Reason # 11: Because it has always been you.

Reasons for a Love Song

A/N: And! Before you go AWWWWW Read the last part VERY CAREFULLY, OKAY!!!


A soft click.

Kyuhyun blinked his eyes open, like something urged him to wake up at that moment.

The blinds allowed small light to penetrate his room, he felt light, pretty unusual for someone who had just drink a heaps of alcohol last night. He barely remembered anything but he was sure Sungmin was there, kissing him softly and it made him feel amazing.

Thinking about it Sungmin helped him sleep peacefully, the first time in weeks, and he can’t help but giggle like a fangirl at the thought of waking up with his bestfriend and probably the man he love, beside him.

His hand crept to his side, feeling the bundle of blankets, but to his surprise only an ample amount of warmth was there. He bolted upright and a sting from his head hurt him. He looked at the spot where he remembered Sungmin had been, but there was no one there.

“Min?” he called out, silently praying Sungmin would emerge from the door wearing his apron, scolding him for being such a sloppy bastard.

But no reply came, the apartment was dreadfully silent.

He stumble on his haste to stand up and ran to the door. He checked the receiving area which has been cleaned, the tables, the kitchen, the guest room.

Every room he checked that came out empty gave his chest a stab, he was desperately running here and there calling out for a person he had known was long gone.

‘So this is what it felt…’ he thought grudgingly.

His eyes landed on the table near the door, a shining metal caught his eyes, recognizing what it was made his knees weak and he finally collapsed before he even reached the table. He didn’t know why he was on his against his carpeted floor, why he was clutching his hair, his forehead throbbing like hell, and small droplets were drawing a trail on his cheeks.

Seeing his original apartment keys which was left to Sungmin’s care made him realize one thing.

Sungmin had rejected him.

The feelings he was developing for the friend he had all his life was rejected before it even went further.


Covering his mouth Sungmin sobbed harder than before, he can’t open his apartment door, he was just standing in front of it eyeing it hopelessly holding it from time to time for support.

He knew what he had done, he had thrown away a chance to be with Kyuhyun, because he was a coward afraid to get hurt, afraid to be left behind by the person he cherished more than anything.

He was afraid of being left behind that he decided to leave first.

No matter how he imprint on his mind that Kyuhyun probably won’t remember anything when he wake up, he still hold on to the tiny bit of hope that Kyuhyun would chase after him, say all the things he just said last night and prove to him that he had finally became more than a friend.

But he wasn’t even sure on how to take it if Kyuhyun confessed like that. If he fell for Kyuhyun, would the other be able to catch him and never let him go?


A low husk of a voice sounded alarmed snapped Sungmin from his train of thoughts. His brain hurts from thinking, his heart hurts from loving.

“What’s wrong?” Jongwoon asked grasping Sungmin’s shoulders while the latter just keep crying as hell. “! Tell me what’s wrong?” the older pulled Sungmin into a tight embrace.

“I’m sorry Jongwoon, I’m really really sorry…” Sungmin managed to say over and over again, he owe the guy an apology, he owe him an explanation why hadn’t he return home after rushing into Kyuhyun.

“Huh? Why are you saying sorry?” Jongwoon asked confused but he had a gist of what had happened, the force of holding Sungmin upright took small toll on him as he realized the reality plaid infront of him.

Words of apologies knocked the older off his feet as realization hit him. He knew it, he just knew the moment he found Sungmin drunk on the bar, the moment he tucked Sungmin on the VIP rooms for him to rest. He had never seen Sungmin cried so much like what he’s doing now since he had first heard the word ‘Kyuhyun’ from his boyfriend’s lips.

He remembered it clearly, the way Sungmin curled up on that room, crying and muttering his bestfriend’s name over and over again until it lulled him to sleep.

Jongwoon held Sungmin against his chest as his other hand clutch the bridge of his nose, they had collapsed on the door way of Sungmin’s apartment and both of them had been silent, Sungmin saying words of apology and Jongwoon trying his hard to keep himself composed for the man in his arms.


“Kyuhyun, aren’t you going to talk to him?” Leeteuk asked the younger who’s staring at his phone at the message he just had received.

Sungmin didn’t contact him for weeks and when he did it was a simple message that manages to make Kyuhyun discard the littlest feelings he had.

He had decided that maybe he and Sungmin needed this afterall, maybe he’s just confuse because he had like girls all his life and liking a guy so suddenly was just a feeling he had when his most reliable person finally found the man for him.

He had made this piled up excuses in his head, he had built it so well, but the sting never did fade and his lips never forgot the feeling. That’s why he’s cursing himself now, he must be angry with Sungmin yet, he can’t seem to go on a day without worrying if the other had eaten or is he sleeping well.

Petty things crosses his mind every now and thanks to Leeteuk helping him to remember this ‘petty stuff’ regularly, he can’t seem to have a peace of mind, not that he’s good at having it on the first place even if Leeteuk is gone.

“We had talked hyung.” Kyuhyun answered setting his phone aside before he threw it out the window from  the 10th floor. “And I guess this will be the best.”

“You really say words in contrary to what you feel you know.” Leeteuk said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Are you really okay with it?”

Kyuhyun managed to push a smile up to his lips. “Of course, it’s time we separate our ways.”

Leeteuk shrugged his shoulders and take a last lingering look to Kyuhyun who fiddle with his work immediately and walked out of the office.

Kyuhyun’s smile faded at once and he took his cellphone once again and read the message that made him choked up.

Frm: Sungminnie

“Kyu, I’m sorry I can’t say goodbye properly, I’ve taken a project in Jeju, it’s a huge one so It will take longer than expected and It was rushed… I’ll be staying there for a couple of months, take care of yourself Kyuhyun. I’ll call you once I got there.”

He totally understand that opportunities meant everything to Sungmin, what he can’t comprehend is why did Sungmin just said this to him now, is he avoiding him at all cost?

How long is a couple of months? The other didn’t say a specific date, so maybe there was no assurance that he will go back to Seoul.

No matter how mad he is with his bestfriend about not talking to him for weeks before leaving and not seeing him for a couple of months, there is still a part of him that wanted to board the next taxi to airport and ride the next plane to Jeju.

To: Sungminnie

Can’t I see you before you go? We haven’t talk for weeks…

 Kyuhyun tapped in his message and sent it, heart pounding against his rib cage. Waiting for a reply.

Frm: Sungminnie

Sorry Kyu, I already boarded the plane, we’ll see each other soon kay?

I Love you…

The three words that sent Kyuhyun to cloud nine yet dropped him like a gyro the next second made him flinched and confused. This ‘love’ was a bestfriend’s love, and he was becoming a bastard for wishing to own his bestfriend’s ‘love’ when he himself can’t be trusted by it.

He sighed deeply. He just needed to wait, and to prove himself once more.


“Sungmin, we should head to the airport.” Jongwoon’s voice called Sungmin who’s standing in front of Cho Enterprises bldg. holding his cellphone, reading Kyuhyun’s last message.

Frm: Evil Hyunnie

Yeah, Me too.

He backed off a little towards the awaiting cab, settling himself inside.

“You sure, you don’t want to go in and say goodbye?” Jongwoon looked at Sungmin’s broken expression.

He shook his head. “It’s better this way…”

“Ahjussi… let’s go.”

To be continued.



A/N.2: SURPRISE!!! It ended. SOooooooo guess which side won the poll? Kekekeke Sorry is this already too cliché? Well honestly speaking the last part made me cry, and this fic is supposed to be funny, really my angsty side is winning over.

BTW, how is it? D’you like it even though it’s like this? Feed me some cuddles please??

A/N.3: Now I’m thinking the common denominator of all my fics is a play on time. Did you see what I did there??? kekekeke



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angelamy #1
Chapter 12: :o i hate u!! is this a fair end!! i demand an appeal to this case! my client here Mr. Cho Kyuhyun was caused emotional damages by Kim Jongwoon (my bias) and Lee Sungim!
angelamy #2
Chapter 8: yeaaah u did great!! im proud of this chapter too T_T
Chapter 12: I can't explain what I felt while reading this... It's just too painful and it ended that way </3 :'( anw, It's been a while since I read some kyumin fics again... (I'm still hurting :'() Thank you for this! I haven't cried too long hahaha!
little-dreamer #4
Chapter 12: i hape separating could make them fix their own feeling :")
orz orz sungmin you're still confused you idiot! and kyu you're such a weird idiot! and jongwoon you know how sungmin feels, why are you disregarding it! ahh I'm frustrated XD
well i guess being apart is what they do need .-.
loving the drama though ;;;;;

ahhaha and oooooh to be continued! this will be fun c: maybe sungmin can take a little thinker XD
Gyaaaa #6
Chapter 12: I can't believe i forget to comment on this one.. ㅡ_ㅡ

Love it... Love the ending.. Even if i hope kyumin will end together, that would be selfish... And unfair.. ^^

Off to re-read the sequel then...

Thanks again for writing..
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 12: so....., tbc
where is the sequel?
I love them both. Too bad kyu did not realize his feeling sooner
thanks for sharing
Chapter 12: Awwww (and yes i said AwwwWw) this is so beautiful story.

If sungmin leave yesung, i think it won't looks real and i'm gonna hate sungmin a little 'cause he still thinks selfishly.

I'm waiting your another fic ^^
mrshaee #9
Chapter 12: ENDED? REALLY? NO WAAAAAAY ;_______;

ayawani #10
Chapter 12: Sequel please my lovely author-nim.. :'(