The Love-Triangle Complexity


Maddison Scott is caught at the right place at the right time. She becomes the leading lady Nikki in a drama featuring 2PM's Chansung and Taecyeon aswell as Rainbow's Yoonhye. She along with the three idols film the drama about a confusing love-triangle that becomes even more confusing when Maddie starts falling for Chansung's mixed signals but Nikki falls in love with Taec.


“Who here speaks Korean?” his English was slightly distorted and funny. I do. Everyone looked around seeing who would raise their hand.

Kara and Tegan screamed they grabbed my arms and raised them high yelling over here! The director made his way through the crowd towards us. The fans split like the red sea at his passing. The director looked me over once walking circles around me and my friends. He finally stopped in front of me and smiled.

“Peferct!” He grabbed my hand pulling me towards the circle where the three pefect looking idols stood. I tried resisting really I tried.

“Boys this is our new lead!”


Author's note: Hi guys I'm thefeelgoodlove this is my first story hopefully you guys like it i have no clue how things will turn out vbut bear with me if you like this story ^^ also i go through writer's block sometimes but i will post as often as i can. Enjoy the first chapter is kind of long and explainy but hopefully it'll get lighter!


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