Jinki's Less Than Three {ONE-SHOT}


She’s fine with everything but math. She lacks a lot in math.

I’m not a stupid! I just happen to have brain with no numbers! She always said that.

She will surely go to PE class, run for 10 laps, if she happened to choose between math or PE.

I better die. That probably her first sentence that came out from when she face a difficult math question.

And he will be there to sit beside her, teach her how to solve it. Annoy her and having a little party in his head. Teaching her is his side job.

Math is easy for him. He mastered it.

But what will happen to him if he finally realizes that math is not that easy again?



Everything they know in the end was less than three.


A one-shot from me!

Suddenly thought about this when I was having shower LOL

Hope you guys enjoy!


Comment, please ^^;


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WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #1
Chapter 2: Waaaahhhh. So adorable!!
lwyCarmen #2
Chapter 2: Awwwww, totally cuuutteee! I'm bad at math too so I can relate, LOL.