to run away.

Baby, Maybe..
- - - - - - - - - -
Back to hell again...
KyungMi pushed the door open and stepped out of school. Her pace was real sluggish compared to her ecstatic classmates, who dashed out faster than a race car on a track. She reached the school gates but hesitated to continue. Ironically, she didn't want school to end. She didn't like being at home. She liked being in the classroom, listening to the teachers lecture on the bits and details of a subject. It was safer than crawling back to her so-called family. Her mother comes home late, which leaves her alone with her stepfather. The sole reason behind her misfortune.
Glancing up at the sky, KyungMi exhaled a long sigh and continued walking. It was freezing cold out and she had to take a long walk to get home. Her stepfather could drive... under the influence... and she didn't want to get involved with that. On rare occasions does she find the shameful man sober and even then, he doesn't treat her any better.  She took a tighter grip on her coat to shield her nose from the bitter cold.
She was only a few steps away from her house when she noticed her mom's car in the driveway, which was slightly unusual.  Crashing, shattering, and screams were heard.  KyungMi froze in her tracks as she stood on the porch, looking through the door.  Right in front of her eyes, her stepfather was her mother.  Not only was she disturbed to see such a scene but the woman was covered in bruises.  Her mother caught sight of her daughter and croaked, "K-KyungMi..."
Her stepfather stopped his actions and looked up.  He smirked and stood up, approaching the young girl.  "KYUNGMI, RUN!"
She still couldn't move.  Her eyes gradually grew with every step the man was taking towards her.  He was suddenly knocked down by her mother, who jumped on his back and covered his eyes. "RUN, SWEETIE."
KyungMi clenched her fists and ran in, tackling her stepfather.  "NO, I WON'T LEAVE YOU!"
He growled and swung his arm at KyungMi while trying to pry his wife off him.  "Dammit, get off me!"
Even without aiming, he managed to land a hit on KyungMi.  She held her cheek and gritted her teeth to endure the stinging pain.  He threw his wife off and lunged towards his stepdaughter, pinning her to the ground.  She screamed as he bit down on her neck.  She couldn't kick him off so she kneed his manhood, causing him to double over in pain.
KyungMi stumbled up and held onto her mother's arm, attempting to pull her up.  "Come on, umma.  We have to get out of here!"  She glanced at the bump on the floor, still hunched over and groaning.  The woman shook her head and refused to move.  "I-I can't..."
"UMMA, PLEASE!", she cried, pulling harder.  It only forced her mother to hold onto the stair rail and resist her daughter.  But the girl didn't give up until her mother pushed her out of the way.  KyungMi fell on her bottom and opened her eyes to see her mother under her stepfather, being beaten.  "UMMA!"
The man snapped his head toward her and pinned her down again.  He slapped her hard across the face and shoved his hand down her pants.  KyungMi punched his chest and shouted in pain as she felt him grab her.  "G-GET OFF ME!"
"SHUT UP, ."
He swung an umbrella at her and attacked her until she curled up.  For a moment, she didn't feel anymore pain except from the fresh marks that he created on her.  She weakly raised up to see her mother attacking her berserk husband.  "Please run away, KyungMi!  I promise I'll come back to find you!", her mother choked.  
Tears streamed down KyungMi's face.  "I love you, umma!"  She scrambled up and ran out of her house.  Without knowing where to go, she ran as far as she could to any place she can find.
- - -
It was almost midnight.  A middle-aged couple were driving around town, even though all the stores were closed.  The woman in the passenger's seat started laughing as she smeared some ice cream on her husband's nose.  "Jaejoong-ah!  I told you I was ticklish there!", she squealed as he stuck his hand out and tickled her side again.  "I know, jagi.  But it's still fun", the man chuckled.
After the laughter calmed down, the woman's eyes squinted.  She looked out the window and saw a lump on the ground.  Despite the falling snow, she could make out the silhouette to be of a person.  She gently tugged Jaejoong's sleeve and pointed out the window.  "Jaejoong-ah!"
He became concerned at the sudden change of her tone.  "What's wrong, Taeyeon-ah?"
"I-I think there's a person out there!", she alerted, pointing.  Jaejoong stepped on the brakes and leaned towards her to see.  "I think you're right..."
"We have to help!" 
Taeyeon quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door.  She shut it behind her and trembled when the snow struck her down.  Jaejoong reached her and wrapped his arms around her waist.  "Come on, let's just get that person into the car before we freeze out here."  Taeyeon nodded and laces their fingers, tightening her hold on his hand.  They marched through the snow and reached the lump.  Taeyeon gasped and knelt down, turning the person onto their back.  "Yeobo!  Look at this poor girl!"
Jaejoong bent down to get a closer look.  Sympathy washed over him as he took a better observation of the girl.  Her face was scarred with blood.  She was wearing short sleeves and was completely washed out, paler than the snow itself.  Her arms were purple with bruises and it seemed like she was dead.  Taeyeon felt her wrist and held it up to her ear.  "Slow pulse..."
Jaejoong slid his arms under the girl's upper back and legs and lifted her up.  "Oh god.. she's really light..."
"Should we get her to the hospital?"
"It's too far away.  We have to take her home and nurse her back."
She nodded and followed him back to their car.
Little did she know, the girl was heading to a new life.
- - - - -  - - - - -
--  }
yeah, i know not many people are taejae
shippers but i'm an avid fan of the pair. ; u ;
i was gonna do hyori & rain as parents but
i think it's time for something new.  lol.  i'm
sorry if this is a little weak.  ; n ;  do leave
some comments if you can.
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Inspirit93 #1
Chapter 3: I wonder what happened to her...update when you can ^^
Chapter 2: Its amazing!!
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 2: Update soon~! I really like it ^^
Please update soon! :)
ShinLTaec #5
Chapter 1: Update soon... you are really good with the details.. :)
kikiiosz #6
Bookmarked and subscribed to this story. Seems interesting. Definitely will start reading when I get home. I must say your description section is very detailed. Very well written and your vocabulary seems diverse.
ShinLTaec #7
Sounds very interesting... please update soon. dont really want to wait long for a story that sounds fabulous.. update soon!!!
shineeaol #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^