Reason #7 : Because I don't know what I should feel.

Reasons for a Love Song

The soft touching was incredibly warm, the cold seeping through Kyuhyun’s skin felt like it dried once the kiss lasted. It felt too soft, too magical, too foreign.

It is not pleasurable, nor it is lustful, it was somewhat sweet, innocent and serene, with only the loud thumping of his heart as background music it was simple yet everything immediately felt right.

 And it scared the hell out of Kyuhyun.

He stepped back, unintentionally pushing Sungmin, clasping his palms against his mouth as the other stared at him utterly surprised.

“Oh! Yeah-“ Kyuhyun stammered incoherently looking away from Sungmin’s eyes.

“W-what was that for?” Sungmin stammered.

“I-I was just checking if you know- b-but it turns out it doesn’t make a difference…” Kyuhyun laughed making Sungmin clench his lips shut.

“We b-better get inside, I’ll shower first!” Kyuhyun ran towards the shower and shut the door behind him, heart stammering, waiting to gut out his chest.

“Oh god! what was that?!”  he panted out of breath, thinking to himself the nagging feeling beneath his chest. The tingling sensation of Sungmin’s lips against his felt like burning the hell out of him. His head won’t register what just happened, but the excitement and the new found feeling of contentment when those pillow lips landed against his is like a cream of the crop.

But he had to pay the price of his actions.

He and Sungmin had never been awkward before, not when they first met each other, not when they started to become friends, not when Sungmin revealed his preference in relationship and  Kyuhyun confessed his need for unlimited .

And now, of all times they were awkward.

The ride home was quiet, no exchange of words, even when Kyuhyun tried to open the conversation but Sungmin’s the one giving low hums and uninterested responses.

He didn’t even have the slightest idea how to start the comfortable air between them, it’s like Sungmin’s angry at him or just plain weird-ed out.

“Hey Min, I-I’ll see you on Friday night the next week, let’s go out and-“

Sungmin turned to him biting his lip suppressing something inside, Kyuhyun once again stared gawking at those luscious lips, parting a little, Sungmin’s tongue protruding to wet those pink piece of heaven every now and then, he was like a stupid kid staring at it with so much…

“KYUHYUN!” Sungmin shouted cutting off Kyuhyun’s trance, the latter look at the former clueless.

“I’m talking and you’re just stupidly gaping! I’m trying to say something important here and-!” Sungmin huffed, his face fuming red in anger scratching his head unceremoniously.

“I’m sorry…” He pleaded smiling awkwardly to alleviate Sungmin’s anger. “C-Can you just repeat it.”

Sungmin  gaped at Kyuhyun disbelievingly. “Oh just off!” Sungmin shouted slamming the door at Kyuhyun’s face.




Leeteuk shouted early Monday morning at the surprisingly sober Kyuhyun sprawled on his bed hair in disarray.

The younger called in sick that day, the after effect of what had happened over the weekend, the kiss, the awkwardness, the unbelievably satisfying feeling and the words Sungmin tried to say before shutting off the door right thru his face.

“I kissed him Hyung!” Kyuhyun repeated. “I was just checking if I’m still interested in girls but…”

“Oh God Kyuhyun! Have you gone nuts?! He have a boyfriend you !” Leeteuk half chuckled, half scolded the younger man.

“I was just checking!” Kyuhyun defended himself covering his face with the comforter.

“Yet you’re blushing like a teenage girl.” the older laughed hard clutching his stomach. “What the Kyu- you look like a !”

“Shut up!”

“So tell me? Did it disgust you? What is his reaction?” Leeteuk sat by the bed removing the cover of the bed revealing Kyuhyun covering his face with the back of his hand.

“No, that’s Sungmin, he won’t disgust me…” he grumbled under his breath. “I-I felt something weird though…”

The older man knotted his brow in confusion. “What do you feel then?”

Kyuhyun looked up through his white ceiling and begun to reminisce, where did these feelings sprang out?

Is it when Sungmin found his most stable boyfriend?

Is it when Leeteuk of loving his bestfriend?

Or is it somewhere before that?

And what will he do? When Sungmin’s life practically revolves around Yesung now?

“Kyu?” Kyuhyun snapped in his trance, his vision a little bit blurred but he didn’t exactly knew why. He refocused his eyes to meet the older man and that’s where he found out that he was clutching his chest with the ball of his fist.

He felt choking up, he felt nauseated and uncomfortable and confused that only one question popped in his mind.

“Why now?”

“Hey man.. . are you okay?” Leeteuk pat him on the shoulder but he didn’t bulge.

Kyuhyun bolted upright. “Hyung… I don’t want  Sungmin and Yesung together.”

Leeteuk was taken aback at the sudden retort. “Wa-Wait a minute? What are you talking about? You can’t just stop Sungmin now, he’s hap-“

“Well, I’m not happy. Me and him were something that no one else could penetrate, we…”

“What are we?”

Another question struck to the insides of Kyuhyun, like torturing him, slapping him in the face again and again. How many years has it been since he and Sungmin became friends? 10 years? That long? And why does he stupidly wait that long to feel this way.

The moment his lips landed on the man that’s been there almost all his life, it felt complete, it felt good, way better than a all the he’s been in.

“I’ll take him back Hyung, Sungmin’s mine…” he muttered not really knowing what he’s saying.

The older man chuckled. “Look at you now, big man… are you even hearing yourself? Do you realize what are you saying?”

Kyuhyun looked up at the older smirking disappointedly at Kyuhyun. “I told you before, you got the upper hand and you had a chance, why don’t you realize those feelings first before jumping into conclusions and try to ruin your bestfriend’s life.”

Kyuhyun felt it again the annoying feeling deep inside his chest that he wanted to remove his heart from it’s place.

“Settle about your own feelings first before you do anything stupid or else…” the older started patting the younger’s confused head.

“Or else what Hyung?” Kyuhyun looked up.

“Or else you’ll lose him for good.”



Yesung’s voice woke up Sungmin’s thoughts as the older man back hugged him while he was staring off to space.

“What are you thinking about?” Yesung whispered in a soft tone that made the smaller man smiled. “Nothing just some things…”

“Hmm…” the low voice caressed Sungmin’s insides and helped him relax a bit. “Is it about Kyuhyun again? Are you worried about him?”

The smaller man sighed.”A bit… but he’s old enough already I think…”

Yesung chuckled as he placed a peck on top of Sungmin’s forehead. “I’m quite jealous, you really pay attention to him…”

Pursing his lips Sungmin wrapped his arms around Yesung’s neck. “What’s with being jealous? You know I love you right?

“Yeah…” the older man said. “But you and Kyuhyun have this kind of connection, I’ll never have with you.”

“But, you’re still mine…” the older chuckled leaning in to capture the younger’s lips.

“Sungmin!” Kyuhyun barged into the apartment right when the two men’s lips were just inches apart and Sungmin cursed silently.


Kyuhyun sipped his drink as he watched the awkward two across him, he didn’t mean to barge in a very wrong timing but he gladly did.

“So, Yesung- ouch!”

Sungmin glared at Kyuhyun right after he kicked the other’s shin making the other nursed his definitely bruised leg.

Kyuhyun knew what Sungmin meant by that, he purposely didn’t use honorifics to the older man and what pissed him off other than his aching part is that Yesung’s smiling at his and Sungmin’s stupidity in front of him.

“I mean… Yesung-hyung…” Kyuhyun started looking at Sungmin who sighed immediately. “What’s your interest other than singing?”

Yesung chuckled. “Hmm… taking care of my pet turtles…”

Kyuhyun chuckled and he was kicked yet again by Sungmin.

“But Sungmin’s still my favorite.”  The older finished his sentence with a smile for the man beside him who blushed at the comment.

Kyuhyun, on the other hand frowned and just refocused his vision to the drink fizzing below him.

“You play arcade?”

Yesung looked at him and narrowed his eyes. “Hmm, not my favorite but-“

“Well we shall try!” Kyuhyun giddily let out a yell dragging the two out of the diner booth to the nearest arcade.

What is his purpose?

To compete with this obnoxious hyung.

Kyuhyun swerved the control and another ship that was led by Yesung exploded. They were playing a battleship game and Yesung’s been defeated for the second time already.

“Sorry Hyung, I love this game I can’t hold back…” the younger smugly chuckled to the Hyung who smiled warmly instead of being offended.

“Yeah, I at this…” Yesung confessed wrapping his arms around the skeptical Sungmin who kept staring at Cho Kyuhyun’s childishness.

Kyuhyun just stared at the love birds especially when Sungmin  kissed Yesung’s cheeks and muttered ‘It’s okay’ he smacked the controller hard before cutting off the lover’s moment.

“So Hyung!” he jumped surprising the two. “How bout dancing?”

He yanked Sungmin harshly out of Yesung protective hold and pulled the older towards the dance craze arcade game.

“Cho!” Sungmin grunted angrily stomping his foot as he followed the other two.

Well, it wasn’t a great idea even for Kyuhyun who dances like an awkward mascot, everyone is staring and muttering at him who gave it his everything on a dance he didn’t know existed.

He stared at Sungmin but the other is now glaring at him like throwing deadly knives and he’ll be dead the moment they were left alone.

Yesung, on the other hand stared at the machine face palming himself because he never knew how to dance and he wanted to impress Sungmin, even though this wasn’t really precedented.

The music start and Yesung resorted to the only dance he knew.

Octopus dance.

And everyone on the arcade begun staring and laughing.

Sungmin looked at the now center of attraction and sighed as Yesung meet his eyes and begun sending hearts to him.

Well, the laughter turned into murmured of how sweet the two are and how lucky Sungmin is, which made Cho Kyuhyun, fail yet another attempt to embarrass Yesung.

And a lump started forming from inside his chest.


“So how’s the attempt?” Leeteuk inquired over the phone when Kyuhyun called him after the tiring day.

“I feel worse.” Kyuhyun sighed covering his face with the back of his hand, heart throbbing like mad as tiredness and disappointment seeped in.

“Yah, Kyuhyun… don’t make Sungmin angry okay, that’ll be the worst thing you’ll ever do.” Leeteuk suggested in a very sincere tone. “Anyways, there’ll be an evening gathering on our school reunion, please do come, take Sungmin too…”

Kyuhyun snapped through his trance and bolted upright. “Hyung I have an idea.”


The event composed of luxurious setting and a live band, Sungmin never wanted to come since, he didn’t knew many people from their high school, he only knew a few in faces and names but not personally.

“Why did you brought me here. I don’t think you have any idea how pissed off I am with you the other day, you’re totally embarrassing me.” Sungmin growled clutching Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Chill…” Kyuhyun snickered at him patting his tensed clench on his sleeve. “I’m here beside you right? What’s there to worry about?”

Sungmin looked up at him a pout visible on his lips but stared away when he met Kyuhyun’s eyes.

“You said that before…” Sungmin muttered in a soft whisper that Kyuhyun didn’t hear.

“Yo!” Leeteuk emerged from the crowd in a white suit. “You two look awesome! Are you here as a couple?!”

Kyuhyun was about to giddily answer his common joke in reply to the teasing that they look like a couple when Sungmin spoke first.

“No, Yesung’s on his way too.” He said smiling sincerely and the elder saw the hurt expression in Kyuhyun’s eyes as he close his mouth shut.

“Well, that’s great, come on let’s eat?” the elder changed the awkward atmosphere as he ushered the two to their seats, Sungmin looked here and there, anticipating Yesung’s arrival and Kyuhyun noticed it obviously.

“At least eat something first.” Kyuhyun nudged his bestfriend at the sides as he offered an appetizer to him. Sungmin looked at the food and smiled towards Kyuhyun’s concern. “No thanks, I’ll wait for him.”

Clenching his jaw Kyuhyun placed his fork on his plate grudgingly. “You really love him?” he grumbled almost incoherent but Sungmin caught it up anyways.

“Of course.” Sungmin beamed at him.

Kyuhyun sighed slouching at the back rest of his seat. “Then I’m asking you…” he started once again now meeting the other’s eyes.

“Do you love me?”

To be continued

A/N: I’m having an endless struggle folks! Learn to bear with me pleeeeaaaassseee I love you guys!!!




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angelamy #1
Chapter 12: :o i hate u!! is this a fair end!! i demand an appeal to this case! my client here Mr. Cho Kyuhyun was caused emotional damages by Kim Jongwoon (my bias) and Lee Sungim!
angelamy #2
Chapter 8: yeaaah u did great!! im proud of this chapter too T_T
Chapter 12: I can't explain what I felt while reading this... It's just too painful and it ended that way </3 :'( anw, It's been a while since I read some kyumin fics again... (I'm still hurting :'() Thank you for this! I haven't cried too long hahaha!
little-dreamer #4
Chapter 12: i hape separating could make them fix their own feeling :")
orz orz sungmin you're still confused you idiot! and kyu you're such a weird idiot! and jongwoon you know how sungmin feels, why are you disregarding it! ahh I'm frustrated XD
well i guess being apart is what they do need .-.
loving the drama though ;;;;;

ahhaha and oooooh to be continued! this will be fun c: maybe sungmin can take a little thinker XD
Gyaaaa #6
Chapter 12: I can't believe i forget to comment on this one.. ㅡ_ㅡ

Love it... Love the ending.. Even if i hope kyumin will end together, that would be selfish... And unfair.. ^^

Off to re-read the sequel then...

Thanks again for writing..
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 12: so....., tbc
where is the sequel?
I love them both. Too bad kyu did not realize his feeling sooner
thanks for sharing
Chapter 12: Awwww (and yes i said AwwwWw) this is so beautiful story.

If sungmin leave yesung, i think it won't looks real and i'm gonna hate sungmin a little 'cause he still thinks selfishly.

I'm waiting your another fic ^^
mrshaee #9
Chapter 12: ENDED? REALLY? NO WAAAAAAY ;_______;

ayawani #10
Chapter 12: Sequel please my lovely author-nim.. :'(