Chapter 18

Marrying Lee Jinki or SHINee's Onew ?
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* Ji Hyun's POV *



To : Hyunnie
From : Tokki


Yeobo, I'll be extremely late today. No need to wait for me. All SME group leaders needs to report to Lee Soo Man tonight. So, I'll see you later. Night, Hyunnie ♥



I received this text 10 minutes ago. I only knew this message now. I have been studying business reports for the nth time. Yeah, it's extremely tiring but kind of worth it for Onew and me. He said I don't need to wait for him so I quickly showered after reviewing and lay down on our bed.



This is the first time since we got married that I went to bed alone. It's making me sad but I have to accept the fact that Onew has work. And as I said on our wedding, I'll patiently wait at home for his arrival.I'm not his only priority. But sometimes, his work makes me feel sad and lonely. And I just have to cope with it.



* Onew's POV *



I arrived at the Coffee Shop at exactly 9:45. Luckily, the shop is only 15 minutes away from the dorm. Phew. I sighed in relief as I took the seat on the corner. I texted Ji Hyun earlier that I'll be late but she doesn't gave me any reply.



'Maybe she fell asleep while studying. Again.'



I'm nervous as hell.


What will Appa tell me?


What is it about that we have to meet secretly?


And most importantly,


Does this have a connection with me?



I suddenly remembered how Ji Hyun looked when I saw her notes. How she stuttered in front of me. How she was scared and avoided looking at me. I felt bad lying to her about the meeting with other leaders but it's kind of inevitable. Mianhae, hyunnie.



15 minutes passed and Appa is arriving anytime soon. I heard a familiar sound of the door opening. Those silent footsteps that I can recognize everywhere. He's here.



* No One's POV *



Onew stood up and bowed before Mr. Lee or as we all know, Ji Hyun's Appa. Mr. Lee gestured him to sit down as he do the same. They ordered drinks and a cold tension engulfed the whole atmosphere. It was until Onew decided to speak up.



"Do you know it, Appa?" He asked as he started fiddling his fingers.


"Everyone else knows, Jinki. Except for you." He said in a serious yet cautious tone.


"What is it that I don't know?" He asked looking at his Dad-in-law straight in the eye.


"Remember when we met with your parents on the same day you went to a date with Ji Hyun?"


"Ne. What about it?" Onew asked, clueless of what Ji hyun's Appa is implying.


"Listen carefully and don't dare speak up. We discussed something that day about who will be the heir to the Lee Corporation (the joint company of Ji Hyun and Onew's family). We came to a decision to choose one of you two to train to be one. My wife decided to talk to Ji Hyun about this first. She let her choose : to give up what she want or for you to quit your career. As you know a long time ago, she's selfless. She chose to sacrifice herself for your sake. I'm not doing this to make you feel guilty or responsible for what happened. I just want a favor from you. Talk to Ji Hyun and make a sense out of her that she doesn't have to do this if she doesn't want to."



Onew is speechless. His mind stopped functioning as Ji Hyun's Appa said those words. Thousands of invisible knives stabbed him in his chest. He never really thought that his parents can hide something like this. And he's right, it has a connection to him.

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Change of plans. Last chapter will be up tomorrow since I'm away from my computer.


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aurorabby #1
Chapter 35: Nice story thanks for writing ^^
Chapter 35: Love love love this story
jessi828 #3
Chapter 35: i like playful kiss while reading i get it immediately.....but it was soooo cute:))))
Chapter 35: Hye hye hello there author - nim..
new reader here..
i just found this story today and i decided to start reading it right away..
it is a good story..
thankyou for writing this story.. ^^
Have a good day..
14 streak #5
Chapter 35: That was cute... i had a feeling that either luna or minhee was behind it
14 streak #6
Chapter 10: This chapter reminds me of playful kiss where the newlywed gets bothered(?) by another newlywed
sone_shawol95 #7
Chapter 35: i love this fanfic ! Good job. Even I can't make a fic that's good enough. Kekekeke ^^ I'll be waiting for the next fanfic. Fighting !~
Chapter 1: hoaaaah..... one more beautiful fan fic of jinki!
good job~
can't wait for the next story ;)
Chapter 35: Ahh I'm really late but ahh it's finally the end ;-; it was a good fic! Thank you for writing something so lovely~ ^^ good luck on your next fics! I'll support you haha.