
Baby, Maybe..
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Kyungmi finished breakfast and carefully stood up, sliding her chair back as she did so. She picked up her empty plate and placed it next to the sink. Roaming past the family, she headed out the kitchen and sat down on the floor, facing the fireplace. They looked out at her and frowned. As the parents washed the dishes, their sons stood by them. "What are we gonna do with her, yeobo?", Taeyeon asked, concerned. Kyungmi couldn't speak a word. The boys had school while the parents had work.
"Aren't you two teachers? Why don't you teach her at home?", Myungsoo suggested. Jaejoong shook his head. "I'm a coach, remember?"
The boy turned to his mother.  "What about you, umma?"
Taeyeon stacked the dishes on the drying rack. "I don't think teaching her only English can help get her far."
"What about you call those helper people for dumb kids, umma?", JaeHwa chirped. His parents immediately glared down at him and shushed him. "That's not a nice thing to say, sweetie", Taeyeon scolded, wagging her finger at him. The little boy pouted and clung onto his hyung's leg. Myungsoo sighed and patted his head. 
"If she can't properly interact with us, who knows how she'll act around others. So it's best to keep her home and have your mother teach her everything she knows", Jaejoong informed, drying his hands with a towel. He turned to Myungsoo with a stern look. "Son, from this point, I want you to be home by five to take care of her."
Myungsoo widened his eyes. He opened his mouth to object but his father cut him off. "No buts. She needs to be looked after. Her condition right now isn't the best. She could harm herself."
Myungsoo glanced at Kyungmi, still hunched in the corner. She didn't look emotionless; she looked completely lost. He started pitying her... but he was also curious about why she was like this. "Appa... do you think a man has done something with her?"
Jaejoong looked at his son and then glanced at his wife.
"I mean, she reacts negatively when you and I touch her but when umma touched her, she didn't seem to have any problems with it", he continued. Jaehwa laughed and clapped his hands. "Hyung actually sounds smart for once!", he chirped, jumping around. Myungsoo glared at him. "I'll take away your Legos if you dare to say that again." The younger one immediately stopped and looked down.
If getting a girl to do the talking was the only way to communicate with Kyungmi, then so be it. Jaejoong laced his fingers through Taeyeon's and led her out the kitchen. "Why don't you go talk to her, neh?", he whispered to her. Before she was able to have a say in it, Jaejoong shoved her towards the girl. He shoved her a little too hard and she fell, landing on Kyungmi's back. The girl winced, still feeling the pain of her marks when she felt the impact. Taeyeon scrambled up to a sitting position and repeatedly apologized to her. Kyungmi simply blinked.
"So uhm... I'll ask you one more time... What's your name, sweetie?"
Jaejoong and his sons hid behind the couch and listened in on the conversation. There was a long pause and Kyungmi still didn't answer. Taeyeon sighed and softly smiled, reaching her hand out. Kyungmi stared at the hand that was extending towards her. She didn't even blink. Taeyeon's fingers softly ran through the girl's brown locks. Kyungmi relaxed and closed her eyes. "How about I just give you a name, then?", the woman suggested. 
No answer. She didn't even open her eyes. It was as if she was deaf at the moment.
Kyungmi looked directly into Taeyeon's eyes, startling her. "I think we'll call you Angel, then. Is that alright?"
Angel.. it sounds too pretty for me.. She nodded slightly, simply wanting to end the conversation. Talking wasn't exactly her best interest right now. Taeyeon smiled and stood up, along with the boys behind the couch. Kyungmi saw them and scowled at them. She stood up and walked past them, heading to her room.
There was an awkward silence when Taeyeon crossed her arms and gave them a look, mentally scolding them without words. "I'm guessing noona doesn't like couches", Jaehwa spoke to break the silence. Myungsoo facepalmed himself. Still as lame as ever... Their parents laughed and ushered their kids out to the car.
"Remember. Be home by five", Jaejoong reminded his eldest son. Myungsoo growled in annoyance, which in turn, annoyed the man. "I get it, appa.
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The called boy snapped out of his daze and looked up. His girlfriend, Naeun, had waved her hand in his face several times."What's wrong, oppa?", she frowned, noticing his dead silence. Okay, being quiet is his thing but he wasn't dead quiet like he was just now.
"Maybe he's found another girl to look at!", Dongwoo cruelly joked, earning a kick from the younger one. Myungsoo pierced his eyes into his hyung's soul. Naeun also stepped on the latter's foot, crossing her arms. "I was just joking!", he whimpered, rubbing his hit spots.
"Seriously, bro. What's the matter?", Sunggyu interrogated, raising a brow. Myungsoo contemplated on whether he should tell him or not. He decided to anyway. After all, it's gonna be found out sooner or later. He explained how his parents found Kyungmi, her mysterious behavior around males, her inability to communicate with others, and the layer of blemishes on her face and body. Naeun stared hard at her boyfriend as he told the story. Another girl at his house...? An unknown girl..? She frowned.
"I think Mrs. Kim is getting jealous", Woohyun teased, poking her arm. She slapped his hand away and elbowed his chest. He groaned in pain and dropped his head on the table.
Myungsoo her hair and rested his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "Don't listen to that moron, pretty." Naeun lightly smiled and nodded, resting her head on his chest.
"I seriously wanna meet this girl, though!" Sungyeol perked up. "Besides, we have a project to do, remember?" He playfully winked at his friend, who stiffened. Dammit, how could I have forgotten? Myungsoo was about to suggest going to the other's place instead until Sungyeol beat him to it. "My parents don't trust me with others at our house either."
"I still don't think it's a good idea."
"Chillax. You said she runs away and hides when others are around, right? So if she sees me and hides away, she won't be harmed."
Myungsoo paused, staring hard at his friend. The others looked at Sungyeol and they all began to sweeten up with fake aegyos to annoy him. He sighed and tossed his hands up. "Fine!"
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Myungsoo unlocked the door, rolling his eyes as Sungyeol was hopping behind him. "Can you stop jumping for just one second?" The taller one stood still and pressed his feet on the ground. Myungsoo twisted the knob and pushed it open, commencing Sungyeol's bouncing again. I wonder where she is...
Sungyeol kicked his shoes off and dashed into the house, preparing his search for the 'mysterious' girl. He ran around the living room and kitchen before flying upstairs. "YAH, LEE SUNGYEOL! GET BACK DOWN HERE!", Myungsoo shouted, chasing after him. He tripped running up a step and fell, sliding back down to the lower level. Ouch.. okay, that hurt..
Sungyeol heard a thud, assuming his clumsy friend fell down the stairs again, but ignored it. After looking through the last room, he frowned and skidded back downstairs. "I don't see her."
Myungsoo took a minute to sit up and rub his back. "What do you mean?", he hoarsed.
"I mean, I don't think she's home. I checked all the rooms and bathrooms."
The younger one raised a brow and used the stair rail to heave himself up. "The bathrooms?" Sungyeol nodded. "No wonder girls like to slap you and call you a byuntae", Myungsoo murmured under his breath. He went back upstairs and rechecked the rooms. When he reached her room, panic struck him. He ran back downstairs, surprisingly not missing a step and tumbling down like earlier, and checked the shoes. The one pair of small black boots weren't by the door. "! Appa's gonna murder me!"
"I thought you were supposed to be taking care of her?", Sungyeol questioned, watching Myungsoo put his shoes on. "I was, idiot! You have to help me find her!"
Sungyeol saluted and jumped into his shoes. Myungsoo darted out the door, slamming it in his friend's face. Sungyeol shouted and fell on his . Hearing the scream, Myungsoo peeked back inside to see the taller one on the floor, clutching his nose. "Sungyeol! You're supposed to be helping me!"
"Well, I'm so sorry my nose wanted to kiss your door!", he sarcastically implied, getting pulled up by Myungsoo. They shut the door behind them and ran down the street. Angel, please be safe...
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Inspirit93 #1
Chapter 3: I wonder what happened to her...update when you can ^^
Chapter 2: Its amazing!!
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 2: Update soon~! I really like it ^^
Please update soon! :)
ShinLTaec #5
Chapter 1: Update soon... you are really good with the details.. :)
kikiiosz #6
Bookmarked and subscribed to this story. Seems interesting. Definitely will start reading when I get home. I must say your description section is very detailed. Very well written and your vocabulary seems diverse.
ShinLTaec #7
Sounds very interesting... please update soon. dont really want to wait long for a story that sounds fabulous.. update soon!!!
shineeaol #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^