Shared Things

Shared Things


Ever since from the start, their visions were different. Kyuhyun always liked people who were similar to him, because he thought they would match in many things. Eunhyuk, on the other side, thought that difference wasn’t a problem because it would be interesting to know other’s life which was different from his.


Kyuhyun was a freshman in highschool and it was the first time he joined the school’s extracurricular. After the class ended, he went to his choosen extracurricular’s room. Kyuhyun opened the door and stepped in. The first thing he saw was a shirtless male student looking at him in shock. They both turned their back at each other miliseconds later. Didn’t know why, both were men anyway, it wasn’t even a thing they should be ashamed of.

“You should’ve knock the door first,” Eunhyuk said, putting his t-shirt on.

“Sorry,” Kyuhyun mumbled. “I think I was the first one to arrive here.”

“Fortunately I was just changing my shirt, not my pants,” Eunhyuk chuckled.

Kyuhyun tilted his head. Fortunate, yes. But who would change his pants here? It was a public room, not even a bathroom or changing room. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

“You know, you can turn now,” Eunhyuk said.

Kyuhyun heard the zipper of a backpack being zipped, so he thought the latter was fully dressed now. Kyuhyun turned, met the now smiling boy.

Eunhyuk sat on a long bench where he placed his backpack. When Kyuhyun just stood there, Eunhyuk looked at him. Kyuhyun accepted it as a signal to sit down, so he sat down on the long bench as well, far from where Eunhyuk was. Eunhyuk then took his ipod and played with it. Kyuhyun did nothing, just look at the floor, door, window, and Eunhyuk sometimes.

“Which class are you from?” Eunhyuk asked, didn’t really feel comfortable by the awkward atmosphere.

“1-1,y-,” Kyuhyun replied, wanting to ask back but Eunhyuk cut it off.

“Ah, it’s pretty far from mine. I’m from 1-6.”

Kyuhyun nodded, didn’t really have anything to say more.

They fell silent again. Eunhyuk eyed Kyuhyun few times, but Kyuhyun pretended he didn’t notice it.

“So, since when did you start dancing?” Eunhyuk got curious suddenly, because Kyuhyun’s body didn’t give any evidence that he was a dancer.

Kyuhyun turned, “Dancing?”

“Yeah, dance.”

“This is the dance room?”

“Yeah, can’t you see?”

Kyuhyun scanned the room, now using his brain to process what he saw. The room was a bit larger than another class. There was almost nothing in this room except the long bench they sat on and a tape recorder in the corner of the room. A side of wall covered by mirror. The wooden floor was cleaner than any other room, shining even.

“Ah, I guess I went in the wrong room,” Kyuhyun said in the end.

Eunhyuk blinked. What? This boy went in without knocking when Eunhyuk changed his clothes, sat there with Eunhyuk for minutes, and just realized that he went in the wrong room? What the...

“Do you probably know where the school’s band room is?”

And to make it worst, he supposed to be in the school’s band room. Did he really think that a school’s band room would be this empty? Eventhough Eunhyuk never went in the school’s band room before, but he was sure that the room had more things in it than in this room, some music instruments maybe. Eunhyuk blinked again, “It’s...across this room, I guess.”

“Oh okay,” Kyuhyun stood up. “Sorry for interupting,” and walked to the door.

“It’s okay.”

“Oh, I’m Kyuhyun by the way,” Kyuhyun introduced before he walked out the room.


“Eunhyuk,” Kyuhyun repeated. “See you later,” closed the door behind him.

That was their first meeting. Awkward because just with one single look, they knew that they were different, they felt the difference. But they didn’t reject each other either.

Their second meeting was on the same day, after the extracurricular class ended. Both were on the school’s front door, waiting for the rain to stop. They didn’t talk much, just like their first meeting. Weather, teacher, and school were all they talked about.

Eunhyuk walked around the school’s terrace, sometimes jumped a bit or squated down in boredom. Kyuhyun just stood there leaning on the school’s front door, not really paying attention to what Eunhyuk was doing. Seemed like they live in two different world, but they talked to each other. Whether they were curious about what the other was talking about or they just wanted to kill their boredom and loneliness.

An hour passed like that. They walked side by side to the front gate when the rain stopped. Not really saying anything, just the sound of their footsteps met the wet soil could be heard.

“Which direction your house is?” Eunhyuk asked when they stopped in the front gate.

“This way,” Kyuhyun pointed the right side.

“Ah, mine is this way,” Eunhyuk ponted the left side. “So, see you tomorrow then.”

“Hm. Take care.”

They didn’t know since when or why, but they always waited for each other when the class ended. One would come out late sometimes, and the other would pretend doing something while waiting, not really admitting that he waited for the other.

Just a short distance from the school’s front door to the front gate, but unconsciously it became their habbit. Their range of conversation increased. Hobby, friend, and family were some of things they talked about.

They weren’t at the phase to call each other ‘bestfriend’ though. They weren’t stick at each other, didn’t find each other when they had problems, didn’t miss each other in holidays. They didn’t simply talk about everything in their life if it wasn’t necessary to say. But they didn’t hide anything from each other too.

Three years of highschool passed like that. Graduation meant separation, because their relationship only happened on the short path between the school’s front door to the front gate. It wasn’t that they couldn’t live without each other, but they both felt weird for not walking the same path anymore.

Kyuhyun was the first one to ask Eunhyuk sharing the same room when they knew that they were going to study in the same university, far from their hometown. Eunhyuk agreed beause he wasn’t used to live with a stanger, so Kyuhyun’s offer was a good choice for him since they’ve known each other for three years already.


It wasn’t a big room, just two bedrooms next to each other, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Living together meant you had to organize things well or you would fight over small things. So they decided that they would had their food supply separately. Kyuhyun’s food was Kyuhyun’s only, and Eunhyuk’s food was Eunhyuk’s only. Do not eat what wasn’t his, that was the rule.

“You drink?” Eunhyuk asked watching Kyuhyun took out some bottles of soju from the plastic bag.

“Yes. You don’t?”

Eunhyuk shook his head, “No.”

“Good thing, so there’s someone sober in this room when I’m drunk,” Kyuhyun chuckled.

Their early days living together were a bit hard. Kyuhyun had to be used to be woken up in the morning by loud music coming from Eunhyuk’s room. Eunhyuk reasoned it was his morning exercise, dancing to the music. On the other side, Eunhyuk had to deal with ballad songs Kyuhyun played every late at night. Kyuhyun called it revenge for Eunhyuk’s loud music every morning. So Kyuhyun had a new habbit wake up early in the morning, and Eunhyuk had ballad songs as lullaby every night.

“It’s my first time sharing my food with someone,” Eunhyuk confessed filling Kyuhyun’s bowl with half of his ramen.

“Really? Why?” Kyuhyun asked, felt sorry but he had no other choice because he ran out of his food supply and it was heavy rain outside and he was damn hungry.

Eunhyuk nodded, “I never shared my food with anyone. If I have one portion of food, then I have to eat all of it. If someone take a bite from my portion, my calculation of a portion get messed up.”

Kyuhyun laughed, “Isn’t that mean you’re stingy?”

“No, I just don’t like if my calculation get messed up.”

“Okay, whatever you call it. I’ll pay it back when I buy groceries,” Kyuhyun jokingly said.

“Yeah, you should.”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, “You’re really stingy.”

“Whatever you call it. Just eat before I take it back.”

Their first fight was exactly a month since they lived together. Small cause of their difference. Eunhyuk liked things organized well, but Kyuhyun just couldn’t put things back on its place after he used it. Things scattered here and there and Eunhyuk was always the one who put it back to its place.

“Then just glue it on its place so it won’t go anywhere,” Kyuhyun talked back.


“Things are supposed to be used, it’s normal if it goes here and there.”

“But it has its own place too!”

“Listen, don’t make things hard, okay? If you want to organize all those things, do it. It you don’t want to, then don’t do it. It’s easy, right?”

Eunhyuk’s eyes twitched in annoyance. But he didn’t step back. Ever since that day, he would eyed anytime Kyuhyun took things and didn’t put it back on its place. He would force Kyuhyun to put it back after using it. It annoyed Kyuhyun at first, but then it became his habbit in just few weeks. He organized things better than before, thanks to Eunhyuk’s nagging.


Everyone knows how magnet works. Two magnets with same poles would push each other away, and two magnets with different poles would pull each other close. This theory worked on Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk’s relationship.

The second year of living together, they became closer and fully accepted their differences. Eunhyuk wouldn’t protest if Kyuhyun ignored him by playing computer game, instead he would played game with Kyuhyun sometimes. Kyuhyun wouldn’t protest if Eunhyuk’s laughter filled the entire room when Eunhyuk read comics, instead he would borrowed the comics to sought what’s so funny about it.

People said you can’t help but have some affection to the person you’re living with, even when you have many complains about the other. It happened to them too. Like now, when Kyuhyun got cold and Eunhyuk had no other choice than taking care of him.

“I’ve told you to bring umbrella yesterday because the forecast said it would rain,” Eunhyuk complained, placing a wet towel on Kyuhyun’s forehead.

Kyuhyun coughed.

“And don’t drink ice water when the weather is too hot outside. It’ll mess your body’s temperature.”

Kyuhyun coughed.

“If you don’t feel well, take some vitamin. Don’t wait until you can’t get up from bed like now.”

Kyuhyun hissed, “Stop complaining! I’m sick now, okay? And your nagging doesn’t give me any help!”

“Sorry, I’m just...worry about you,” Eunhyuk confessed, head hung low.

“Okay, I got it. Now please just let me take a rest, okay?”

“Hm. Sleep then.”

Kyuhyun closed his eyes, but opened it again when he felt Eunhyuk had no move from his bed.

Eunhyuk still had his head hung low.

“Hey, I’m not angry. Thank you,” Kyuhyun said, holding Eunhyuk’s hand.

“Sleep,” Eunhyuk ordered, leaving Kyuhyun’s room so he wouldn’t disturb Kyuhyun’s sleep.

Two days later, Kyuhyun was fully recovered. He was playing game in his room when he heard Eunhyuk sneezed. Kyuhyun shrugged it off. But after some more sneezes, Kyuhyun couldn’t ignore it. He popped his head out from the door. He found Eunhyuk was busy looking for something in the kitchen.

“Eunhyuk, don’t tell me...,” Kyuhyun presumed.

“What?” Eunhyuk turned, a piece of tissue being stuck in his nostril.

“You got cold?!”

So it was Kyuhyun’s turn to take care of Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk laid on the bed and Kyuhyun prepared a wet towel.

“I’m a very healty person, I rarely get sick,” Eunhyuk grumbled.

“I know.”

“If you didn’t spread the virus, I won’t get cold like this.”

“I know.”

“It’s your fault.”

“I know! Even if you don’t tell me, I know. We’re living together for years, for God’s sake! Now stop grumbling and sleep!”

“You can’t be that harsh to a sick person. You sure don’t know how to take care of a sick person.”

“Yes, so I’m very lucky to live with someone who is very healthy and rarely get sick,” Kyuhyun mocked.

Eunhyuk stuck his tongue out.

“Sleep!” Kyuhyun placed his hand over Eunhyuk’s eyes so he would close his eyes.

“Ei Kyuhyun, to make someone sleep, you should tell a story or sing at least. What are you doing now? You sure aren’t romantic at all.”

“Why would people be romantic at time like this?! Idiot!” Kyuhyuk took his hand away and walked out the room. “Sleep or not, it’s up to you. It’s your health anyway.”


Differences turned into similarities even when they didn’t realize it. Eunhyuk often sang ballad songs when he took a bath, thing he never did before. Kyuhyun would automatically move to the beat of RnB or hip-hip songs. No, not dancing, just slightly moved to the beat. Things they usually did separately now became their common things. Watching movies, reading comics, playing games, even studying though they were in different major.

It was a silent night when Eunhyuk couldn’t sleep. Kyuhyun’s laptop broke so there was no ballad songs played as his lullaby. And Eunhyuk’s RnB or hip-hop songs weren’t a good choice to help him drift to sleep.

“Kyuhyun,” Eunhyuk knocked Kyuhyun’s door.


“Are you sleeping?”

“Not yet, why?” Kyuhyun laid on the bed already, but he hadn’t sleep yet.

Eunhyuk opened the door, “I can’t sleep,” and sneaked in.


“There’s no ballad songs, I already got used listen to it before sleep.”

“I have it in my iPhone,” Kyuhyun raised his iPhone, connected to a headset he wore.

“Let me listen to it too. Move a bit,” Eunhyuk shoved Kyuhyun so he could lay on the bed too.

“Yah, what are you doing? It’s a single bed!” Kyuhyun protested, but giving Eunhyuk a space to lay anyway.

“Give me one of those.”

Kyuhyun took of one of his headset and gave it to Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk laid beside Kyuhyun, but since it was a single bed, they both laid sideways, Eunhyuk’s back met Kyuhyun’s chest.

Kyuhyun squirmed uncomfortably because his body was being trapped between the wall and Eunhyuk’s body.

“Stop moving or I’ll fall,” Eunhyuk said, closing his eyes already.

Kyuhyun’s body stiffened.

“Or you can hug me so I won’t fall.”

Kyuhyun didn’t protest. Relaxing his body and hugged Eunhyuk, closer so Eunhyuk wouldn’t fall off the bed.

They slept like that. Ballad songs on their ears, sharing a single bed, and Kyuhyun hugging Eunhyuk.

The next day, Kyuhyun was the first one to wake up. It was late morning and they were still in the same position as last night. It was rare to see Eunhyuk woke up late, because Eunhyuk always woke up earlier than Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk squirmed when Kyuhyun’s hot breath hit his nape. He opened his eyes slowly and stretched his body, almost fell off the bed if Kyuhyun didn’t hug him still.

“You woke up late,” Kyuhyun informed.

“Uh? Did I?” Eunhyuk got up, stretched his body for real now.

Kyuhyun got up too. “Hm. Was it that comfortable sleeping in my embrace?”

“Better than sleep alone,” Eunhyuk admitted before walked out Kyuhyun’s room

Living together means sharing. That was what they did. Sharing stories, hobbies, habbits, fights, and foods was a long time ago. Now they even shared clothes and beds. Two separated bedroom wasn’t a need anymore. The line of privacy was being crossed already.


“This won’t work,” Kyuhyun said as a response of Eunhyuk’s love confession.

“Why?” Eunhyuk asked, still with his hopeful eyes.

Kyuhyun stood up from his chair in the dining table. “It’s just- I don’t- There’s too much differences.“

Eunhyuk’s shoulder fell, “But I thought we’re...”

“No! No, that’s not what I mean. It’s not that I don’t like you. No. I like you, a lot.”

“Like? So it’s not love?”

“I don’t know! I mean-,” Kyuhyun silenced by Eunhyuk’s lips on his.

This was the first time they were being this intimate, not that they never imagined it to happen though. Eunhyuk’s hand gripped Kyuhyun’s t-shirt collar. Kyuhyun’s hands on Eunhyuk’s chest. He could feel Eunhyuk’s heart beat fast, too fast that it scared Kyuhyun. But his heart did the same, too loud that he wondered if Eunhyuk could hear his heart beat.

Eunhyuk opened his eyes as he pulled away. “So how was it?” he asked between his uneven breath.

Kyuhyun gripped the chair backrest for support. One hand on his chest, hoped it would help his heart to beat normally again. “I- I-”

Eunhyuk sighed, “You’re so slow. Idiot.”


“We’re living in differences for years, Kyuhyun. And we’re fine with it.”

Now it was Kyuhyun’t turn to got Eunhyuk out of guard by kissing him, more intimate than the first one.

Eunhyuk held both Kyuhyun’s wrists for support after the kiss. He couldn’t lift his head up, suddenly felt afraid to meet Kyuhyun’s eyes.

“I think it’ll work,” Kyuhyun confirmed.

“What?” Eunhyuk looked up, looking at Kyuhyun’s eyes with the hope to find the truth of Kyuhyun’s words.

“I said, it will work. Make our relationship more intimate than before. It will work.”

None of their visions was wrong. Kyuhyun always liked people who was similar to him, but he loved how Eunhyuk was different from him. Eunhyuk didn’t think that difference was a problem, but now he loved what their differences brought up to.

Later then they realized it was the differences that let them shared things. Some differences turned into similarities because they adapted to each other. But they were never be completely same, they still had these differences.

Even when people looked at them, they would know that both were different each other. Eunhyuk with his boyish style; colourful jacket, accessories like hat and different kinds of bracelet, sport shoes. Kyuhyun with his manlier style; long dark-coloured coat, black wrist-watch, semi-formal shoes. If it wasn’t because their intertwined fingers, people wouldn’t know that they were together.

Both pulled each other’s hands to different directions when they walked in a mall. Eunhyuk was going to a shoes store, Kyuhyun was going to a games store. They both turned and met each other’s eyes. They smiled.

“Rock, papper, scissor,” they both said, decided things by this childish but effective game, using their free hands to play.

Eunhyuk smiled whe  he won. It meant they would go to the shoes store first, and to the games store right after.

They were living together for years, sharing many things in times. Out of all the things they ever shared, it was their favorite thing to share. The best thing they ever shared, love.




Does it even make sense?? >.<

Thank you for reading and please tell me what do you think about it ^^

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Az_StMd #1
Chapter 1: Cute💙💙💙 me encantó el desarrollo orgánico de la relación.
Hani97 #2
Chapter 1: This is perfect!!!!!
Riddlemeidle #3
Chapter 1: Very cute story! It was really Interesting to see the evolution of their relationship. Much kudo!
still my favorite kkkkkk
Chapter 1: sweet,, they took everything slowly but sure :3
really love this story :*
Chapter 1: Loving it~
I love how the story progress. How they took a step by step to learn and accept each other :)
Chapter 1: sooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Cute! Really well writing and narrated about the differences between then. And the en, like kids but with the feeling of lovers >u<
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa!!! I love it... So cute XD