
10-10-10 MOMENT


            Today is the last day of summer break.  Me and my brother, Peter are very happy because we can meet our friends.  But not for other people at my school.  And also, not for Brian my neighbour. We are very excited because there will be a new student coming to our class tomorrow. I thought that me and Luna can have a new friend.

            The next day , I wake up very early and make breakfast for my beloved brother. Then I ask my brother to wake up and go to bath and also taste my first ever breakfast. My brother is the first one who taste my breakfast. Then he said “ What a delicious breakfast. Can you make for me breakfast every day?” She answered “ Of course. It’s a lovely day for me.”

            We arrived at the school and Luna said that the new student are all boys. I said “ Never mind. As long as there are not evil.” Luna and I then go to the canteen to drink some hot chocolate. It is a bit cold outside.

            The bell rings and the two of us quickly run to our class. We didn’t know that the cleaner just moping the floor. I slipped and then a handsome student got me. I was shocked because I never see that handsome and charming student. I said to myself maybe he is from other class. I thanked him and we rush to our class.

            “ I’m sorry, teacher. Just now, I almost slipped but a guy had save me. I’m very sorry.” I said. My class teacher reply “ Never mind. If you late about 30 minutes, you will not recognize the new student. Please seat now. Ok. Now the new student will introduce themselves. “Come here boys”. I was very very SHOCKED! That guy just save me from falling just now. I whisper to Luna and said that one of the boys just save me and I don’t believe that he is the new student that come to our class.

            The boys start to introduce themselves “ Annyonghaseyo, everybody. We are from the Shinhwa school and we are the B4. I’m the leader , Walter and they are John, Kelvin and Eli. Thank you.” Madam Hae Rim said “ Walter, you can seat next to June , Kelvin you will seat next to Luna and the two of you just seat together at the empty seat. Let’s start our lesson.” OH MY GOSH! Walter sit next to me? He is handsome and adorable. I DON’T BELIEVE IT! The second time I see his face, he is the one who save me! That’s very awesome.

            The bell ring for recess time. Many girls run to his place to get his signature. I cannot move through, and my lovely purse just drop down. Luna and I are going to the canteen to eat. I was going to buy porridge. Then ,I realized that I had drop my purse at the class. Then ,Walter and his group stop in front of me. Walter said “ Is this your purse? I’ve found it at your place.” I reply “ Oh ,yes. Thank you, B4.”Then, I pay for my porridge. Suddenly ,somebody got my hand and said “ Would you like to date with me?”I turn then I realized it was Kelvin from the B4 group. I said “ No thank you. I want to help my brother.” Then he kiss me on my lips and WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING TO ME!

            My brother ask me, “ What happen, dude? Did Kelvin do something bad to you? Did you hurt? Let me help you.” I said “ I’m fine. Just that Kelvin  accidentally kiss me because he slipped. He just ask me for a ......” I didn’t finish my sentence then my brother said “ Is he ask money from you?” I reply “ No. He just ask me for a date.” My brother said “ That’s amazing. No wonder you are very famous. But, do you really like him?” 

            The next day, I ask Kelvin. “ Yo, Kelvin. Do you really like me ,dude? And I’m asking you since when?” Kelvin said “ I love you since we’re kindergarten. I like you very much. Please accept my love and don’t accept John as your boyfriend. Can you be my partner forever?” I think for a while and said “ Can you give me another chance?” He reply “ Okay. I’ll give you until tomorrow. Tomorrow, meet me at LOTTE World at 8 pm.”

            The next day, I look for Luna to ask for help. Luna is at the cafeteria playing games with Eli. I call her because I don’t want to disturb her with her future man. I ask her “ Can I accept Kelvin’s love?”

 “ Maybe. Because he is a nice guy since kindergarten.” I said to her that I only love Walter since kindergarten. I’ll just go and meet Walter and suddenly he want to said something very important to me. He said “ I would like to know if you still love me and don’t accept Kelvin’s love. He is actually a playboy and very rude.” Then he knelt in front of me and say “ Will you marry me?” “Can I talk to Kelvin for a while?” I drive my car to the LOTTE World and meet Kelvin and said “ I’m sorry Kelvin. I can’t accept your love. I will marry Walter tomorrow.” Kelvin say “ It’s okay. I can find a beautiful and kind girls like you.”


THE NEXT DAY.........(10/10/2010)


            “ What a wonderful day for me. I never thought that I’m lucky.” I said. I wait for Walter for about 3 and a half hour but he still not coming yet. I call him and there is no reply. Kelvin told that his brother is in accident. I cry and cry because today is my special day but it turn into a horrible day for me.




            I was married with Kelvin and have 2 children (Jessica and Cornelius). I will never forget the 10/10/2010 moment until forever.





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