The Start of it All

Love My Cooking [One Shot] Kyungsoo/ D.O


Today was a day just like any other. I sat in my “childhood best friend’s” kitchen as our parents went off to have fun.


“So Kyungsoo… what are you cooking me today?” I asked. It wasn’t that I couldn’t cook myself. I was lazy, but I could cook. I just enjoyed eating what Kyungsoo cooked. The only problem is, in order to hide my crush on him I would always critique whatever he cooked for me.


Eventually it became like a competition. Sometimes I pointed something out for fun. Kyungsoo on the other hand, took my criticism as a bad thing. He was constantly irritated by them.


“Nothing… you’ll probably find something wrong with it anyways.” He commented looking down at a book he was reading. I sighed and pouted.


“Awhh c’mon. I promise I won’t comment on anything this time.” I insisted. He bit his lip, but his gaze was still on his book.


“There’s some kimchi pasta you can heat up.” He said. I smiled and headed towards the kitchen. To be honest, I always liked his kimchi pasta. It was spicy but cheesy and yummy. Still I had to comment on something, just for the sake of hiding my admiration for him.


Just as the pasta came out of the microwave, I blew on it and tasted some.


Mmmm delicious… I thought.


What came out of my mouth was “It’s just a bit too much cheese.”


“Are you serious!” A voice exclaimed. I jumped and choked on my food as I turned to see Kyungsoo. “That’s my signature dish! How could you say there is too much cheese?!” he scolded. I coughed a couple times and drank some water before answering.


“I was saying it to myself…” I muttered. He glared and shook his head.


“Whatever… you always do this Chaerin” He commented staring me down. I frowned and continued to eat.


“Sorry…” I whispered as I ate.


“Stop eating. If you don’t like it don’t humor me by eating it.” He seethed as he left the kitchen. I chewed a little bit more and shook my head.


“I never said I didn’t like it.” I whispered as I continued to eat.


This was my relationship with Kyungsoo, difficult, tiring, and confusing. Still I found myself falling for him. I always found myself charmed by his voice and how his eyes always seemed to be wide open. His dedication to everything he did awed me, and his laughter never failed to put a smile on my face.


“I’m going to go home Kyungsoo!” I called from the living room. Ever since the pasta incident, he’s been up in his room determined not to come out.


It was getting dark and I was running out of things to do by myself.


“I’ll take you home,” He finally replied as he made his way out of his room. No matter how mad Kyungsoo ever got at me, he always took me home. I was worried for a second that he got so mad that he didn’t want to take me.


Are walks were always kind of quiet. We said a few things to one another here and there, but we knew enough about each other to enjoy this calming silence. Plus, this was one of the only times that we didn’t fight with one another.


“Sorry,” I muttered. He shook his head and gave me a soft smile.


“I can’t stay mad at you. Still, you were kind of a jerk.” He joked. I frowned and shoved him lightly.


This was another thing about Kyungsoo that I enjoyed. No matter what he put up with me and always did so lightheartedly.


“Ah well you weren’t so nice either.” I muttered. When I got home he waved and watched me as I went in. I loved these moments. Sometimes I thought about confessing to him on one of those walks, but I never had the guts to actually do it.


I walked in and immediately got a call from Baekhyun. Baekhyun was a friend of both mine and Kyungsoo. However unlike me and Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and I got along really well.


“Rinnie!” He exclaims as I answer.


“Bacon! What’s up? Why did you call me?” I questioned. He chuckled.


“Well, my mom’s birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to bake her a cake. I was hoping you’d be my guinea pig.” He explained. I gasped.


“Yah you just called me a pig!” I teased.


“Yah, you’re a cute pig! Will you do me the favor? Huh Rinnie?” He questioned. I never had any intention of letting Baekhyun down. I just wanted to mess with him a little bit.


“Okay, okay… when should I meet you?” I asked.


“Tomorrow after school,” I agreed and hung up. I wonder how well Baekhyun cooked. The only person’s cooking that I had ever tasted, other than my own family, was Kyungsoo. We all know how that turned out. I wondered what Kyungsoo would say if he knew.


So this is going to be 2 parts because it turned out being sort of long. I'm sure everyone won't mind right? 

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himalayancat #1
Chapter 2: Kyungsoo is really cute. I can imagine him acting like that. But Baekhyun in the end is just, gold! Hahahaha..
xRawrRiot #2
Chapter 2: lksajdhfla OMG so cute~
Hahah Baekhyun at the end XD
KimRae #3
Chapter 2: This is cute! Kyungsoo ♡
xRawrRiot #4
Chapter 1: Wheee~ Two parts c:
I liked the first~ haha Kyungsoo~
I can just picture him just being adorbs~
xRawrRiot #5
gfdshgfkhl Kyungsooo~ <3
can't waiit~~ :3