Are You Ready?

Into the Fire



“I have to… I’m sorry but this has to be the end.”
“but you’ll be back right?” 
“Neh but this is the end for us.”

“He’s back! Hyung is back from the military!” Daesung exclaimed waking me up from my dream or should I say, memory” “Oppa, who is back?” I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “Jiyong Hyung!” he said jumping up and down on our bed. “Jincha? Has it been two years already?” “NEH!!!” he exclaimed as he pulled me up to jump along. I’ve never seen him this excited since Seunghyun Oppa came back from the military last year. “Jagi, we need to get ready for his welcome back party!” I got off the bed and said “Too bad Young Bae Oppa isn’t going to be back till September…” “I know Jagi, but he will be back in no time.” he said as he kissed me lightly on my forehead. 

Young Bae, known to the rest of the world as Taeyang has been my best friend ever since I was just a trainee at YG. We would spend all our extra time together hanging out and talking about everything. When I was having a hard time, he was always the one that i could rely on for good advice. He is like a big brother to me and without him, I don’t think I would have been able to get this far.  He helped me be the woman I am today and BigBang stick together through all the tough times by letting us see the brighter perspective of life. When Jiyong and Young Bae left for the military, the boys and the entire company felt like their sunshine and fire rapping dragon has been taken from their lives. It took a while for the company to get back on it’s feet but with new acts and the maknae line’s solos, business continues. 

 A lot has changed since then. I finally debuted, Daesung’s solo projects are doing more than great, Seungri is working on his second movie and so much more. No matter where life took him, he remained the same Ding Dong Young Bae that I know and love. Hopefully he will still be the same when he returns. I have heard that the military can entirely change a person but I doubt that would happen to all the boys…. especially my Daesunggie. 

It wasn’t until last year that Daesung and I stared dating. We have always been great friends and gotten a lot more closer after Jiyong Oppa and Youngbae Oppa left. He helped me get over a really difficult time. Till now he doesn’t know the real reason why I was so heart broken last year. He just thinks that I was sad over my best friend leaving but it was so much more than that. Some secrets are just meant to be hidden. Only me and HIM will know… 

I lazily got out of bed and headed for the shower. Slowly, I undressed myself and sang my new song. (Nuclear - Destiny’s Child) The warm water washed last nights dream away and the pain that came with it. I didn’t want to remember it but I know today I will have to face him. He probably won’t even remember or care. Time has passed and I have moved on. I closed my eyes but I only saw his face. His smirk that used made my knees weak was projected in the back of my eyelids. No! Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. “Jagi, its me.” I turned around and saw a bright smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” “Yah! Why are you in here?” I said hitting his shoulder. “I thought that if we shower together, we would finish getting ready sooner.” “Why are you in such a rush?“I really want to see hyung. I’m sure you do too.” “yes I want to see him but im not in a total rush.” “Oh well since I’m already here, can you please pass me the soap?” “Aish Oppa…” I grabbed the bar of soap and waited for him to take it. “Jagi, can you do it for me?” he said mischievously. “No! You do it!” i said then threw the soap at his abs. He laughed and said “Arraso.” We quickly finished showering and got ready. 
“How do I look?” He asked as the did a body builder pose. “Seckshi” I said imitating his Korean accent since he always imitates my English accent. I am the first non-Korean to debut at YG Entertainment and am known for my accent. When I sing, no one would think that I’m from America, California to be exact, but when I do interviews it is pretty obvious. “Kamsamnida!” “How do I look Oppa?” I say twirling around in my dress. “Hot! But I dont think hyung will remember you. “Oh I think he will…” We put our shoes on and headed to Se7en Oppa’s restaurant for the welcome back party.

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