
How To Get A Guy, Services By....Byun Baekhyun??


"Wanna go for a walk?" You asked, sitting up from the bed. BaekHyun was still holding your hand as he stood to tower over you.

"Where would we go Hye? It's getting dark outside." You pondered his question and replied with a smile. "My favorite place, where else?"

"Hye. The ice cream shop is already closed, how about tomorrow." You could tell he was joking. You also knew BaekHyun didn't like going places at night, he really didn't like it. Not that he was worried about himself, he was worried about you getting hurt. Which you couldn't blame him for being worried about something like that. It was BaekHyun, being BaekHyun.

"Come on!" You stood from your bed and lead him out the door and down the stairs. BaekHyun was caught off gaurd by your intrest in something not related to school.

Wasn't she the one who said we had to do our assignment? Oh well, this might be fun.

You ran out the front door, waving to your mom as you walked out. BaekHyun was still holding your hand as you walked towards the park around the corner from your house. It was quite, the only sounds were coming from the crickets. BaekHyun was swaying your arms back and forth slightly as you walked. It was your favorite thing to do with him, just walk and not say anything. You always did it with him when you felt stressed out, or were upset about something. BaekHyun never had a problem when you called him up and asked for him to walk with you.

He was very self-less when it had to do with you, but, you just couldn't see it yet. Even though he was a bubbly person, he was a very conservitive person. The exact opposite of you.

"So, Hye, what's on your mind?" He asked getting rid of the silence.

"How is all of this going to play out Baek? I have no idea what your planning with the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing." You looked at him and found a tight line across his face. He was thinking, but it was different than other times. It was him thinking about all the things he hadn't thought of before. The answers, the consequences, and the worst.

"Baek?" You asked quietly. He looked at you and smiled, giving your hand a light squeeze.

"Let's go sit down over there." He said moving over to a bench. He pulled you along and placed you right next to him. You both remained quiet for some time. You were giving BaekHyun some time to gather his thoughts, so you just waited and looked around.

It's always the same. Nothing's changed.

The park seemed like it hadn't been touched by anything or anyone from the last time you were here. You observed your surroundings while you waited for BaekHyun to speak.

"We both know I don't want to move to an all boys school, and that my parent's don't like the choices I've made. But, I think that if we can convince them that we are dating, then everything should turn out fine."

"Do you think it will be easy? Convincing them?"

"Hye, we've been friends since I can remember. We know everything about each other, and I mean everything. Do you really think that my parent's are going to believe me when I tell them my best friend is now my girlfriend?"

You were still trying to figure out an answer from the last time he asked. It was a question that you saw could go either way, yes or no.

"Yes, I do BaekHyun. Because we are going to show them that you can get any girl you want."

"What do you mean?"

You stood and started walking back to your house with BaekHyun in tow, he caught up with you and turned you around to face him. "Hye, what are you talking about, how are we going to show them?"

"You're going to bring me over for dinner and we are going to show them what young love looks like." You smiled and started walking away again to head home, you looked back and saw BaekHyun standing around, not doing anything. "Come on! We still have a project we need to work on!"

I really hope this is going to work.


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Chapter 6: So romantic ^^
Chapter 1: Oh it's happening.