
Winter Landscapes

Listening to the steady and monotonous tick-tock of the watch placed on his nightstand, Taemin lay in his bed and stared up at the wooden ceiling above with tired eyes.

He’d been unable to fall asleep during the several hours he had been lying there, despite having tried every sleeping position he’d ever slept in. He’d even gone as far as clamping his eyes shut in a vain attempt to force his brain to shut down, but alas, it had been to no avail.

After his fatal lack of success, he’d given up on chasing the elusive sleep like a loser and had finally instead decided that he’d wait for it to come to him. Reverse psychology and all that. He’d started playing around on his cellphone while conducting his sneaky plan, but the light from its screen – in contrast to the embracing darkness of the room – had been way too bright and had pierced his eyes. He’d turned it down as much as the settings allowed, but it had still been too brilliant for his darkness adjusted eyes. In the end he’d settled on starting a staring contest with the ceiling, and that was therefore what he was currently occupying himself with.

It was immensely boring, but it would tire him out soon enough.

… Hopefully.

This .

Groaning and already having lost his patience with his feeble attempt at a worthwhile distraction, Taemin jerked around to lie on his side (ceiling: 1, Taemin: 0) and wrapped the fluffy comforter around his body in a cocoon.


All of the nights prior to this particular one Taemin had had no problems sleeping. In fact, it had been the complete opposite; he’d had difficulty staying awake, which had annoyed Jonghyun to no end, because the older man had wanted to stay up and gossip like the little girl Taemin knew he was deep-down inside.

So what was the reason behind this sudden bout of insomnia?

He twisted around with some effort (the comforter was so tight around his body that it limited his movements), Taemin leveled a glare in the general direction of the bed where Minho was currently sleeping like a log. It was all Minho’s fault, the younger male had decided, that Taemin was unable to fall asleep, because he had brought their awkwardness with them to the bedroom.

Which was a ridiculous accusation, but Taemin needed a scapegoat, and blaming his tall, strange friend was easier than actually analyzing himself and why he felt like he couldn’t breathe whenever he got reminded that it wasn’t Jonghyun who slept on the opposite side of the room but Minho.

After Key had forced Minho to leave their shared room and locked the door earlier, Taemin had thought that the rest of the afternoon and evening would be excruciatingly boring and uncomfortable. Been sure of it.

But Minho, to Taemin’s enormous surprise, had actually been acting like a normal, cool person instead of the weirdo he’d made himself look like, and the two of them had actually had a pretty good time making dinner. It hadn’t been as relaxed or natural as hanging out with Jonghyun or the others was, but it was a huge leap forward in comparison to their earlier interactions. Taemin had been pretty happy about this unexpected, yet very welcome, development. Whatever Key and Onew had said to Minho back in their room had apparently had a very positive influence on him.

It had begun going downhill when – after the dinner – Onew and Key had retreated back to their room and locked the door again, telling Taemin and Minho that the two of them were going to have a sleep-over (never mind the fact that they lived together back in the city and therefore had sleep-overs practically every day of the year) and that Minho and Taemin was not invited.

Taemin didn’t really give a whether he was or wasn’t invited to their pajama parties (because he had a feeling that he’d turn himself into the biggest, clumsiest third wheel ever if he ever did attend them), but what he did care about was that they were being unreasonable and odd. That much was obvious. But he couldn’t, for the life of him, determine why they felt the need to behave like that. Minho told him couldn’t either when Taemin had tentatively asked him about it, but he wouldn’t look Taemin in the eyes when he said it, and the younger male was reminded of the feeling of missing something vital.

Ugh, damn them and their secrets.

The couple hadn’t unlocked their door when Taemin and Minho had decided to turn in for the night, and thanks to Jonghyun who still hadn’t come home for the night, Minho had ended up sleeping in his bed instead. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was where Taemin’s night had hit rock bottom.

Pulling his cover over his head – breathing was overrated anyways – Taemin shut his eyes and held his breath. He was beginning to get really frustrated with himself and with the way Minho appeared to have no trouble whatsoever when it came to sleeping, and if he didn’t do anything drastic he felt that he was going to scream or something equally melodramatic.

1, 2, 3…

Counting could work.

… 4, 5, 6, 7…

Yeah, he hadn’t tried that yet. Must have forgotten about it.

… 8, 9, 10, 11–

Through both the comforter and door to the shared room Taemin heard the muted sound of the front door shutting, and his eyes shot open. He forgot which number he was on immediately.

So Jonghyun had finally decided to come home, huh. Untangled one of his arms from the cocoon before pulling the quilt away from his face, he reached out to pick up his cellphone. Squinting, he managed to make out what time the screen told him it was in big, bold numbers – 02:32, apparently – before he put it back on the bed stand.

Listening to Jonghyun shuffle around in the hall and the way the older man seemed to bump into the walls, Taemin quickly deduced that his bro was drunk. That explained why the reply he’d gotten to his sms had been a couple of hours late and said “hye bro ur awsme” instead of something intelligent which actually answered his query.

As Jonghyun on wobbly feet entered the room, Taemin un-cocooned himself to push himself up on his elbows while smiling fondly at the silhouette of his friend. The comforter slid down to pool around his hips, making his bare torso visible for all to see, but Taemin didn’t really mind. No one was looking anyways; Jonghyun was occupied with staring dumbly at his already inhabited bed as if it made no sense whatsoever to him (which it probably didn’t) as to why Minho of all people would be sleeping there. He turned around to instead stumble over to Taemin’s side of the room.

“Heyyyy, Taemin,” he slurred, not bothering to ask for permission before he slid down on the bed next to Taemin. He knew that he didn’t have to; the two of them had shared a bed on multiple occasions before. It wasn’t a big deal. “Why’s Minho sleeping in my bed?”

Taemin draped the comforter over his best friend’s body, though he kept most of it covering his own body, because unlike Taemin – who liked to sleep in only his boxers – Jonghyun hadn’t remembered to undress in his inebriated state of mind. He didn’t need as much cover from the chill as Taemin.

“Onew and Key has locked their door.”


“I dunno.”


And that was that; there was nothing more to explain.

Finally having found an adequate object that could hold his attention, Taemin started counting Jonghyun’s every intake and outtake of breath as the older male settled into sleep, just as he always did whenever they slept together  (ignoring the smell of liquor and perfume Jonghyun was practically drenched in). Not before long, both of them were sound asleep.

Which was a very good thing, because that narrowly allowed Taemin to escape having to listen to Jonghyun snore like a pissed off thundercloud.


It was with Jonghyun’s snoozing face flattened against his collarbones that Taemin awoke, feeling disoriented and confused as to why his best friend was in his bed for a short couple of seconds before remembering where he was and the reason why.

Yawning and dragging a hand over his face, Taemin looked down at Jonghyun, thinking of how to best untangle himself from him without waking him up–

Oh, eww, Jonghyun was drooling!

Yelping, Taemin shot up into a sitting position with no care in the world whether that would stir the other male or not, his face contorted in disgust.

“Gross!” he stuck out his tongue in repulsion, staring at the puddle of slobber that was trailing down his chest in a neat path, wondering what the hell he was gonna wipe it off on. He couldn’t use his comforter, because as much as he loved his best bro he didn’t want his saliva on his quilt. Nuh uh, no thank you, sir.

Jonghyun – who had apparently woken up as well, which was no surprise really – groaned, his voice scratchy from sleep, and aimed a narrowed glare at Taemin before he burrowed his head into a soft pillow. “Dude, be quiet, my head is killing me.”

“You drooled on me!” Taemin exclaimed, still horrified at the prospect and at a loss of what to do next.

Despite the hang-over (which was currently having a goddamn party inside of his head with its forty or something friends) Jonghyun managed to smirk at that. “Heh, it up and take it like a man, Taeminnie.”

That was not the smartest thing to have said; it was still early, Taemin had barely gotten any sleep that night before the sunlight shining through the blinds had stirred him from his sleep, and he had someone else’s drool on his body.

All in all, Taemin was not a happy-camper, and Jonghyun had always been good at digging his own graves.

It was not a match made in heaven.

“I’m gonna wipe it off on your face, jerk!”

“What the–”

And that was the only warning Jonghyun got before Taemin descended upon him like an eagle hunting a mouse, fiercely trying to get his revenge by rubbing off the saliva onto his best bro’s face.

The wrestling match that followed lasted for about five minutes before Jonghyun pushed Taemin off from the bed and onto the floor (because Jonghyun was, and had always been, the stronger one of the two), effectively ending the struggle. It was probably not on purpose since Jonghyun looked as surprised as Taemin felt over the sudden occurrence which had the younger male fall down on his , but Taemin couldn’t be sure; the second Jonghyun had confirmed that Taemin hadn’t broken a bone or something he’d pulled the cover over his head and told him to leave him alone, only tufts of blonde and dark hair visible from underneath the quilt.

“Cheater,” Taemin grumbled as he got to his feet, rubbing his aching backside with a pout.

Whatever. At least he’d managed to wipe away the drool on the sweater Jonghyun had slept in, so they were even now. Sorta.

Walking over to the pile of clothes that was lying next to his suitcase (because he couldn’t be bothered to fold and stuff the washed clothing back into the bag) he began looking through it, picking out a green shirt as well as a pair of jeans and socks to put on.

The covered form of Jonghyun lying atop his bed hadn’t moved at all except for when he’d curled further into himself, and as Taemin walked over to the bedstand to grab his cellphone and stuff it inside his pocket the Taemin couldn’t help but feel sorry for him despite the cheater move he’d pulled. Hangovers big time, Taemin knew, and the brightness of their room most likely only made it even worse.

Deciding to take pity on the poor soul, Taemin closed the blinds and shut the curtains properly to save Jonghyun from the unnecessary torture the light had contributed, and then he walked out of the room leaving his friend to wallow in his own misery.

Minho’s bed – or rather, Jonghyun’s bed – had been empty when Taemin had glanced at it while he’d been dressing. That had been a good thing, because Taemin wasn’t sure if he could handle seeing Minho sleep without the darkness to conceal the other male’s features. It would just be strange and feel oddly intimate, or something along those lines.

… He felt weird thinking about it.


Turning his eyes towards the source of the greeting, Taemin was met with the sight of Minho sitting in the couch and stuffing his face with cereal (Key’s cereal, Taemin suspected, because Key had been the one who’d bought the Cocoa Puffs). The sounds of screaming could be heard from the TV, and the winter’s sun was shining in through the huge windows.

All in all, it was an ordinary, beautiful morning, except for one thing; Onew and Key, who usually sat at the table playing games with each other on their cellphones during breakfast time, were nowhere to be seen.

“Where’re Onew and Key?” Taemin asked, making his way over to the kitchen and telling himself to act casual, act cool, and not as if he’d lain awake half of the night unable to fall asleep just because Minho had been sleeping on the opposite side of the room instead of Jonghyun.

Don’t think about it.

“They’ve already left,” Minho replied after a pause during which he’d chewed and swallowed the chocolate puffs. “I woke up when they shut the front door. I think they tried to be stealthy, but they totally failed.”

Snorting and rolling his eyes, Taemin smiled lopsidedly to himself. It was typical of them (and pretty endearing) to fail miserably at incomplex stuff like that. Though, to be honest, Taemin wasn’t sure he’d have done any better than them.

Rummaging around in the kitchenette and grabbing whatever food he found first – O’boy, milk, sliced bread and butter – Taemin prepared his breakfast in silence, contemplating whether he should sit down next to Minho on the couch or at the dining table at the windows. If he sat down at the table he could look out the windows, and when that got boring, goof around on his phone and play with the apps. If he sat down on the couch then he could watch the, without a doubt, horrible movie that was being aired and maybe conduct some small talk with Minho. They had made progress in their friendship thanks to their evening spent together the day before, after all, so it wouldn’t be as awkward between them as it had before. Right?


Making his decision before he could overthink it any more, Taemin grabbed his cup of chocolate and the plate he’d put his sliced bread on and walked out into the living room to plop down next to the tall male on the couch. He really hoped that he wasn’t wrong with thinking that their friendship had progressed for the better; otherwise he had a very uncomfortable breakfast meal ahead of himself.

Balancing the plate in his lap while taking a large swig of his cocoa, Taemin halfheartedly attempted to follow the plot of the movie presented to him. This one seemed to be a follow-up to The Blob, what with the way there was a huge pile of moving jelly that seemed to scare everyone less and devour human flesh, but instead of holding even an ounce of classical value as the original did its follow-up was just simply appalling. But hey, what could you expect from their only channel?

Taemin had almost grown fond of its general yness and the way it never failed to broadcast horrible movies.

He was reminded of Minho’s presence (which he had somehow managed to forget while watching the horrorflick) when the older male suddenly began coughing, and Taemin almost spilled his half-empty cup of chocolate all over himself when he whipped around to see what was wrong with his – up to that moment – silent companion. “What the hell? Dude, you okay?”

Minho, who was gripping his throat with one hand while waving the other in the air as if trying to wave away the fact that he’d skillfully managed to choke on a goddamn Cocoa Puff, tried to answer Taemin in-between the coughs. Naturally, he ended up butchering the words into unintelligible grunts. His eyes were wide open and his cheeks red, both from not being able to breathe properly as well as embarrassing himself, Taemin guessed. It looked hilarious.

Carefully, so as to not spill any O’boy on the couch or himself, Taemin reached over with his free hand to rub Minho’s back while snickering at the taller male’s predicament. Finally, it wasn’t Taemin who made a fool out of himself but someone else!

Oh, this day was definitely going to be a good one, Taemin could feel it.

“Thanks,” Minho finally managed to vocalize, leaning back against the backrest of the couch and breathing in deeply. He smiled crookedly, still looking flustered.

“No problem,” Taemin grinned, still chuckling slightly at the comical display. “How did you even manage to do that?”

“I have no idea.”

Seeming to get over his initial embarrassment, Minho joined Taemin in his laughing. As they both quieted down some minute later and went back to their breakfast eating, a pleasant silence settled around the pair, replacing the earlier hesitantly awkward one.

Their friendship had definitely gotten a push in the right direction (finally) thanks to the evening before, and Taemin decided that he totally approved of that.


“Why’s Jonghyun taking so long?”

“Hmm?” Taemin turned to look at Minho, the spoon he’d been biting on while playing Candy Crush on his cellphone hanging forgotten from his mouth.

“It’s almost eleven; shouldn’t he get up so we can leave soon?”

Removing the cutlery from his mouth and dropping it into the empty bowl of yoghurt he’d consumed after finishing his sliced bread, Taemin looked at Minho with realization dawning on his face. “Ohhh, that’s right. I’m pretty sure that he’s got a killer hangover, so that’s probably why he’s not up and bothering us yet.”

The two of them sat in silence, the flickering screens of the movie on the TV and its muted sound playing in the background keeping them company as they stared at the door to Taemin and Jonghyun’s shared room. It was as if they waited for Jonghyun was suddenly going to burst out of there and make his grand entrance, singing like some Disney princess on caffeine and wiggling his hips.

The funny – or sad – thing was that Taemin could actually see that happening; Jonghyun sometimes did the most random and craziest things, just because he felt like it.

“… I should probably go wake him up,” Taemin said and shook the weird image from his thoughts. He reluctantly rose from his seat, already missing the comfortable warmth and embrace of the furniture.

Minho nodded in agreement as Taemin headed for the door, and they shared a look before Taemin lightly pushed the door open and entered the clustered space.

The room was exactly as Taemin had left it before, as was Jonghyun; it didn’t look like he’d even moved an inch, lying there on the bed like a miserable schmuck.

Taemin would have suggested that Jonghyun took some Ibuprofen or something, but he knew that the older male would say no to his proposition without any hesitation whatsoever. For as long as Taemin could remember, Jonghyun had always had an irrational fear of pills and syringes, and he refused to come into contact with any of them unless it was of vital importance. Hangovers did not fit that bill of significance, unfortunately.

Trudging over to the bed, he bent down and briskly shook the limp body of Jonghyun. “Time to wakey wakey, sunshine.”

Taemin could discern a muffled groan coming from the pile of sheets as Jonghyun, with some effort, rolled over from his stomach to his back, and after some wiggling, the head of his best friend poked out from underneath the cover. In the darkness Taemin managed to make out how Jonghyun’s eyes were bloodshot, that there were dark rings underneath his eyes and his hair was a crow’s nest.

All in all, Jonghyun looked like crap, and Taemin wasn’t above telling him that.

“Dude, you look like . What were you doing last night?”

Disentangling one of his hands to drag it over his face, Jonghyun moaned as his face contorted in pain. “Was with that girl. Ugh, I dunno. What time is it?”

Grinning at the way the blonde male slurred and tripped over his words, Taemin plopped down on the edge of the bed, making the mattress bounce beneath the addition of his weight.

“Almost eleven, I think,” he said slowly before trailing off, searching his mind for whatever girl it was that Jonghyun meant– Oooh, right, her; The one he’d been talking about back when they’d been in the heatcabin. “Aish, I can’t believe you. Here we are, on a strict bros-only-trip, and you go find yourself a girl within the first week? You backstabber.”

Grinning mischievously, Taemin leaned forward to poke Jonghyun in the cheeks.

“Your voice is hurting my ears, dude,” Jonghyun hissed in reply, directing a nasty look at Taemin as he attempted to swat the other’s offending hands away from his face. When that didn’t work he switched tactics and tried biting Taemin’s fingers instead. “Leave me alone. Go bother someone else.”

Quickly removing his extremities from Jonghyun’s snapping jaws – he didn’t want to lose any fingers, after all, that would totally – Taemin rolled his eyes. “Stop being so grumpy, man, I’m just trying to cheer you up.”

A couple of seconds passed until Jonghyun sighed audibly, breaking the silence.

“… Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like douche,” he said, looking sheepish as he rubbed a hand against his eyes. “It’s just, my head’s trying to implode, I swear, and I just wanna crawl into a hole and die.”

Taemin smirked. It wasn’t like he’d really been offended by what Jonghyun’d said; after all of the years they’d known each other Taemin was very aware of the fact that Jonghyun was an ‘all bark no bite’ person and, most of the time, didn’t mean the things he said. Still, the way Jonghyun always felt bad about it never ceased to entertain Taemin. Jonghyun was so precious.

“It’s cool,” Taemin shrugged before continuing. “If you want me to I can go get an Aspirin for you. I promise it won’t give you blood clots or a heart attack or whatever it is that you’re afraid of.”

“No thanks,” Jonghyun turned him down without any delay, as expected. “I still don’t understand why you’re always asking me that when you know that I don’t want any of that in my system.”

Taemin quirked an eyebrow. “You know what? I think you’re a masochist, that you enjoy being in pain and whining about it.”

“Oh please. Just because I don’t want to poison myself with unknown substances tested on animals – cute, fluffy animals, Taemin – that may or may not be healthful means I’m a masochist? You’re being ridiculous.”

“Awww, dude, you’re no fun,” Taemin pouted. “Where is your sense of humor?”

“Banging your sense of benevolence, apparently, considering the fact that you’re still here bothering me.”

“Wow, ‘benevolence’? Look at you, using big words like that. Your hangover can’t be that bad,” Taemin grinned, and Jonghyun’s lips twitched in what was definitely a suppressed smile. It seemed as if he’d managed to cheer his best friend up a little bit, at least.

Mission accomplished.

“Anyways, stop being a baby and get out of bed already,” Taemin said, their playful atmosphere sobering into a more serious one. “We need to get going, otherwise we’ll have no time before the lifts close.”

“Nuh, I ain’t leaving this house today, bro, because despite everything you’ve said, I really don’t feel good. You guys’ll have to ski without me today.”

“Aww, c’mon Jonghyun, we’re on a skiing trip, we gotta seize the day! Like, carpe diem! You can’t waste a whole day lying in bed!”

Jonghyun made a gagging noise. “Ugh, your Latin , dude. Don’t ever speak it again in front of me. Ever. Please.”

“Shut up, you’re not a pro when it comes to Latin.”

“But at least I can say carpe diem without sounding like an asphyxiating cow.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever. You’re just jealous,” Taemin rolled his eyes, smiling in response to their bantering which they never managed to stay away from for long, before he leaned down to pet Jonghyun on the head. A soft look replaced the mischievous one on his face. “Are you sure, though? You know, if you want me to, I can stay here and keep you company, ‘cause I know you’re gonna be bored as hell being alone. We can have a crappy-horror-movies-marathon and color Key’s sheets pink or something.”

“Nah, that wouldn’t work; he’d probably like it and thank us for it.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

They went quiet as Jonghyun mulled over Taemin’s proposition, before Jonghyun reopened his eyes – he’d closed them when Taemin had first begun combing his fingers through his hair, purring contentedly – and replied. “It’s okay, Taemin, I’ll make it on my own. I’ll just take Onew’s iPad and download some games.”

Taemin raised an eyebrow. “Onew’s brought his iPad?”

“Yeah, I saw him hiding it at the bottom of his suitcase yesterday morning.”

They grinned at each other, eyes twinkling, as Taemin brushed away Jonghyun’s blonde bangs from his face one last time before he straightened and got up from the bed. “Okie dokie. See you later then, bro.”

“See ya.”

Hearing the bed rustling as Jonghyun rolled over to resume lying on his stomach as he had when Taemin had first entered the room, Taemin smiled to himself as he opened the door to rejoin Minho in the living room.

It seemed like he and Minho would have to ski alone until they either found Key and Onew or returned to the house, but oddly enough, that did not fill him with dread but with anticipation; he was actually looking forward to spending some quality time with his tall friend, now that whatever issue they’d had with each other before had been resolved.

It’d be nice.


Holy I’m going to die.

Taemin stared down the slope, his eyes huge behind his ski goggles and his knuckles turning white inside of his gloves from gripping his ski poles too hard.

There was no way in hell that he was going to move another inch, despite the encouragement he could hear Minho yell at him from where he was standing twenty yards down. No way.

The two of them’d taken the anchor lift after having skied for around one hour or something, but instead of turning right when they’d reached the top Minho’d steered them to the left and said that they were ‘going to try a Red one because you’re skilled enough, Taemin, and I think you’re gonna like it’.

If Minho thought that Taemin was good enough to tackle a slope as steep as this Red one, then he had some serious difficulties with judging other people’s affinity when it came to slaloming.

“You can do it, Taemin!” Minho called from his position, his gloved hands around his mouth in a make-shift megaphone.

“Are you crazy?” Taemin hollered back, stuck somewhere between wanting to cry and laugh hysterically. There really was no other way other than down, and both of them knew that despite his protests, Taemin would eventually have to follow Minho’s example and begin his descent. He couldn’t stand there frozen forever, after all, not with the way the wind was whipping around him and the cold chilling him to the bone.

He had to move.

Unlocking his legs from the stiff position he’d locked himself in so as to not slide downwards, Taemin had to firmly clasp his jaws together in order to not start whimpering or, even worse, screaming as he with dread slowly began maneuvering his way down the slope.

He thought he heard Minho laugh at him, but he wasn’t sure; he was so busy with trying not to die that he was unable to focus on anything else but himself for more than a millisecond.

As he picked up in speed, his heart rate increased as well, and as he passed Minho – who really was laughing at Taemin, the jerk – he was on the verge of hyperventilating. Adrenaline coursed through his body, survival instincts kicked in and screamed at him to chill the down and stop, yet somewhere amidst his panicking thoughts Taemin found the time, and mental awareness, to berate himself for thinking that it’d be a good idea to ski with Minho the Adrenaline Junkie slash Skiing God. When (if) Taemin reached the bottom and survived this Red slope the first thing he was going to do was to go back to the Green slopes and camp there until it was time for them to return home.

But while he was busy indulging in an inner monologue with himself Taemin didn’t notice how one of his skis rebelliously began diverging from its straightforward path. When he did become aware of the problem it was already too late; with a scream he couldn’t successfully suppress, Taemin fell over his entwined skis and into the snow head-first, showing every passerby the perfect example on how to fall over like a loser.

His skis flew the other way as the clasps keeping them in place opened, and as Taemin tumbled down the slope (yelping embarrassingly loud all the while) with his limbs flailing he could hear Minho swear loudly.

! Taemin!

Finally coming to a stop a good three meters down, Taemin lay completely still on his back, staring up at the heaven while trying to calm his hammering heart. He felt like he’d just run a marathon in one minute or less, and on top of that he was dizzy as hell, and wasn’t the sky just so beautiful? How come he’d never really noticed that before?

At least he’d gotten away with only a minor aching in his limbs instead of something really serious, thanks to the fluffy snow cushioning his fall. He loved snow.


It was the greatest thing ever.

He’d finally managed to calm himself down when suddenly a tall figure – Minho, Taemin’s brain supplied helpfully to identify said figure – came crashing into him, sending both of them rolling down the slope once again.

Taemin would seriously have to do something about all of this bad karma kicking his .


Hot damn, this chapter was delayed! I put the blame on my new cellphone, because it has been hogging my attention 24/7 this past week. Seriously. I love it, it's my baby, and I barely let anyone 'cept special people touch it. It's amazing.

Haha, and I'm rambling again. Lol. Oh well, here's the latest installment anyways.

As always, I love you guys, you're amazing, and I'd totally let you guys touch my cellphone if I could. That's how much I love you.

There was something else that I was going to write in this AN, but I've forgotten what is was, so whatever.

Hope you enjoyed! <3

31/03 2013, Elysionista

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So I've been stuck with this huuge writer's block, but I think I've finally recovered from it. Working my off to get this chapter done for you guys!


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xoxogossipgoat #2
Chapter 3: Aww taemin nearly choking because of all the onkey going on in the room lol
joeandminho #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon...^^
Chapter 1: Crying at your cruelty of not posting more ; A ;