Day Two

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Baekho was excited to get to school earlier today, he wanted to see Ren's face again.

It had been almsot a week since his last encounter with the blonde, and his face had been haunting him in his dreams as of late.

Ren hadn't spoken a word to him since that first day of school, nor had his companion JR.

He saw them around sometimes, sitting under a tree at lunch, eating in stony silence, or sitting in class together, using each other's notes to get highest in the class.

Baekho sat with the pair in science, and with Ren in his home room, but the blonde had been ignoring him no matter what Baekho did to provoke a reaction.

Baekho was running down the hall when he tripped and fell face first into the lockers along the wall, a few students sniggering as they went past.

Baekho groaned and rubbed his face, then a shadow came voer him and he looked up to see blonde hair.

"Baekho." Ren said flatly.

Baekho's heart did a curious lurch, it was the first time he'd heard Ren say his name.

"Y-Yeah?" he stammered. Get a grip on yourself Bae! Why are you so nervous suddenly?!

"You've fallen in front of my locker," Ren said emotionlessly.

"O-Oh. Sorry Ren," Baekho clambered to his feet, Ren not offering to help him, and stood aside, watching the beautiful blonde open his locker and get his stuff out.

"Ren?" he suddenly asked.

The blonde paused, showing he was listening without looking at Baekho.

" know what never mind," Baekho mumbled.

Ren gave a slight nod and closed his locker, turning and walking down the hall.

"You're shoelace is undone by the way," he said over his shoulder.

Baekho glanced down and saw the reason why he had tripped over. Blushing he did his shoelace up and hurried to his own locker before going to his home room.

Sliding into his seat next to Ren he hoped the blonde would say something to him. 

But, it looked like he'd gotten his limit of words from Ren as the blonde ignored him yet again.

~at lunch~

"So, how's blondie coming along?" Minhyun asked casually, munching on a pieece of chicken.

"Ah...not too great. He talked to me this morning, but again it wasn't very polite," Baekho responded.

"Hey at least he actually talks to you, that's more than any of ever got," Aron pointed out.

Baekho shrugged. He still didn't feel particulary special for it, who really wanted to be the only one a rude person talked to? It wasn't that much of a miracle to Baekho.

He noticed with dull surprise the creepy couple were sitting inside today, eating in silence a few tables over from them. 

He watched from the corner of his eyes as JR rubbed his wrist where a dark cut was running along it down his arm, it didn't look self-inflicted.

Ren reached over and ran his fingers down it, making Baekho wonder what those fingers felt like, and jealous that they were touching JR.

What? What am I jealous for? Baekho shook his head.

JR nodded to something Ren said without words, and looked over to Baekho's table.

"Hyung," he called.

"What?" Minhyun snapped glaring at him.

"I'm staying at Ren's tonight," JR told him.

"Whatever, stay at the 's house if you want," Minhyun said.

JR shot up, fury in his eyes, but Ren calmly stuck his arm out, preventing him for leaving the table.

"Don't worry. Not woth the effort. Come JR, we'll leave them to their judging," Ren expressionlessly got up and left the table, JR in tow.

"Bit harsh," Aron commented.

Minhyun shrugged. "Yeah maybe."

Baekho was deep in thought as he walked to science, so deep that he didn't noticed the sleek blonde hair next to him.

"Why are you friends with him?" Ren asked flatly, like he wasn't interested at all.

"Ren! I -"

"He hurts him. Make him stop." Ren looked at him through lifeless eyes.

Baekho knew in that moment that he could never be able to deny Ren anything.

"I - Yes." he said numbly.

Ren nodded, satisfied, and sped up his pace to pass Bakeho and file into class.

Baekho sighed, wondering what he'd gotten himself into.

~two days later~

Ren wasn't in home room, which made Baekho feel slightly worried.

Was the blonde okay? Maybe he was in trouble?

Baekho shook his head, he was probably just having a sick day, and it wasn't like it was rational to be so worried about someone who barely spoke to you, and even then it was rude.

No matter how much you liked them.

No! No I do not like Ren! Baekho denied in his head. I don't like him, he's rude and weird. I have no reason to have feelings for him. Plus they'd be a waste of time anyway.

He looked up in surprise when he saw JR walking into his home room, what was he doing here?

"Don't ask me why but for some reason Ren found it important for me to tell you he wasn't coming to school today, and to give you this," JR said handing him a note. 

"Why?" Baekho asked without thinking.

"Didn't I just say not to ask me why? I don't know, Ren's a farily odd person, he just does what he wants." JR left the room without another word.

Baekho opened the note and read it with curiousity.

- I thought you'd miss me today, since you have no one to annoy in home room. I have a favour, keep an eye on JR? 

Baekho smiled. For some reason he felt like he'd made a major breakthrough with Ren.

He decided to ask for Ren's address from JR in science so he could go visit him. 

-in science-

"You want Ren's address from me? Seriously? You're persistant," JR mused, a toothpick between his teeth.

"Huh?" Baekho questioned.

JR shrugged, "Most people give up on Ren within the first few days,"

"Well people tell me I'm not the smartest guy there is," Baekho grinned.

JR let out a small chuckle.

"You're a lot more human than Ren I've noticed,"

JR smiled at Baekho. "Ah well, that's Ren for you. We have to act this way, to stop people like you from hurting us. Besides Ren...well say what you want about Ren, but he's been through enough to justify the way he treats people,"

"What do you mean?" Baekho asked. "What happened to Ren?"

JR shook his head. "I've said too much already. If you're meant to know Ren will tell you. You'll have to get his address from him, I don't feel comfortable giving out such info. But..." JR smirked slightly. "You're a nice guy I can tell, so here's his phone number. But you didn't get it from me okay?" 

Baekho nodded and took the slip of paper from JR.


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Chapter 4: I like this. A little bit confusing, but I like it =)
ChocolateBear #2
Chapter 3: wait..... isn't baekho's real name is dongho and JR'r real name is jonghyun? .____. but minki is so cuteee >_< i like how he opened up with baekho eventough i guess this is too sudden ~
ChocolateBear #3
Chapter 2: really good ! a bit confusing but after all it's nice (ฅ'ω'ฅ)♪ Update soon please (>人<*)
rockettoyou #4
Chapter 2: update soon
MushroomPea #5
Chapter 1: update soon.....