TEXT.POST.#O3 ~ Some Things I Wrote A Long Time Ago.

〈 ☼ 〉 just in case you're sad [ ☹ → ☺ ]




Don't worry about the Rated M XD It's just something about what I wrote in the ending of this, it's nothing too bad ^^;

I remember I wrote these in math class (and another place), thinking about... particularly nothing.  I found the paper pad I wrote it on today on my bed, and I read them again.  I wrote two, and I found both of them useful for this AFF thread.

Who would've thought I would actually end up sharing them with someone?







Someday, kid, you're going to have to figure out life on your own.  Bad things will come your way.  Friends will turn their backs on you, family will neglect you, and you might be on the brink of losing yourself when those happen.  But just remember, kid: the good things in life come to those who wait.  And as you think of other people, don't forget to think of yourself as well.  Be good and be happy.  Live good and be happy.  Die good, and die happy.  Make sure to keep yourself in line.  Respect the elderly.  Smile at your enemies.  Laugh with your friends.  Eat with the family.  Be a good kid to your parents.  Remember: without them, there would be no you.  Love and get hurt.  It's all painful in the beginning, I know, and you might even close your heart and never love again.  But I assure you that your day will come, and you'll have no choice but to open up your heart again.  Second chances don't hurt, just don't let the opportunities pass.  Although there are tons of lovely opportunities, don't just hog them all at once.  Take them one by one, or take the ones you need.  Prioritize, too.  Learn to separate your wants from your needs.  Learn to separate life at home and life at work.  Don't get distracted.  Focus on the important things that will benefit you in time and will give you a sense of accomplishment.  Have confidence, but don't have too much that you start to sound conceited.  Know that mistakes are natural.  Use those mistakes to make yourself better in the future.  Remind yourself that nobody in the world can do something perfectly for the first time.  Have fear, but don't let your fears control you.  You will overcome those fears believe me.  Be carefree, not careless.  Try something new.  Be glad that you have scars.  They will remind you that you tried to do something you wanted.  Don't ever give up.  Ever.  If you give up, it's like you don't deserve to live.  At all.  Spend time with the people you love.  Exert energy into the things you love.  Trust, but not fully.  But trust God.  He has your back, even when you pay little attention to Him.  Don't try to be perfect.  Keep things clean.  Make sure that when your life flashes before yourse eyes, it's the life you wanted.  In the present, live a life you know is worth living.







Restoration starts in you.  There are days when you just can't think of anything anymore.  There are even days when you just want to kill yourself.  Most of the time, thankfully, you don't end your problems by ending your life.  But sometimes, that's what happnes.  To restore yourself, you need to be able to have a sense of positivity in you.  You need to know that right at that very second of misery, there's somebody out there who's having it worse than you.  You need to be alert about your feelings.  That emergency siren should always be working properly.  You're going to have to have common sense.  How do you get that?  It's not in the store.  It's in you.  You already have it.  Wake it up.  And most importantly, to restore yourself, you need to be able to let all your feelings out.  To do that, you have to forget about privacy.  At that very moment is where your life depends on, whether it ends or continues.  Experts and common people have come up with many ways you can remove the hard feelings from your chest.  Read a children's book, draw them out (even scribble them out), write them down and burn them or rip them, break a pencil in half, scream, sleep early, eat delicious junk food.  Do everything to be able to let all your feelings out, because if you don't, restoration will not begin.  And if restoration doesn't begin, the only thing that will begin is the ending of your life.








I added a couple of sentences starting from And most importantly, to restore yourself,... in the second one.  I wrote these, maybe because I was bored, or maybe because I knew that someone needed to hear those words.  Whoever they were, I apologize to them for I was not able to tell them what they needed to hear.


But you.  You read them, didn't you?  I hope you've changed the way you think about your life.  The main idea of the both of these passages is cherish your life.  You're here on Earth because you have a purpose that you have yet to discover.


Imagine this when you're thinking about how horrible your life is and how much you want to die.


Before you were made, had to be ed to fertilize the eggs of your mom.  According to statistics, about 300 million are released per one ion.


Out of those 300 million, you're the result.


Feel good about yourself and know that you're blessed because you're the one alive out of those 300 million.



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5everwithyou #1
Chapter 39: I love this so much<3
Chapter 39: the lyrics is beautiful *-*
Chapter 38: aww~ I know that song *-*
one of my friends sang it at our graduation party last year <3 such good memories
Chapter 37: *-* aww~ Juhan <3 you made me so happy somehow xD hahah
thank you <3~
I'm going to listen to this the whole day now xD haha
Chapter 37: omg my sister, my dad and I used to sing that when I was younger
/gets shot with nostalgia and tears
Chapter 36: Dr. Seuss has always been my favorite author since I was small <3
My favorite story of him was The Lorax and I always loved his quotes
reading this it reminds me of when i was little and my mom would read me one of his stories so i could sleep :)
Chapter 35: I love this song <3
the lyrics is wonderful *-*
and between ... I think I found a really cute song that would perfectly fit in here ^^
You really made me smile! Thank you! ^^
Chapter 33: //mumbles hp intro song
Chapter 32: Pretty girl rock and love dust
...love dust.. Love dust
//starts crying and goes into your arms for a hug
I love yoouuu