Define Best Behavior?

A Sinner to Love

"Do these guys ever snap into business mode?" The man sighed as he slouched over in his chair, his greying hair matched the exhasperation in his face.
"You'd be impressed with how quickly they can go from wet willey level to discussing revenue and gross product." Taeyang smirked in amusement, settling his gaze back on his band mates. G-Dragon was murmuring something to TOP and the devilish grins on both of their faces meant it was either something dirty or deviant. Seungri was casting annoyed glances at Daesung who was bring purposely belligerent.
"If only fangirls could see what went behind these walls, they might not get their so wet." The man chuckled, trying to lighten himself up.
"Nothing could defer them, I am sure." Taeyang coughed lightly, trying to hide his reddening cheeks. The man saw he had lost Taeyang's attention and didn't have a chance of getting it back casually.
"Ok guy, can I have your attention?" The man sighed, standing up but keeping himself propped up by leaning with his arms against the table. Even the man was impressed how quickly the band and their management dropped whatever they were doing and all eyes were set on him.
"I am Mr. Sonok and I am an officer for the International Government Relations of South Korea. I will keep this short and sweet. We were contacted by an American television show because they are doing some sort of segment of Korea's lifestyle and culture, and they want to include you in the show."
"Tv show? You mean like MTV?" G-Dragon looked puzzled, excited murmurs broke out in the room.
"No, it's apparently one of the most popular shows on the Travel Channel on American television."
"Then I don't understand, our music isn't going to be played?" G-Dragon continued.
"This wave of popularity in Korean pop music internationally adds a lot to Korea's pop culture. They are going to do some filming at a concert of your's in Seoul and I expect you guys to give them VIP treatment and let them back stage to do interviewing and such." Mr. Sonok spoke harshly, but no matter what he said the guys' faces read of hesitation.
"Look, you guys are not going to break into American music scene by just performing with American artists; that stuff doesn't get played over there. You have to start somewhere, start with this tv show." Mr. Sonok sighed, hoping this wouldn't turn out to be disasterous.
"Sure, whatever." TOP shrugged, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Should be exciting, we only usually do Korean and Japanese television shows; be an interesting change of pace." Seungri agreed, smacking Daesung on the shoulder as he his wore a mask of distaste.
"Maybe there will be some American girls on the crew." G-Dragon smirked which equated to some chuckles being unleased sparatically throughout the room.
"Now your managers could have told you about the American television show. The reason why I am here is to make sure you don't become an embarrassment to our country. So basically be on your best behavior and don't make asses out of yourself... I wouldn't get hard so quickly either, the host of the show is a middle aged guy and he is coming with Korean national." Mr.Sonok grunted, heaving up his briefcase and exited the room. No sooner had he left that room exploded in random conversations about this news break.
"Hey, what is this show 'No Reservations'?" Taeyang nudged the band's manager sitting next to him.
"Hell if I know, I will look it up on Google." The manager shrugged, quickly regressing to his sluggish state.

"Are you sure Tony will go for this?" I asked nervously as I walked nervously next to Nari to our informal meeting before we headed out tonight to South Korea for filming.
"He is use to surprises, this will be mild compared to some of the things we've sprung on him last minute." I never understood how Nari could be so calm, my heart nearly jumped to my throat every time I had to go to these meetings.
"What if I get fired? I mean I am just an intern and I am an accomplice in this plot..."
"Chill-eo, hon. Tony likes you, you are the only intern he has ever remembered the name of so that has to count for something. Plus I know how to work him." Nari grinned deviantly, grabbing me by the wrist and yanking me into the board room where everyone else was seated. I self conciously took the only available seat next to Tony.
"Hey Ophelia, how are you?" Tony asked casually as I took my seat.
"Fine, Mr. Bourdain." I managed to squeak out, quickly diverting my eyes as I heard a couple of chuckles in the room.
"Ophelia, once you start working for me it is mandatory that you lose respect for me like everyone else  on my staff. If you keep being so polite, it is going to be a lot harder for me to torture you later on. You have to start calling me Tony." Tony joked, eliciting more laughs.
"Ok, Tony." I smiled nervously, having to force myself to call him Tony.
"Ok people, I want to make this short and sweet so I can get home to wife before I leave the country for three weeks. Intenary, please?" Tony announced, leaning back lazily in his chair. I stumbled in my heels as I stood up to announce the basic outline for when we were in Korea.
"We will land about 10pm in Seoul, we will try to hit a few street vendors perhaps. The next morning we are doing the fish market and leave the afternoon up for scouting and film editting, that night we have a Big Bang concert--"
"Wait, I don't remember a concert." Tony interrupted, holding up one of his massive hands to address no one in particular. I looked at Nari with desparation, silently pleading with her to throw me a life raft.
"It's something new that popped up..." I hesitated, but I think Tony knew who was ultimately a culperate all a long.
"Nari, who is this Big Bang? You are not suppose to use my television show to live out your fangirl fantasies!" Tony sighed, but it was all in good humor.
"Hey, Kpop is a major part of pop culture in South Korea and these guys are number one! You should be glad I was able to get them!" Nari quickly tried to defend
"Well we will go because God forbid we insult some boy band. If the footage is a dud, we'll just edit it out." Tony shrugged, leaning back in his chair.
"Would you care for me to continue?" I was finally able to breath again as my heart jump started itself.
"Nah, you can brief me on the flight. We've got a 13 hour flight to work with, I am sure we'll have plenty of time. Everyone me be at the airport an hour early, I swear if any of you are late or miss the flight that that I will tie you up and put you on a boat that will crash onto the shore of North Korea. Nari, I forbid you and/or kidnap any members of this band. You will be on your best behavior, in fact being silent would be even better but I am sure you are incapable of that. 'Night everyone, see you in the morning." Tony stated, before standing himself up and exitting the room.
"We did it! We get to see Big Bang!!!" Nari squealed, jumping on top of me.
"Yeah, thanks for hanging me up to dry." I said sarcastically, turning blue in the face as Nari suffocated me.
"Well why would I want him to turn on me? You are the one that only has to be here for the summer." Nari giggled, clapping an arm around my shoulder and guided me out of the board room.

G-Dragon, TOP, and Taeyang were the only ones that remained behind after the meeting with their manager. Even though in privacy, the manager discretely pulled out a netbook to do a Google search on this television show.
"Ugh, so that officer was right about the television show starring a middle aged guy." G-Dragon sighed as the manager pulled up the No Reservations official site.
"You haven't seen the crew yet though. May be some hidden treasures." TOP grinned, pulling the netbook towards him to do some personal searching.
"I know that guy though, he is pretty famous. He wrote some really popular books, he is a cook." The manager thought thoroughly as he searched his memory, waving his finger towards the netbook.
"That Korean national coming with him must be Nari whose on his staff. She's not bad looking." TOP shrugged, completely disregaurding the words of his manager; turning the netbook towards G-Dragon, who merely shrugged.
"What about you, Taeyang?" G-Dragon turned the netbook towards him, but Taeyang diverted his eyes away from the screen.
"I'm not looking for a date." Taeyang muttered, his cheeks burning.
"That's right, he likes white girls." G-Dragon nudged TOP playfully.
"That's not true!" Taeyang quickly defended, but the guys just snickered.
"Or let me rephrase... What did you say in that magazine article, you prefer girls with 'western features'?" G-Dragon teased, further flustering Taeyang, but the manager quickly cut them off.
"I don't care whose is what, there will be no dating or hooking up or going on with anyone from this television show. I expect everyone to behave at least one level above neandethals." The manager stated.
"Just because we can't touch, doesn't mean we can't look." G-Dragon muttered, pulling the netbook back towards him.
"Impossible!" The manager sighed exhasperated, massaging his forehead with his hand.

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