Reason #5: Because I'm Becoming Insane

Reasons for a Love Song

The bar was nice, it has a feeling of elegance and fineness oozing all over it, pretty girls walk in and out, flirt, make out on a booth with some guys with lump some of money, Kyuhyun knew this place all too well, he had been here a couple of times, half-drunk, half-making out so he didn’t really notice, but now the place looked so different, especially when Sungmin’s in front of him, smiling the best smile Kyuhyun had ever seen, towards the singing turtle on the stage.

Well, he must admit, the dork can sing but is it that beautiful that Sungmin barely looked at him the moment that man’s mouth open, and the other man is continuously repeating how great the other was over and over again that his ears will already bleed .

Leeteuk who seemed to enjoy the annoyed look on Kyuhyun’s face ordered hard drinks right away.

“Man! Sungmin’s really in love with the turtle isn’t he?” the elder said after the performance when he and Kyuhyun left the lovebirds to their booth saving their eyes to the sparkle that seems to come out blindingly when Sungmin attached himself with the conversation with Jongwoon.

“Tell me about it.” Kyuhyun scoffed drowning himself to a shot of brandy. “I don’t usually drink this cheap stuff because my bestfriend only wants wine, but Sungmin’s being all over his boyfriend right now so I thought this is okay…”

“Yeah, Sungmin’s too classy…” Leeteuk drank his shot and glanced towards Kyuhyun who still cant look away from the booth they were previously in. “So how about it Kyu? What do you think of Sungmin’s new boyfriend?”  He asked getting the younger’s attention.

“He’s so-so.” Kyuhyun started drinking another shot. “I think he really knows how to be romantic and stuff, Sungmin’s head over heels already… that stuff animal doesn’t learn, really…”

“Well, he looks like he really is in love with Sungmin, what if he did then?” the older asked secretly grinning when Kyuhyun stared once again at the booth.

“Well, good for Sungmin then!” Kyuhyun replied nonchalantly.

Leeteuk hummed in recognition of what the other just said. “What I’m saying, Kyuhyun… is that this Friday night won’t be the last of it…”

Kyuhyun looked up over his drink to his hyung with a confused expression. “What do you mean Hyung?”

“I mean, Sungmin won’t prioritize you anymore…” the older said with a light chuckle at the other’s still stunned expression. “Jongwoon’s really nice and maybe, he will take your friend seriously this time… how about it bro- you need to find a proper relationship too, or else you’ll be left behind.”

Kyuhyun scoffed once more, taking another swig of the alcohol. “I’m not good at permanent relationship, you know that…”

“But your relationship with Sungmin, as a bestfriend of course, is seemingly permanent for 10 years already…” the older laughed. “I’m just saying man… I don’t want to see you regretting…”

“Regretting what hyung-“ Kyuhyun wasn’t able to ask the question properly for a woman was already throwing him the looks that say ‘let’s get down to it’

Kyuhyun wan’t really in the mood but he has this kind of confuse/annoyed feeling the whole day and he’s as deprived as so he smirk at the woman giving hint and tapped his hyung by the shoulder.

“Hyung, someone’s hinting me… gotta go…” he chuckled as he took down another swig strutting towards the direction of the girl.

Leeteuk on the other hand just scoffed signaling the bartender for another shot, he looked at where Kyuhyun is, wrapping his arms around the girl and shook his head in amusement.

“This’ll be fun…” he said quietly predicting what will happen to Kyuhyun and Sungmin now that Jongwoon had entered the picture.


“Kyuhyun, where did you run off to after Jongwoon’s performance, really, you can’t keep your stuff on your pants for just one night? ” Sungmin’s ranting started as soon as Kyuhyun answered his phone. The blinding light was piercing his room, it was in a mess of course, having someone over last night and things getting heated up, you couldn’t expect less.

But he was hanged over, and was pissed off as the plan of getting laid last night went to the bin.

Yep, he was with only his boxers, the place looks like someone just stripped off, but nothing happened. He didn’t conjured with the woman flirting with him last night. Why? That was the pissing off part.

“Minnie, give me a break please I have a serious headache…”

“Oh yeah, as I thought… you got laid. Get over that hang over and I’ll call later, Jongwoon’s here already…”


That was the reason.

“Yeah yeah…” Kyuhyun grumbled. “Take care…”

“Yeah, you too…”

And then Sungmin hanged up.

With a pathetic attempt Kyuhyun threw his phone to the pile of his own clothes at the ground and grunted. He had never been so ed up for a while. It’s because, even though he was kissing that hot, extremely gorgeous woman last night 30 minutes after he moved from the counter to her booth, his thoughts swimming with the light brandy and vodka when his vision was caught by Sungmin and Jongwoon, holding each other’s hand at an arm’s length, as if chatting in their own little world when the older man pulled Sungmin, held him in his waist and press his lips against Sungmin, who immediately smiled sweetly that made Kyuhyun stopped responding to the girl’s ministrations. It was then followed by wrapping his arms around Jongwoon’s neck pulling him close, tilting his head exposing his neck to Kyuhyun’s view and deepening the kiss.

Kyuhyun cursed on the girl’s lips and the woman stopped also surprised by Kyuhyun who lost appetite for immediately. The woman asked ‘what’s wrong?’ and Kyuhyun, still looking at Sungmin who seemed to be having the kiss of his life cursed again shove the girl and walked away.

He scrunched up his brows and tossed to the bed, the events of the night before contributing to his headache in an unknown reason. It wasn’t the first time he saw Sungmin kissed but it was definitely the worst. Why is his bestfriend smiling like that, being radiant and having these effects of sparkling when he kissed that turtle boy?

What’s so difference between the other guys and this guy?

And the worst part is that he wanted to see Sungmin’s face, looking at him with that kind of aura. That was his weirdest thought that it made him drank until he can puke 3x his dinner’s amount.

“God!” he growled when the door of his room opened.

“What the hell!” Sungmin said entering the room taking Kyuhyun by surprise wrapping his torso with the comforter.

“Oh thank god, no ones in the bed beside you or else I’ll definitely ran out…” Sungmin chuckled smiling at Kyuhyun who still looked at him gawking.

“W-What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked trying to get himself back to reality, because he was just on the phone with the other and now Sungmin’s in his house.

“First, I have your apartment’s original key. Second, my house’s just 2 blocks away, third…” Sungmin blabbered settling himself towards the window opening it properly. “I asked Jongwoon to drop me off here, I’m worried that you might need gastric lavage or something…” Sungmin smiled. “But it seems like you’re perfectly fine, just a little bit disheveled, nothing out of the ordinary…”

Kyuhyun blinked at the radiance he can see around Sungmin that wasn’t there at the beginning, he growled at the attack of the headache and lay back on the bed.

“I have this massive weird hallucinations ever since last night…” Kyuhyun said covering his eyes with his palms.

“What kind of hallucinations, ?” Sungmin joked and Kyuhyun threw a pillow at him which he caught laughing. “What? I thought you had a good night with that girl last night…”

Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin surprised. “You saw us?”

“Leeteuk Hyung pointed you out.”

“That geezer.” Kyuhyun rolled his eyes in annoyance. “We didn’t have , not on the mood.”

“OH MY GOD! Are you sick?!” Sungmin asked clapping the pillow on his mouth earning a glare from the other.

“What the hell Min! Can’t I have the freedom to not want ?!” Kyuhyun groaned standing up from the bed when Sungmin threw back the pillow.

“Eew Cover yourself!” the other shouted and Kyuhyun had a glint of mischievousness in his eyes he spread his arms and walked towards Sungmin.

“Why?! Am I too hot to handle?!”

“EEEEWWWW!!! Leave me alone!!! You erted! -“

“Come here Lee Sungmin… lemme hug you!!”

“EEEWWW Cho!” Sungmin ran slamming the door to the laughing Kyuhyun.


After he showered, he put on a thin v-neck and loose beige trousers and went out to where he could smell the boiling pot of sober porridge and some breakfast goodness Sungmin’s making for him, in actuality he misses the other’s cooking, it was almost a month since he last tasted one.

He peaked from his room towards the kitchen where Sungmin’s immersed on a cooking book, with his thick rimmed glasses, bangs pinned up to the sides making him look like an elementary kid and a peach apron. It should be pink but Kyuhyun pleaded Sungmin not to put any pink in his house.

“I forgot you’re a bookworm…” Kyuhyun chuckled throwing the used towel on the hamper when Sungmin looked up at him, rolled his eyes and check his boiling dish.

“I got tablets for hang over at the table, drink it after eating…” Sungmin said flipping the page of the book to the other recipe. Kyuhyun walked to the counter where his best friend is currently leaning, he began to look at Sungmin who seemed unconcerned with how his curves were easily seen through that fitted apron and panda printed pyjama which he always wore when he was in Kyuhyun’s apartment.

Staring at the man on that very provocative position, Kyuhyun unconsciously his lips when realization hit him that he felt really bothered with Sungmin’s appearance, he shrugged it off nervously, thinking that it is still the effect of the alcohol in his system, he directed his view to the buffet Sungmin’s currently cooking.

“Why do you wear those, it looks small on you!” Kyuhyun teased the other again and Sungmin straightened up in disbelief.

“What did you say? Are you implying that I’m fat?”

“You said that.” Kyuhyun said when the cookbook hit his head.

“Oh ! my headache…” the man growled and Sungmin smirked and muttered ‘Serves  you right…’

“Go sit on the sofa, I’ll give you the porridge, don’t bother me here…” Sungmin said shoving Kyuhyun out of the way.

“Hey this is my kitchen.” kyuhyun tried to bump Sungmin’s hips with his own hips to shove the other, causing him to lose balance

“You never use it.” Sungmin clucked his tongue and smiled at Kyuhyun’s childish acts, and in an instant Kyuhyun froze. There it is again the effects of sparkles and rainbows and sunshine.

The alcohol must’ve had hallucinogen content.

Sungmin raised the ladle and pursed his lips to blow the content, and everything was in slow motion for Kyuhyun’s vision, those pink lips that he didn’t noticed before parted in a very seductive manner, his tongue, showing a little as he brought the ing lucky ladle and took a sip of that whitish soup.

Kyuhyun’s mind was racing with unnecessary thoughts, and he didn’t know he was staring so intently not until Sungmin looked at him and smile again.

“You want a taste?” Sungmin offered and Kyuhyun’s rationality raced through insanity.

‘A taste of what? The soup? His lips? Or the soup on his lips?’ these questions made Kyuhyun hesitate and step back, Sungmin on the other hand didn’t notice Kyuhyun’s struggle and placed the ladle next to his lips.

“Come on taste it…” the other man urged him, it was on the same side where Sungmin planted his lips and another thought raced as that side touched his lip and he opened his mouth slightly to taste the remaining soup.

‘Indirect kiss?’

“How was it? Good?” Sungmin asked innocently.

Kyuhyun nodded, it tasted ing hot and good.

Sungmin smiled again delighted at the other’s response. “Told ya…” he giggled and winked at Kyuhyun before returning to preparing the foods.

That did it. Kyuhyun was immediately knocked down, his knees gave in as he loses his balance and slip through the counter, and he let out his breath, in which he didn’t know that he was holding before he heard his chest racing as if he ran a mile.

To Be Continued

A/N: Hahaha this is funny, I never thought I will make this kind of fluffy, y, and funny fic. Do you like it?







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angelamy #1
Chapter 12: :o i hate u!! is this a fair end!! i demand an appeal to this case! my client here Mr. Cho Kyuhyun was caused emotional damages by Kim Jongwoon (my bias) and Lee Sungim!
angelamy #2
Chapter 8: yeaaah u did great!! im proud of this chapter too T_T
Chapter 12: I can't explain what I felt while reading this... It's just too painful and it ended that way </3 :'( anw, It's been a while since I read some kyumin fics again... (I'm still hurting :'() Thank you for this! I haven't cried too long hahaha!
little-dreamer #4
Chapter 12: i hape separating could make them fix their own feeling :")
orz orz sungmin you're still confused you idiot! and kyu you're such a weird idiot! and jongwoon you know how sungmin feels, why are you disregarding it! ahh I'm frustrated XD
well i guess being apart is what they do need .-.
loving the drama though ;;;;;

ahhaha and oooooh to be continued! this will be fun c: maybe sungmin can take a little thinker XD
Gyaaaa #6
Chapter 12: I can't believe i forget to comment on this one.. ㅡ_ㅡ

Love it... Love the ending.. Even if i hope kyumin will end together, that would be selfish... And unfair.. ^^

Off to re-read the sequel then...

Thanks again for writing..
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 12: so....., tbc
where is the sequel?
I love them both. Too bad kyu did not realize his feeling sooner
thanks for sharing
Chapter 12: Awwww (and yes i said AwwwWw) this is so beautiful story.

If sungmin leave yesung, i think it won't looks real and i'm gonna hate sungmin a little 'cause he still thinks selfishly.

I'm waiting your another fic ^^
mrshaee #9
Chapter 12: ENDED? REALLY? NO WAAAAAAY ;_______;

ayawani #10
Chapter 12: Sequel please my lovely author-nim.. :'(