The Change

YG High School Host Club

Rinn remade the cup of coffee for Youngjae, while silently wishing the coffee would suddenly turn into poison and make him stuck in the bathroom for the rest of the day.


Another hurting comment from the customers made Rinn flinch, but nevertheless, made no effort to defend herself. Her deceased mother always told her how sharp things could hurt someone, not words. Rinn sighed.


“... so G-Dragon-sshi, don't you think it's really degrading?” one of the girl commented. G-Dragon laughed crisply. “My darling, it's the customers who determine whether this club is degrading or not. I like how your beauty brings out the charm in this club and your eyes-” G-Dragon said, cupping the girl's cheeks while Rinn tuned out of their conversation.


Rinn felt like all the host club does was just to flirt with girls, but apparently, rich people think this was normal. Normal to be in close proximity with strangers who are not supposedly your lover.


G-Dragon had received numerous comments about Rinn and he sighed. “Well, I supposed Rinn could do some makeover.” he replied to his customer as he strode to Rinn, who was fixing the armrest.


He turned Rinn around to face him as he took in her appearance. “Hmm... this pair of glasses won't do, but I guess taking this off would probably just make your eyes look smaller...” he mumbled to himself as he took off Rinn's thick metal glasses, and instantly froze.


“Hey! Give it back!” she exclaimed, fumbling for the pair of glasses. G-Dragon ignored her as he snapped his fingers. “Youngmin, Kwangmin, get your scissors ready. Youngjae, give me your extra pair of contact lenses and evacuate all the customers. Zico, call the school seamstress now.” he ordered.


Jongup popped up from his seat, as he excitedly went to his leader. “What should I do?” he asked. “YOU! Eat some more mini cakes!” G-Dragon ordered. Jongup happily went to get some. Rinn broke a cold sweat.


“Leader-nim! We're ready!” Youngmin and Kwangmin exclaimed, snapping their scissors. “Good.” G-Dragon said in approval as he pushed Rinn towards them. Both of them sat her down on a chair and started to work on her hair, with Rinn blank with confusion.


“Leader-nim, Miss Seo is here.” Zico said as he gestured to the school's seamstress. At the same time, the twins chimed, “We're done.” The twins pushed Rinn towards Zico.


Miss Seo did measurements by swiftly pulling the measuring tape around her body while Zico jotted down the measurements that she was spurting out at top speed. Then, both of them disappeared out of the classroom.


“Contact lenses.” Youngjae said while passing the contact lenses to Rinn. “What?! I don't need-” she retorted. “When someone offers help, you should gladly appreciate it.” Youngjae coldly said as he held her face, forcing the lenses into her eyes.


Right after the lenses were placed into her eyes, Zico reappeared with a set of uniform. G-Dragon took it and piled it into Rinn's arms. “Go change.” he ordered. “But... but...” she stammered, as confused as ever.


“Ah, having problems with new clothing? It's okay. Zico, help Rinn out.” G-Dragon ordered. Zico wordless-ly pulled Rinn by her elbow and led her behind the curtains.


Rinn was still clueless until she realized when Zico flung the curtains behind them, that she was going to change into the school uniform. With a guy around.


“I can manage.” she quickly said as she grabbed the clothes from Zico and pushed him out. She slipped out from her old school pants and slipped into the crisp-new ones.


The twins, sitting together on a tall stool by a cocktail table, bored after finishing their task of t Rinn's hair. Youngmin suddenly thought of something. “Hey, we forgot to apply finishing spray to his hair! Let's go finish it before he messes up our hard work!” Youngmin said, hopping off the tall stool as he grabbed the spray can on the table while heading towards the curtains.


“Yeah, su- OMG, NO!!” Kwangmin suddenly had a horrible realization. That Rinn was a girl, and she was currently changing. “HYUNG! WAIT!!” he screamed as he dashed towards Youngmin.


Youngmin, oblivious to his twin's screams, lifted the curtains. “Hey kiddo, I just-” he said halfway when he stopped. Rinn's back was in view, her bra straps visible as she was trying to adjust the belt, which was foreign to her.


Kwangmin pulled his hyung away in alarm, screaming 'sorry' to behind the curtains. Youngmin was paralyzed, as if his soul wasn't present. Kwangmin shook his shoulder as he laid his slumping twin to a wall.


“HYUNG! HYUNG! ARE YOU OKAY?!” he hissed, shaking Youngmin vigorously. Youngmin composed himself as he looked at Kwangmin's concerned face in front of him. “Do- do you... know...” he stuttered.


“SHHHHH!!!” Kwangmin covered Youngmin's mouth in alarm, looking around. “Yes, I know. Rinn's a girl!” he hissed silently, removing his hand from his twin's mouth. Youngmin nodded blankly. “Okay, here's it. Don't leak this to anyone! And if-” Kwangmin continuosly drilled his twin about the dos-and-don'ts.


Zico, who was standing across the room the entire time, looked at his watch. “Jeez, what's taking him so long?” he muttered as he strode to the curtains, much oblivious to the twins. He flung open the curtains, only to see her trying to button up the front of her crisp white shirt.


The twins suddenly realized Zico's presence. “NOOOOOO!!!!” both of them shrieked as they raced to the curtains.


“Oh, sorry, am I taking too long? I just have a bit problem with these-” Rinn said, her fingers forcing the buttons through the button holes when Zico swatted her hand away, kneeled in front of her and started helping her to button up.


The twins drew in a sharp breath, biting their knuckles. “Thanks.” Rinn said after he finished helping her and was pulled away by G-Dragon to the lounge to examine her.


Zico was still kneeling, his eyes blinking rapidly, as if he couldn't register anything. The twins went to him and held another breath. “Hyung, did you-” Youngmin squeaked. “Rinn's... a girl?” Zico murmured to himself in disbelief.


G-Dragon sat her down on a couch. “Now you look sooooo much better!! I'm soooo glad!!” he exclaimed happily, pausing for a dramatic laugh. “Umm... thanks- I mean, no. I-” Rinn mumbled.


“Tell me, how could you ever hide those big, glassy eyes behind those ugly glasses?! And OMG! THOSE CLOTHES!! HORRID!!” G-Dragon exclaimed in full drama queen- I mean king, mode as he rested the back of his palm on his forehead.


“Well, I lost my pair of contact lenses so I borrowed these glasses from my dad. And those clothes are from my dad too. I couldn't afford the uniform so...” Rinn trailed off.


“Yeah, and another 1 million for the overall makeover.” Youngjae suddenly popped up behind them, jotting the amount down on his Armani planner.


“Aish! You money miser! You should be like me once in a while! Help these poor peasants who can't even afford their own uniform! Ohoho! Rinn-ah, you must have saved a country in your past life to be meeting me! And you look so cute! And that face! So pretty I can pass it off as a girl's!” G-Dragon exclaimed, continuing his drama scene.


Meanwhile, the twins decided to come up with the real truth. “Rinn, come over here.” Kwangmin called. “Oh, coming.” Rinn called back while heading towards them.


“Hey wait! Is this yours?” G-Dragon called, suddenly noticing a wallet on the table, placed by Rinn herself when she was going to change.


“Oh? Yeah, it is. Just leave it first.” she said. “Okay.” G-Dragon replied as he flipped open the wallet. His eyes travelled over to the ID on the clear pocket of the wallet. On there was a long haired girl, a fringe just right above the big, glassy eyes that belong to Rinn.


G-Dragon froze. He looked up to Rinn. “Rinn...” he called. “Hmm?” Rinn paused. “You're... You're.... a GIRL?!?!” he shrieked, dropping the wallet in shock.


Youngjae spurted out his coffee. The twins stared on in horror. “Oh no...” they chorused. Jongup hopped over from the cocktail table. “You guys don't know?” he asked.


This time, it was everyone's turn to look at Jongup. “WHAAAAAAT?! YOU KNEW ALL ALONG?!” they shrieked simultaneously. Jongup nodded. “Yeah, Headmaster-nim announced that it was a female transfer student this morning, but I think no one ever cared about morning announcements anyways.” he said.


G-Dragon smacked his head, “Damn, should have paid more attention to morning assemblies!” he cursed mentally. “Then why didn't you tell us?! I WAS SUFFERING!!” Kwangmin screeched after holding his breath back for so long, clutching his chest dramatically.


Jongup looked thoughtful for a while. “Hmm... I guess it's because I liked to see you guys' reaction? It's fun to see some new faces from you guys once in a while, isn't it?” he said, smiling brightly before hopping off to the mini fridge, mumbling 'caramel jelly' to himself.


All of them turned cautiously to look at Rinn. “What's wrong?” Rinn asked. G-Dragon went to her, grabbing her shoulders. “The host club are only hosted by boys. And only boys are allowed to work here!” G-Dragon shrieked in horror.


Rinn tilted her head. “Well, I suppose I don't mind. I mean, I'm in a guy's uniform already anyways.” she said to herself thoughtfully. The twins almost fainted in mock horror.


“Well, if anyone realizes you're a girl and you're working off your debt here, I'll just have to add on to your debt for closing the club down.” Youngjae stated, though wary of Rinn.


If news of Rinn working in the host club is ever known to the students, they'll misunderstand for the host club exploiting female students. And to add to it, Rinn was a scholarship student. If it spreads, their club name is going to be tainted for sure.


“This shouldn't do! Zico! Bring Rinn to dress her back as a girl!” G-Dragon ordered. “No. This shouldn't do. She had too much to owe us. We can't just let her go like that.” Youngjae defended.


G-Dragon thought for a while. “Fine, then we have no choice but to remain her covered. Till then, you're officially a host club member!” G-Dragon said. The twins clapped in agreement. “Finally leader is saying something constructive.” Youngmin sneered.


“Hey! I've always been constructive!” G-Dragon fought back. “Uhhhuuuuhhhhh...” Kwangmin joined in teasing their leader, their forever easy target.


Jongup approached the group, holding two plates of caramel jelly. “Here. Take one. Our Host Club's famous for sweet confectionary.” he offered to Rinn and led her to his lounge. There were six lounges constructed in the room used by each of the host members.


“Thanks.” Rinn said, scooping a spoonful of the sweet, sticky jelly into . She winced at the sweetness. Jongup was taking consistent scoops of the jelly, and Rinn was starting to worry he's gonna get the sticky jelly stuck in his throat.


“I hope you can tolerate us while working here. Well... you are working here, aren't you?” Jongup asked, taking another spoonful.


Rinn hesitated. “Well, I'm not really sure. I mean, I came here to solely study.” she said. Jongup tilted his head, looking sorrowfully at her.


“I hope you could reconsider. We just kicked started this club two years ago and we didn't want to end it so soon. Leader-nim tried really hard to get approval from the school to start this club, you know?” he said.


Rinn took another big spoon, wincing but not because of the sweetness, but because she had no choice but to join the host club. She knew she had no way out. She knew she couldn't be so selfish as to leave the club and risk the hard-established club to crumble because of her.


Rinn sighed. “I guess I could work after school...” she said meekly. Jongup's eyes lit up. “Really? Thank you!” Jongup happily hopped to her and gave her a big hug, which almost squeezed out all the caramel jelly from her guts.


“HEY! NO TOUCHING RINN!!” G-Dragon yelled suddenly. Jongup released her. “Huh? We have that rule?” he asked blankly. “Uhh, yeah!” the leader said defensively.


“You jelly?” Youngmin said, popping up from behind G-Dragon. G-Dragon crossed his arms and puffed out his chest indignantly. “No. It's just that... uhh... she's... MY DAUGHTER! Yeah, that's it!” he exclaimed, running over to Rinn.


“Welcome daughter!” he exclaimed while hugging Rinn. “NO HUGGING!” the twins chimed as they pulled their leader away by his shirt collar.


Rinn smiled. Something told her that it was gonna be a fun experience working with these dorks.

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Chapter 8: NUUUUU!!!
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Chapter 6: so nice.......
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this is gonna be great..
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i'm gonna love this! :D