Our Song

Our Song


He hears his voice every night; the sweet melodies that ring through the corridors. The strong low notes that force their way through the thick walls that separate each apartment room. He’s fallen in love.
Around 7pm every night, he sits and waits for his neighbor to sing. He sits with patience, anticipation and excitement. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – it begins. He longs to see the face of the singer; he desires to hear this song more clearly. He’s in love. Youngjae is… deeply in love.  The song has put him in a trance, and joins along. His soft, supple voice mixes with the deep, husky beauty coming from next door.

He sings as he dances through the room. He twirls and sways, jumps and glides over the furniture and through each room in his tiny apartment. His final destination – the balcony. He enters the final melodies of his tune, before he hears a sweet addition. He stops for a moment, and it continues. He tries to find the source. He rushes back inside and listens. It has become stronger. He moves to the wall on his left and places his ear against it. There it is, it’s so soft and delicate. He too, has fallen in love. Daehyun is… deeply in love.

They both become aware of each others presence. The two voices harmoniously dance together as they sub consciously move to the balconies, where they are now only separated by a wooden divider. Both reach out to move it away. Their hands meet. The divider slowly moves away, and for the first time, they gaze into each others eyes.
In an instant, they fell even deeper for each other. They smiled at each other, and looked out over the city as they continued their song, fingers interlocked, voices weave and mix out across the horizon. They are in love. Youngjae and Daehyun are… deeply in love. 

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Chapter 1: Hyaaaa~
Omfg, soo cute!
Me, too - I'm deeply in love (with this OS). :D
Short but awesome.
Chapter 1: short but lovely!