the energy I had left in me.

Within seconds, he rushed in asking, "What is it??"

Jaejoong's POV

I heard Maylie yell my name out of nowhere, and I was shocked. Something must have been wrong for her to call for me. I leapt through her door to find out what was wrong. I saw her still laying on her bed, and she looked helpless somehow.

Seeming to be out of breath, she told me, "Please hand me my meds on the dresser there." Noticing her urgency, I followed her direction without asking any of the questions I wanted to.

After opening and handing her the bottle of pills I saw where she had pointed, Maylie shakily shoved them down , gasping as if she was in real pain. After she began to breathe more steadily, I could no longer fight my curiosity.

"What happened?" I asked, unsure of how I should word my question, but allowed my mouth to open and let the first words fly.

"What are you talking about? Nothing happened..."

"Then what is wrong with you?" I asked, not about to let it go.

"I don't know." She whined, and she really was giving an honest answer.

"Has this happened before?"

"Well... Ugh yeah, but I don't want to explain everything now. I've had to so many times, and since they can't find what's wrong with me, so many people don't even believe me. Like I would ever pretend to be this way for attention. I already get more attention than I want..."

It was then that I realized she was going to open up to me, and it didn't take much. Maybe the issues they were talking about, aren't what I thought.

"I believe you." I told her.

"You do? But you don't know me or anything about this." She glanced at me in surprise.

"I can read people. And I don't think you're faking. You have no reason to lie, and your mother's death is enough reason to get sympathy from others."

"Wow..." she sat up now, seeming to be in thought. "So far, you seem nicer and more understanding than all my other guards, but I still don't know how much I can trust you."

"That takes time." I assured her, not knowing what else to say.

"Right..." she wasn't looking at me, and seemed to still be thinking about something.

"Got something on your mind?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh I always do, sorry... But it's nothing. And I don't know you that well yet."

"Alright I won't push you. It just seems to me that you have a lot going on, but no one to talk to." I announced.

"That your idea of an invitation to make me talk?"

"Maybe. Is it working?"

"No." she answered bluntly.

Ouch... She's like two different people.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked, sensing that I should leave her to be with herself.

"I'm fine." she replied, and I began to walk out.

"Jaejoong?" I heard her and turned back. She continued, "Thank you."

"Thats what I'm here for..." I answered and left the room.

Maylie's POV

There, I cried for help and got it, even though I really hated to. He's trying to get to know me. I'm not opening up about everything THAT easily, no siree. I don't care how 'nice' he is.

After having gained some strength back, I felt slightly better, and slid off of my bed, and tried to think of something to do. I always spent my time at mom's bedside, and we would talk and giggle about all kinds of things like young girls who called themselves 'BFFs.' But now she isn't here. My mom and only friend left me to be alone in this huge place. I could be mad at her, but it isnt her fault. I feel like it is SOMEONE's fault though, but i dont know why...

God knows I can't talk to dad. He gives me everything I ask for and more, but he is mom's polar opposite in personality. How she fell in love with him, I really can't figure out, but I guess it's good since I wouldn't exist otherwise.

Hmm I'm hungry...

I strutted out of my room, to see Jaejoong leaving his as well. Great...

"I'm just getting something to eat." I announced, knowing how this works. They always gotta be with me when I'm outside my room...

"Okay." he replied, sounding like he didn't really care. "Thats exactly what I was about to do."

Of course...

"Oh. Are you actually hungry, or just following me?" I questioned.

"Does that really matter?" He asked almost sarcastically.

"I guess not..." I sighed, making my way down the marble staircase into the small kitchen at the back of the house.

"You do know this is the employees' kitchen..." He called to me, following right behind.

"I am aware. I prefer it because it's more homey then the main luxurious one. Plus, this is where the leftovers are." I announced as I reached into the fridge and pulled out some containers of chicken, potatoes, and vegetables.

Jaejoongs POV

"This is the good stuff." she smiled as she laid the containers of food down onto the counter.

I really can not figure this girl out...

I didn't realize she had already pulled out two plates and was arranging food on both, to heat up. I must have been zoning off in my thoughts, then saw her waving her hands, trying to get my attention.

"Hey, Jaejoong! How much do you want???" I glanced toward her, finally hearing what she said.

"Oh sorry... Uh you don't have to do that, I can."

"So you think I'm like a spoiled princess or something? Because of how I was before?... well I'm not, and I can do things myself." She responded, grabbing my full attention.

"No sorry, I didn't mean any offense, it's just..." I replied not sure what to say.

"It's fine, I understand. I can just prove to you the kind of person I am right?... And I assume you're a guy who can really eat, so I'll just give you this much." she signalled toward a plate, covered in food that actually looked appetizing. She then placed the plates in a large microwave, and started the time then turned her attention back to me.

"Thank you." I smiled and she grinned back, "You're welcome."

So, this is the real Maylie... Better.

"Are you lonely?" I suddenly asked, and her smile disappeared as she sat down at the table.

"Why would you ask that?"

"You're in this huge house, basically all alone. Your dad is never around for some reason, and you seem to have nothing to do."

"Do you think I have no friends?" She asked.

"Well I don't know. Do you?"

Maylie's POV

He just asked me if I have friends. Does he read minds too? Or was he told that I don't, and now he's just mocking me??

"Yes, of course I have friends." I lied. "I just haven't seen them since she died..."

"Oh I see..." He replied, hopefully convinced.

"What was your life like before? Did you give up a lot to come stay here?" I asked him curiously.

"Well I just spent my days working here and there, and hanging with my friends. Nothing special. It probably seems to you that I gave up my life so I could watch you 24/7, but I haven't really thought about that."

"Oh but you don't have to be here 24/7, you can leave too you know."

"Nice try. But you know that part of the job is being on guard at all times." he responded, thinking he had me defeated.

"How about you take me with you?" I asked hopefully. I know I just met him, but it is his job to watch me, so nothing could happen if I got out of this place with him for a bit.

"You trust me that much?"

"If you can get me out of here, then yes I do." I admitted.

"Maybe, but I don't know..."

Come on please! I am so not about to beg this guy.

"No one has to know." I gave him a sweet pleading look, and he sighed. Ah ha! I am so good! You think you're so slick and cool, but you give in easily!

"Fine... I can take you with me to meet some of my closest friends someday soon."

"Yes!" I couldn't control myself and showed my excitement. I'm getting out of this house to go somewhere other than a cemetery!

We ate and talked, and somehow, it was actually really nice. Seems like getting a new bodyguard is turning out not so bad.


About a week passed, and though it was boring still being stuck in the house, I came to find that Jaejoong really isn't a bad guy, and he takes his job seriously. He said he talked to his friends, and is planning to meet them tomorrow. He promised he's going to take me as well. I'm so excited!!!


Yay! OKay, I repeat COMMENT PLEASE! APPLICANTS MUST!!! I will email all of you as well to alert you... I would really LIKE to update soon, but it depends on whether people actually leave some kind of feedback, and I hope to receive more requests! Sorry if I seem harsh, but it really shouldn't take so much effort for people to leave comments on something they are reading. I only like to hear nice things of course, but politely phrased criticisms are more than appreciated and taken into consideration. I enjoy opinions to help me improve! I love my readers, and only want to please all of you!

btw, if you haven't, check out my other fic: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/iSingAlways

Thank You!!! ~~

Comment replies:

guiwang_4ever: Thank you for reading! Glad you think it's 'interesting' that's a good thing, right? I was told that before as well. Hope you like the update and keep reading!!! :)

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Inspi2uty #1
Chapter 10: WAIT.. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REST OF THE STORY? ;____; I SO LOVE THE STORY, please update soon if possible? *puppy eyes* <3
Awww Breeannuhh thank you so so much!!! I'm definitely working hard, and will continue to!!!! You're so worked up and I can't believe you are that impressed, but really, thank you so much for the comment and support! I will work even harder from now on!!!!! :D<br />
<br />
PandaBaby: yeah she's pretty well educated due to her wealth and whatnot. I wish I could too!!! Haha, thank you for reading an commenting! I hope you enjoy the story :)
Maylie can speak 6 languages? D': I wish i could too lol<br />
I'll come back and comment when i'm done reading all the chapters