
Their special girl[Sequel to Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends-I MEAN ALIENS]

Bang&Zelo - Never give up


”Hey, Jinnie!” Daehyun raised his hand and waved at you when he saw you in the corridor.

You looked when you heard Daehyun’s voice and your face lit up. “Holá!” you approached him. “Where are the others?”

“They got a spot for us in the cafeteria, come on.” Daehyun held out his arm with a thousand watt smile.  You nervously glanced behind you and sighed.

Daehyun’s smile faded and he followed your gaze to see a short boy skipping towards you. “HYOJIN~”

“He’s been following me all morning.” You mumbled and lowered your head.

“Who is he?” Daehyun asked as he cracked his knuckles, glaring intensively at Xiumin.

“Kim Minseok.” You replied and tugged on Daehyun’s arm, “Let’s go, Youngjae and Junhong must be waiting.” You sensed he would cause a scene if Xiumin and Daehyun had a conversation.

Xiumin stopped in his tracks and watched you and Daehyun disappear on the crowd of students. His big smile faded and became a frown. *Yet again, they steal you away.*

“Hey, baby~” Zelo sang as you sat down next to him. “Holá.” You smiled at him. Zelo blinked at you. Since when did you start speaking Spanish? Or so he thought it was, because he wasn’t good with earth languages.

“How’s school so far?” Youngjae sweetly asked and gave you some of his kimchi. “Thanks. It’s good.” You replied casually.

“How are your classmates?” Zelo asked further, sipping on his drink.

The thought of Xiumin popped into your head and you cringed. By judging of the reaction he had caused on Himchan, you thought it was best to keep him out of the conversation.

“They’re okay.” You casually replied.

“What about that boy earlier? The one that skipped towards you?” Daehyun asked with a raised brow. 

“Just a random guy. He’s kind of…retarded. He didn’t know what he was doing.” You lied. Well, Xiumin seemed to be a little bit slow, if you put it that way.  

“Just a random guy, huh? Let me know if he gives you any trouble.” Youngjae gave you a meaningful look and shoved a piece of Kimchi in his mouth.  You nodded and began to wolf down your food.

“I don’t think Yongguk or Himchan would be so happy if someone bothered your studies.” Daehyun advised.  You rolled your eyes and sent him a look, “It’s nothing I can’t handle, okay? Trust me for once.” You muttered, feeling slightly annoyed.

“Woah, we’re just saying, baby.” Zelo held up his hands above his chest. “Are you on your period?” Daehyun asked and raised a brow.

Without saying anything, you stabbed your food with your fork and sent Daehyun a look that could kill. That only added fuel to the fire.  Not that you weren’t on your period, you were actually, and that only made you over-react over anything, basically.

Daehyun jolted slightly in surprise, “Jinnie, what’s with the sudden hostility? You were fine a minute ago.”

You only sighed in response and rubbed your temples.  At that moment, it felt like all your inner organs twisted. You clutched your stomach and groaned in pain.

“Jinnie, what’s wrong?” Daehyun worriedly asked. You were about to answer, but then it felt like someone shoved their hand up your uterus.

You could define this kind of pain as period cramps. *Just great* you dryly thought. “Is it cramps?” Youngjae guessed and remembered that you had had familiar cramps back at Mato.

You nodded and clutched your stomach tighter. “Want us to get you to the nurse?” Zelo and the others got up. You shook your head, “No, I’m fine, I-GAH!” you doubled over as pain shot up your lower abdomen.

“Screw the nurse; we have to get her home.” Daehyun said and Youngjae nodded in agreement.  Zelo wrapped his arm around your waist and helped you to stand up. “Junhong, you don’t have to-“

“Sch, Hyojin. You’re in no condition to be in school now.” Zelo firmly said and the four of you headed out of the cafeteria. You lowered your head gloomily. *First day of school and I have to be sent home.*

“But guys, you stay. I can go home by myself.” Even speaking hurt for you. Daehyun was about to protest, when you continued. “I won’t let you miss important classes because of me. School is important. And also, I need someone to talk to my teacher so you can bring my homework.”

Youngjae nodded, “You’re right. I’ll go and talk to your teachers so they know where you are. Daehyun, call Yongguk and tell him to pick up Hyojin. And Zelo, stay here with Hyojin.” Youngjae ordered. The aliens gave him a small nod.

Daehyun went to the principal’s office to borrow a phone since you all had forgotten your cells at home. Youngjae went to find your teacher and Zelo sat you down on a bench by the entrance.

“Does it hurt?” Zelo softly asked and your back soothingly. You nodded and pressed your lips into a firm line to suppress a cry in agony.

Zelo pouted and placed his two hands on your stomach. He then began to softly rub them back and forth over the area where it hurt the most. You blinked at him questionably and before you could ask, Zelo answered. “I read that when girls have cramps, you should place something warm on the stomach to ease the pain. And I figured when I rub my hands like this, they’ll eventually become warm because of the motion and contact with your clothes.” He explained as his two palms traveled back and forth over your midriff.

You softened and gently Zelo’s bangs out of his eyes. Even though he could have the mental age of a six-year old he had his moments.  “Thank you.” You softly smiled and for a moment, you could feel the pain ease slightly.

“Anytime, baby.” Zelo turned his head and grinned widely. It was his duty to take care of you; it was imprinted in his brain. That’s what love did to him.

You looked up and saw Daehyun approaching you. “I called Yongguk and he should be here anytime-“

At that moment, the entrance doors flew open and in stormed what sounded like a whole herd of wildebeests. “WHERE’S MY HONEY HYOJIN!?” A loud voice boomed.

Yongguk spotted you, Zelo and Daehyun by the bench and almost ran up to you. “Hyojin, how much does it hurt?” he knelt down next to you and grasped your hand. “It’s not that bad now, thanks to Junhong.” You smiled at Zelo, who slightly blushed and removed his hands and stood up.

The moment Junhong’s hands disappeared, the pain returned and you clutched your stomach and groaned. Yongguk stood up straight and wrapped his arm around your back and the other one around your legs.  He swiftly lifted you up bridal style and for once, you didn’t protest.

“Did Youngjae tell her teacher?” he asked Daehyun, who nodded. “Yeah.”

Yongguk softly gazed at you and his heart wrenched. Just sight of your pained expression made his whole being shake with pain as well.

“I’ll see you guys later.” Yongguk nodded at the two aliens. Daehyun gently your face and kissed your forehead, “Get better, Jinnie.” He whispered and stepped back.

Zelo kissed your two cheeks tenderly and smiled warmly at you, “See you at home, baby Hyojin.” You managed to smile weakly in return before you buried your face in Yongguk’s shirt.

Yongguk carried you out to his van and gently laid you down in the backseat. “Try to lay on your stomach, maybe it’ll hurt less.” He advised and went to sit at the driver’s seat.


Youngjae searched through all the classrooms he passed but he couldn’t find your teacher. The reason he knew your teacher was because he had had her last semester and she had given him really good words about his math homework.

Finally, he saw a familiar face through the small glass window on one of the doors and burst in without thinking.  

The whole classroom fell silent and stared in puzzlement at the boy that had disturbed the class. The teacher looked up and her face lit up and she almost smiled when she recognized the boy. “Oh, Youngjae-ssi, what brings you here?”

“I came here to report your student, Gong Hyojin, as sick and she won’t be able to attend any classes today.” Youngjae informed. In the corner of his eyes, he could see one boy pout in disappointment, but ignored it.

The teacher nodded, “I see. Well, good that you came all the way here to say that.” She smiled. Youngjae smiled politely back and bowed, “I’ll be leaving now.”

“Okay, goodbye.” She waved, before turning back to the class. Youngjae excited the room and closed the door behind him. 

Xiumin scratched his head in thought. *Wasn’t that one of the B.A.P aliens? What happened to Hyojin?*


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adlinriz #1
Chapter 24: lol, I had decided to read this fic again and it surprises me how it's not yet completed. Wonder how I could forget that it isn't, really. But since I remember now and want to know what happens next, please update ^^

P/S: Gosh, can't believe it'd been two years already. Man, life is so busy. and not to be rude but can you still update this story? cause it had been so long and most author would lose their feels already, erk..., does that makes sense? again sorry but I'm curious though :)
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 3: /rolls out of nowhere.
author-nim, you're a directioner too? :D
SofeaShazrina #4
Chapter 24: please update
Chapter 24: HAHAA, omg. That is so cuteee! :3 the story they made up x3 its close enough to the truth! :P i kinda feel bad for Baozi though tbvh OTL oh wells. xD update soon! ^^
Chapter 23: lol,Xiumin,wth r u doing??xD
Chapter 23: Seriously? She gets to go home when she has period cramps? I still have to do PE when i have them OTL LOL. They're so caring towards her though :') and LOLOLOL JELLO. XD and what the heck is Xiumin doing at their house? .___. wow. LOL, update soon! ^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 12: Omg im dying of laughter i flippen love this storyXD <333
Chapter 22: Update sooooooon
chyeahBAP #10
Chapter 22: I love this story! Update soon! ^•^