


My name is Ahn Hee Ra.

Seventeen. Young. Heartbroken.



I remember a person once said to me that I was an angel with a broken wing.

 I tried to fix my wing and tried to fly again, but I fell and now I can’t anymore.

But I know that time will come when another angel will arrive in my life.



He will not help me how to fly again…


But instead, he will carry me in his arms.




And together, we will fly away forever. 


Hey guys.

So this is my first one-shot that is not of the reader's point of view, or popularly known as a YOU fic.

And this isn't also one of those fluffy ones I usually write. 

I really just had to write about something I've been keeping inside for a long time. So I hope you understand. 

Please do share your feelings about this. I might need some help with encouragement on my feels.


Thank you and Saranghae <3


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junmenpapi #1
Chapter 1: The heck, I cried when I read this fic. Don't you worry, there's always possibilities. And you'll find one soon.
Chapter 1: we've been together for a very long time yet you never told us how you felt.

you don't call this matter "NOTHING".
you're not nothing for us, and if you have a problem, it won't serve as "NOTHING".

so i keep on repeating my words like madman because i truly feel you. because yes, we may not be in the same state, yet the feeling you're talking about is what gets me.

i know how happy you are right now, or maybe you're still trying to. but trust me, we, your friends will do everything to keep you out of the blue. it's not really easy moving on and accepting everything that comes your way. but that's how it goes.
that's life.
that's us.

maybe you'd meet someone better than him and you'd be happy soon.
but right now?

it's you.
and food.

and you know i'm here, you forever food and 'weirdness' buddy. i won't leave you behind and you have my word.

so cheer up, okay?
the whole world is not going to end. there are a lot out there.
and you can have ruppy. or tangerine. or superman. :D

and oh, don't forget.
we love you. :))
Chapter 1: angelaaaaaa! imng g igo akng fangirl heart ahahhaha
Chapter 1: GENGELAT, WHAT IS THIS 'NOTHING' YOU SPEAK OF? YOU HAVE THE CRAZY BIRDS OF THE BLACK FEATHER THAT /coughpervcough/ TOGETHER! ; - ; you could've just told us, i would've given you a reaaaaaaaaaaaally long hug ; ---- ;
Chapter 1: Awwwwww this fanfic is so... Me. Technically. :') <3 great oneshot. <3