
YG High School Host Club

The next morning, Rinn was almost late, again. She was late home yesterday, accidentally falling asleep after explaining her 'gender change'. Her dad told her that her friend carried her home, and was worried sick.


She got a lecture from her dad when she woke up, about how having male friends could still be dangerous, no matter how good they seemed. Rinn made a mental note to ask Yukwon and Minwoo about how she reached home. More importantly, who carried her, she silently added.


She ran through the corridors to class 1C when someone covered her eyes and mouth, tossing her like a sack of potatoes on something that felt like someone's shoulder.


Panicked, Rinn struggled, but she was already drained out from the running. Suddenly the person stopped to a halt, lifted her down, and tugged away the blindfolds.


Bright lights flooded in, and for a moment, she thought she was lost. REALLY LOST.


She was in a tropical forest, with birds and wild plants everywhere, the sound of animals and occasional screeches of the birds. But, if it wasn't for the six host club members there, she would have thought she was in Amazon.


“Next time, stop by here before going to class. And don't be so late to school.” Youngjae said, though not as sharply as before, probably his man insticts telling him to be polite to girls. Rinn nodded.


There was construction going on further in the room, the host club members shouting orders to the workers and placing decorations in their places, all of them wearing yellow protective helmets.


Jongup passed by Rinn, dragging a cage with two tigers inside. “Oh hi.” he greeted casually. Rinn gaped at the tigers as she pointed at them. Jongup saw her reaction and chuckled.


“These are tigers imported from the temples of India. Don't worry, they're completely harmless. They're for Leader-nim.” he explained. Rinn was amazed. She didn't know when the host club goes for a theme, it would be on such a large scale.


It turns out that each of the host club members had their own 'animal kingdom'. She soon learned that G-Dragon's was tigers, Youngjae's was birds, the twins' were monkeys, Zico's was snakes and Jongup's was butterflies.


“Rinn! These are for you!!” G-Dragon ran over, holding a cage of hamsters. The twins blocked his path. “Are you stupid? Hamsters don't exist in Amazon.” Youngmin said.


“But... but... Rinn couldn't possibly handle wild animals! Only manly people of the wild who are ferocious on the outside and tame on the inside could be-” G-Dragon went into drama-mode as the twins went over to Rinn.


“Let's just ignore Leader-nim. He spits a lot of bull in conditions like this.” Kwangmin said as both of them steered her over to her personal lounge.


“This is yours, right beside ours.” Kwangmin said, pushing away thick clusters of leaves, revealing her lounge. Her lounge had a stream constructed, with large stones jutting out from the water, which Rinn presume that was her seat. Trees surrounded that area and light skimmed through the leaves, forming green translucent shadows.


“Uhm... thanks...” Rinn said uncertainly. “I want to be beside Rinn's lounge too! You there! Set mine at this space!” G-Dragon suddenly showed up, pointing to the workers that were holding sets of blueprints. They nodded and begin to construct his lounge.


“Rinn! How about this? Do you like rabbits?” G-Dragon said, shoving the rabbit in front of Rinn's face. Its red nose twitched in front of her. “It is kinda cute...” she mumbled.


“YAY! IN YOUR FACE YOU EVIL TWINS! YOU-” G-Dragon was celebrating when suddenly a monkey swooped down from a vine and snatched away the rabbit. It swung from vine to vine and dropped the rabbit into Youngmin's hands and the monkey landed on Kwangmin's shoulders.


“That's my boy.” Kwangmin patted the monkey and handed it a banana. “YOU RABBIT STEALER!” G-Dragon bellowed as he ran towards the Jo twins while they ran the opposite direction, laughing their heads off.


Suddenly, a loud hiss came. Rinn turned around and saw a pair of gleaming amber eyes, a small pink tongue poking out. A python was hanging on the branch of the tree Rinn was standing behind of. Rinn stood frozen as the snake slid towards Rinn's shoulder, slowly curling around her torso.


“Hold still.” a voice commanded her. Zico came out from the bushes and hooked an arm around her neck. The snake saw Zico's arm and slowly slid towards it, curling itself on his arm.


Zico grinned. “Been looking for Rex sometime.” he said, tapping the snake's head. Rinn wasn't exactly scared of snakes, but a snake that size would have easily scared anyone. She looked at Zico, his eyes softening while the snake. She never knew he would be so... soft.


Suddenly, she felt something furry settling down on her legs. A small black bear cub rubbed against her leg, blinking up at her. “What are you doing here?” Rinn asked, carrying the cub up.


“I think it's yours.” Zico said, the cub's fur. “RINN!!!! RINNN!!! DID YOU SEE A SCARY BLACK BEAST ABOUT THIS SIZE-” G-Dragon yelled but stopped with an abrupt gasp. “Don't move.” he said, holding his hands up, his eyes widening in fear.


“Why not?” Rinn said as the cub crawled up her head, fiddling with her hair. G-Dragon let out another gasp. “It's deadly.” he whispered. Rinn broke a sweat. “Uh, no it's not.” she said.


The bear turned to G-Dragon and growled, its tame eyes changing almost immediately. The twins popped up behind G-Dragon and started howling with laughter.


“I THINK IT HATES YOU!!” Both of them squealed while laughing. G-Dragon's imaginary heart-frame with the cub shattered. “But... but... I was just putting some clothes on the cub...” he murmured, his bottom lip jutting out. The twins doubled in laughter.


“Leader-nim, I don't think animals like dressing up...” Rinn said, approaching G-Dragon cautiously, thinking of comforting him. He always tends to pop up suddenly, surprising everyone in the most unexpected way.


“It's okay! We should be choosing our costumes! Let's go!!” the excited leader exclaimed, running, pulling everyone with him on his way.


-an hour later-


All the six of the host club members swooned, red patches on their faces.


“I'm NEVER going out like this. NEVER.” Rinn stated with finality. The six boys shoot their thumbs up. “Very cute.” all of them chimed.






The host club members were in their walk-in closet, situated in the far corner of the room. Rinn was cluelessly standing by the door, not knowing what to do.


“What's wrong? You know you can choose whatever costume you like here, as long as it fits the theme.” Youngjae asked as he passed by her. “No... I mean, not like anything's wrong. I just can't imagine myself in the forest.” she said.


All of them turned their heads slowly to her. “You... you haven't been into the forest?” G-Dragon stammered. “Yeah... I've never been-” Rinn said halfway when G-Dragon went into epic mode and stopped her.


“DON'T SAY THAT! NOW DADDY WILL TELL YOU ABOUT FORESTS! SEE THIS BOOK? DADDY READ THIS WHEN I WAS FIVE! AND-” G-Dragon began flipping a big colored book with big, easy-to-read wordings when the Jo twins pushed his face away, causing the leader to stumble.


“I've an idea to solve this. Why don't we choose the costume for Rinn?” Youngmin said, a sly grin spreading across his face. “Yeaaaaaah... And I've a good idea where to start...” Kwangmin said, rubbing his palms together, forming a grin exact to his twin's.


Both of them started towards the big, bear costume and held it up. The other host club members' eyes instantly glowed.


Rinn gulped. “Oh no, you guys. I'm NOT wearing that stupid bear suit. I'm NOT- HEY PUT ME DOWN!”


-end of flashback-


That was how Rinn ended up wearing a bear costume. Rinn lifted up her hands to see large, furry paws. She sighed.


“How long am I supposed to wear this?” she asked. “Forever.” Kwangmin said, and the others nodded in unison.


“SOOOO CUUUTTEEE MYY DAUUUUUUGHHTEEEERRR!!!” G-Dragon squealed, hugging her so tightly that Rinn felt all the air in her lungs were being forced out. “HIEEE!! HET HO!!” Rinn air-spoke. (Het ho, translation from air language: let go)


The twins pulled the leader away, but he clung on. “You big ert.” both of them chimed, clicking their tongues in mock disgust. “I'M NOT!” he defended, his lower lip jutting out as he wrapped his arms around Rinn's head protectively.


“Look, I really need to get going. My class is-” she said, just when the door pushed open. Minwoo's head peeked from behind the door. “Rinn?” he called.


Rinn panicked. She looked ridiculous! But before she could run away, Minwoo saw her, G-Dragon wrapping his arms around her head. “Oh? Jiyoung sunbae.” Minwoo greeted, bowing his head. G-Dragon nodded, pulling himself away.


“Rinn, Gummy seongsaeng-nim is calling for you.” Minwoo said. Rinn nodded quickly. Please go, please go, she chanted silently.


“Uh, yeah, umm, after you change.” Minwoo said as he looked Rinn over once and smiled inwardly, blushing as he looked as his shoes, trying to hide his face. The Jo twins immediately came over and pulled Rinn away to a far corner, where Jongup was busy finding cakes.


“Rinn will not change unless we ask her to. Our leader will write a letter to Gummy seongsaeng-nim. She'll understand.” Youngmin said, eyeing G-Dragon cautiously. The leader shrugged. “Sure, sounds good.”


“Unless,” G-Dragon continued. “Minwoo stays here with us.” he said. The twins' jaw dropped in shock. “WHAAAT?!” both of them yelled.


Youngmin wasn't sure what he was feeling, but he definitely felt something against Minwoo. The way both of them were acting with each other made him feel...weird.


G-Dragon pulled both of them into a huddle. “Come on! Minwoo could be in this with us. He's the perfect candidate! He has the looks and look at that personality! I like him already!” he whispered. The twins rolled their eyes simultaneously. Youngmin added in a scoff.


“We don't just add people into our host club, okay?” Kwangmin shot. “Come on guys! He could do this, big time!” the leader pouted, jumping a little with excitement. “No.” the twins chorused as they turned around to face Minwoo.


“You have to leave. Leave Rinn with us. Just give seongsaeng-nim this.” Youngmin said as he handed Minwoo a metallic emblem, embossed with 'YG HOST CLUB'.


“Bye-bye now.” Kwangmin said as he steered him out, but Rinn came over. “You're leaving?” she blurted. “I-” Minwoo started but Kwangmin quickly pushed him out and shut the door.


“What was that for?” Rinn asked crossly. Kwangmin saw her face was full of disappointment, and that somehow made him feel weird. “Nothing.” he huffed, pouting slightly as he tried to cover his disappointment, walking away as he tried to shake off his weird feeling.

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Chapter 8: NUUUUU!!!
jessicamaylee #2
MushroomPea #3

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Chapter 6: so nice.......
kaisooyoung #5
this is gonna be great..
chooseme #6
i'm gonna love this! :D