A Childhood friend appears

Wanna b Supastar!!!

*star king recording*

#Amber's Pov#

"thanks for your hard work everyone!! you can take a half an hour break!" the pd said

"Donghae-ah~ lets go to our dressing room! everyone's waiting you know" eunhyuk-shi said

yes, we are recording an episode in star king with all the members here except siwon, i'm really nervous because these is my first time in variety show and thank goodness i did very well after the "ally incident" between me and leeteuk-oppa i somewhat found myself feeling abit awkward with him

*door closes*

amber? what are you standing there for? sit here!" leeteuk said

"huh?... uh sure"


"um... excuse me! this is super junior sunbaenims' room right? a group of boys said

"yes it is! who could you guys be?" yesung said

" we just debut but please look after us! we just came here to record a segment in star king with you" a guy said

"i see! well, do your best!" leeteuk said

"eh? donghae hyung? is that you?" a guy said to me

"uh yes? i'm donghae do i know you?" i asked

" donghae, an acquintance of yours?" heechul said

"i'm donghae hyung and amber noona's childhood friend" the guy said

* childhood friend of oppa and mine? who is he?*

"my name is daniel i just debut as part of a group called dalmatian"

"daniel? daniel chae? is that you?" i asked

*now i remember, this guy s our childhood friend who also came from california! younger than us though*

"hyung! you remember? its me! haha long time no see"

" yep, true! long time no see daniellets go outside and talk there, the members are resting" i suggested because i know the other members will just eavesdrop on our conversation of we stay there

"so... how long has it been? since we last saw you?" i asked

"hmm.... 4 years? i don't really remember but its been a long time hyung!"

ah, hyung! how is amber? is she fine?" he asked

"uh... amber? she is fine"

*actually me and this guy are not only childhood friends but you can say that we had a past more than a friend*

" do you think she hates me after leavng her? i... made her cry didn't i?"

"she... doesn't hate you. i'm sure that if you meet her now she'll be extremely happy"

"hyung i.... still love amber! is it fine?"

"i don't know! but i dont think its not that bad about liking either... oh yeah i have to go back now"


"what the heck?! that daniel and amber noona was ones a couple?! no way in hell!!" ryeowook who has been eavesdropping in their conversation was shock about what he heard

* after recording ----> dorm*

" noona..... daniel and you..... were ones a couple?" ryeowook said

"huh?! ryeowook! knock your joke off will ya? everyones tired you know" eunhyuk said

"is that true amber? about you and daniel?" leeteuk asked

" sorry... what ryeowook said is true we WERE ones together... when i'm still in california, when none of us are idols yet"

"but noona, its in the past right? you guys broke up already right?" sungmin asked with puppy eyes hoping that they really broke up

"yep, we broke up 4 years ago! its a long time and i only see him as friends now so..."

"ok we understand now lets retire n our own respective rooms and get some sleep ok?" heechul said

everyone retires in their own room except me and leetuek oppa

"amber, lets take a walk shall we? the air here is abit uncomfortable" oppa said

"uh.. sure! lets go for a walk" i agreed

"amber, about you and that guy.... i hope you really broke up with him!"

"i... really do broke up with him and nothing's between us besides he thinks of me as donghae you know? and why are you hoping that we really broke up?" i asked cuiosly

"uh.. nothing, its because you know, if rumors about it gets out you'll be found out!"

" i see.. your worred that i'll be found out? don't worry i won't and i'll be careful"

* what a letdown, and her i was hoping that he would said that he cares about me or something*

"and i... like you! not just a member but as a girl! i really like you amber!"

" leeteuk-oppa, you said... you like me?"






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elforever28 #1
interesting story.keke.but kinda familiar story..oh. you're beautiful..:)
Mary517 #2
Ok...you really need to explain how amber/aiden...suddenly became donghae...it's really confuzing >.<" <br />
And awww she likes leeteuk too. <br />
Also.....I'm pretty sure Amber is younger than the suju boys...why do most of them call her noona? <br />
Update soong =]
Mary517 #3
Ok...a little confuzzled.....why did daniel call amber "donghae-hyung"....isn't she "aiden?"<br />
And danber are cute too...can't believe he hurt her 4 yrs ago....good thing they're over. <br />
And Leeteuk confessed ;P
Mary517 #4
LOL* at amber's day off....xD <br />
Can't believe leeteuk already kissed her! O_O <br />
Can't wait to see her start falling for him.<br />
And sungmin and ryeowook fighting over amber is cute =]
Mary517 #5
Awww leeteuk is falling for amber! ^___^
Mary517 #6
Oh...i liked that she already revealed herself...wondering how this will work out seeing how she wont have to pretend around the boys ^__^ <br />
And LOL @heechul for figuring it out so quick...HOW?! haha* And LOL at ryeowook for being so adorable <3<br />
Mary517 #7
Oh...interesting foreword. Sounds kinda similar to you're beautiful! ^___^ Can't wait to read =]<br />
*can't believe she chopped off her long beautiful hair* xD <br />
off to read the rest =]
OMG of course i'll continue reading! LOL Amber is my f(x) bias and i adore LeeTeuk lol.
roquetteer #9
yes it is a leeteuk/amber fic! hope you like it and please continue reading my fic!!
OMG!!! Wow this is the second TeukBer fic i've read....it is a Teukie/Amber fic right?<br />
<br />
LOL me likey.