Engagement parties and arrogant boys

Love's Melody

A week after at lunch Gui Gui, Aaron, Jiro, Chun, Calvin, Ella, Angela and Genie were all gathered at their table as usual.
Calvin always brought Genie and Angela for lunch now. Gui Gui and Genie always ended up gossiping, while Angela tried to make Calvin even more interested in her (Gui Gui and Genie thought it was pretty scary how hard she tried). Calvin was always staring at Genie, which Genie found even scarier, and Chun and Ella was acting all in love, which grossed Jiro, Genie and Aaron out.
“But Genie, his handsome, nice to you and… Why don’t you give him a chance?” Gui Gui whispered to Genie. Those two were busy with a discussion about Calvin.
“He’s not my type, his to… Geeky and thin and… Have you looked at his hair? Gui, you know what kind of guy I like” Genie answered her. She didn’t want to say bad things about Calvin; she was just tired of the topic.
“No, I don’t… What kind of guy do you like?” Gui Gui asked her.
“You know… Muscular, not too smart, but not stupid… Funny… Handsome…” Gui Gui cut her off.
“You like Jiro?” Gui Gui asked her too loud. Luckily the guys were too busy discussing music, so only Angela heard her, which of course relieved Angela, since she wanted Calvin to herself.
“Keep it down… Yes, I like Jiro, so what?” Genie whispered as she blushed.
“Nothing, I’m just… Surprised” Gui Gui said.
“Why?” Genie asked.
“He just doesn’t seem to be your type…” Gui Gui said.
“But maybe I’m wrong…” she added.
“Hey, have you seen that new guy in my class? I don’t remember his name… Dan, Danny, Daniel, something like that… He’s pretty good looking, just the type of guy I could see you with” Gui Gui said, like it didn’t matter. Honestly, she wanted Jiro to be with Melody, so she could be freed for the whole ‘she is David Tao’s ex girlfriend’ speech.
“Aaron, I came by to see your friends, and…” Gui Gui heard Melody’s voice, and heard her stod talking as soon as she saw Jiro. They looked at each other for a long while.
"Mel... Mel... Melody!?" Jiro asked. Genie looked jealous in some way. Calvin looked jealous by seeing Genie jealous. It was quite a big mess.
“Jiro?!” Melody almost shouted.
“Jiro, it’s really you! Oh my goodness, I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“Who’re you?” Genie asked. All of them looked at her, and she suddenly blushed. The jealousy was pretty obvious in her voice.
“I’m Aaron’s cousin, and used to give Jiro guitar lessons… My name is Melody” Melody said, and send Genie a warm smile, that Genie couldn’t reply.
“I’m Genie…” She said almost not hearable.
“Gui told me SO much about you, it’s really nice to finally meet you!” Melody said in an excited tone. Genie looked at her. Could a person be this pretty? Melody had huge happy, innocent eyes, and a smile that was almost warmer that a hot summer day. Genie looked at Jiro, who was lost in Melody.
“So, you must be Calvin and you Chun” Melody said and looked at Calvin and Chun. She didn’t pay any attention to Angela, who seemed pretty insulted because she didn’t have the limelight. Even Calvin didn’t look at her.
“That’s right… I never though that Jiro’s legendary guitar teacher and Aaron’s enthusiastic cousin would be the same person” Calvin said.
“And David Tao’s ex girlfriend” Aaron said, sounding proud. Gui Gui laughed, and Genie got more and more jealous.
“Wow, you also know David Tao? I mean, I’ve met him a few times… He and my childhood friend’s cousin sang a duet once…” Angela bragged. Gui Gui rolled her eyes.

At the hospital Sam and Joanne was greeting each other goodbye, since the doctors thought that Joanne could handle a weekend at home.
“Can I please make a request for you?” Sam asked in a serious tone.
“Why this serious? We’ll meet again after this weekend, and…” He didn’t pay attention to what she was saying.
"Joanne, please marry me as soon as possible... I want to make the last years I can live the happiest" Sam said.
“Sam… I’m not even eighteen yet, no need to rush it…” Joanne said calming.
“Joanne, they told me today that they honestly thought that I only had five years left… I know that I’m being really selfish, but I want to spend those five years with you” Sam said.
“Sam… I promise I’ll do it when I turn eighteen” Joanne said.
Sam found something prom his pockets and took her hand. She felt that he pressed a ring on her finger. She looked at it. It was beautiful. No, it was more than beautiful, it was… She couldn’t find the words for it, but she couldn’t focus on it either. Her whole trip home was focused on his words. ‘Last years’, ‘only five years left’, and ‘selfish’. He was right, he was being really selfish, but she couldn’t blame him. Wouldn’t it also be selfish if she didn’t take the ring? Honestly, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to marry him. If she wanted to be with him forever, but could she even reject? It was only five years, and… And she loved him. Of course she did.

At the lunch table Genie had given up on talking to Jiro. He wasn’t interested in a word she said anyway, and everytime he did listen, he came with a comment on what Melody used to tell him. It was really tiring. Gui Gui tried to make her focus on other stuff, but it didn’t work.
Genie stared at the door opening to the canteen, when an unbelievably handsome guy at her age stepped in. He looked charming, and had a good sense of style. Gui Gui suddenly greeted the handsome guy.
“Hey! We’re in the same class!” Gui Gui shouted, and waved at him. He ignored her, and looked at their table in an arrogant way. Genie decided that he was too rude, so she started scolding him.
“Who do you think you are?!Not answering people when they greet you! You obviously don’t know who she is!” Genie shouted, before she noticed that the whole school was looking.
“I already am aware of who this annoying young lady is. And you as well. Actually, I think I’m better informed about the persons from this school that you’re aware of” the guy said. Jiro looked at him, and then realized something.
“Wait… Danson?!” He asked, and smiled at the arrogant guy.
Aaron, Gui Gui and Genie all looked surprised, but the rest of them already knew who he was.
“Danson is Jiro’s best friend, who used to be in this school as well… I see he’s back” Calvin said in a bored tone. Genie blushed, when Danson sat next to her.
“Since when did you start eating with such annoying girls?” Danson asked and looked at Genie and Gui Gui.
“Since Calvin started inviting random girls to eat with us… Gui is Aaron’s girlfriend, and Ella is Chun’s” Jiro answered. Angela started flirting with Calvin again, without paying attention to Danson.
“So, how was Denmark?” Jiro asked Danson.
“Cold” Danson answered without any feeling in his voice.
“You’ve been there in two years, and all you have to comment is the weather?” Calvin asked him.
“What do you wanna know then?” Danson asked with a question.
“Did they have good-looking girls?” Calvin asked.
“Did the food taste good?” Chun asked.
“Did they have good music?” Aaron asked.
“Did the business thing go good?” Jiro asked. Danson smiled a little, without stopping looking arrogant.
“The girls were okay, actually I had a girlfriend in quite a while… The food, boring… I didn’t notice the music, and the business thing was okay” Danson said, without changing his expression.
“What was the name of that girl? But, it was business related, right?” Calvin asked.
“Her name? Ida… And no, it wasn’t business related, which is the reason that we had to break up, and I had to go back. By the way, it is ‘what is the name of the girl’, and not ‘what was’. Your sentence was incorrect, since her name is still Ida” Danson said.
“How can a guy like you get a girlfriend?” Genie asked.
“You’re attitude is so bad” she added.
“My attitude depends on the people that is around me, and in the company” he looked at Genie, Gui Gui and Ella.
“I don’t a good attitude is needed” he added.
“Maybe you’re a friend of Jiro, but as Gui Gui’s boyfriend I have to say that I can’t stand the attitude of yours” Aaron said.

After school Gui Gui, Aaron and Mr. Zeng was discussing Aaron and Gui Gui’s future together. Mr. Zeng though that since they had been together for so long, they should get officially engaged as soon as Gui Gui turned eighteen.
“I mean, Sam and Joanne are already engaged, so it’s not like it’s weird, and since Ying Jie is way more mature than Joanne…” Gui Gui didn’t listen, she was actually pretty bored.
“But Mr. Zeng, Joanne and Sam have to get engaged this soon, Sam have…” Mr. Zeng cut him off.
“It is all about family image, Aaron… Originally, you and Joanne’s engagement party would have been held next Sunday, actually… “Mr. Zeng said. Finally Gui Gui said something.
“But that was also a business-thing… Me and Aaron are together because of love…” she explained.
“I know, Gui, but since me, and the Yan family still has some business to do, you know that it is important to have things going fast… Before the two of you regret” Mr. Zeng said.
Gui Gui wouldn’t admit it, but she actually wanted to marry Aaron as soon as possible. She wanted to be with him forever.
“So, when is the party going to be held?” Aaron asked, and tried to hide a smile.
“Next Sunday… We’re using the original rooms and food from you and Joanne’s engagement party” Mr. Zeng said. Aaron smiled, and found something from his pocket.
“Gui, my parents wanted you to wear this as an engagement ring…” Aaron said, and putted it on her fingers. She smiled happily, and looked at the ring.
“Thanks Aaron… It’s beautiful” she said, smiling.
“Oh, and by the way… Aaron, I would like you to stay here for a few days, so we can discuss the party-details and so on…” Mr. Zeng said.
“But – you will of course live in the guest room, since you two aren’t married yet!” he added. Both of them blushed deeply, and walked out of the room.
"Aaron, I'm so happy that it's finally decided! I love you!" she said. Aaron smiled.
"Gui, it's not like it's gonna happen when we're still in school, we're not even eighteen yet, and..." Gui Gui cut him off.
”But at least it’s gonna happen” she said and sounded optimistic. Aaron kissed her forehead.

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congratulations : )
great story
-HaeFany-Forever- #3
Re reading it again!
kikyuhaeminteuk #4
GuiLin <3<br />
<br />
aww re-reading this story makes me smile..i still love this fanfics..haha gahh cute ending and I love it haha..i will be waiting for more and more of your other fanfics! (:<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
hehe gahh i miss this story haha! (:<br />
glad you post here too!<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
This is my reread :P <br />
Love guilun and your story to the core (: <br />
Gril4Life #8
Me too, Blitz xD
Blitz-IHS #9
I like that we're on the cast list xD
AsianChitChat #10
how many ff do you have? i haven't read this one yet