¨Happy New Year baby¨

No title (drabble)

It was snowing, a freezing cold winter day in Daegu like he had imagined (and seen in the news, and heard on the radio). Sipping coffee, he watched couples walking arm in arm, kids playing in the snow and he felt some sort of nostalgia mixed with jealousy and longing. He was getting kind of angry though, because Kibum wasn’t picking up his phone.

"Why didn't you answer?! I've called you all day long!"
"I don't know Jjong, some people have a life you know?"
There he goes, giving snarky reply instead of an apology or at least an excuse. Jonghyun had learned over the years that Key had a diva attitude and didn't like it when he was demanding like this. It still pissed him off sometimes, like now. He wanted to talk back but that'd end up in them fighting and he couldn't afford that, time was running out.
"Oh I know. So...Kibummie...are you free?"
"Well duh, I wouldn't have picked up if I wasn't. You want to come right?"
"Yeah. Can I?"
Key can imagine the puppy-like eyes shining with anticipation. It makes him smile. He says sure and after 20 minutes he hears Jonghyun knocking at the door.
"That was fa-mmhh!"
"I've missed you Key." Another kiss, Key's blushing. "So so much" He feels Jonghyun's hands on his waist and leans on him. A deeper kiss.


"You're so pretty"
"Don't attack me with kisses again please", Key jokes (it's half-truth).
"I won't."
They stay silent for a while, only looking at each other. Jonghyun caresses his cheek softly and Kibum his forearm, feeling muscles that weren't there years ago.
"You're buff." he giggles. "Been working out huh?"
"More like force to work out, but if you like it then it’s all good." Jonghyun rests his weight on his arm to watch the time. It's a habit, and he feels relieved because it's the same blue clock and because it's still the same year (11:20 to be exact).
"I was mad earlier, you know? I was angry because you hadn't arrived, so I went out.......yah! Don’t laugh!"
"I'm sorry, it's just that- laugh -you're adorable Kibummie!"
He hadn't laughed like this for almost three years. Being on the army hadn't been a fun experience for him--he had only been lucky to be assigned to a nice base with facilities like shower and an internet café. He had also met a few awesome people and he wanted to tell Key everything but he figured it could wait. The blonde ran to the balcony to look out excitedly and came back only to force Jonghyun out of the bed.
"It's almost 2013 Jjong, let's go!"
"You're going to break my arm!"
"Oh come on"
He finally gets up and runs with his boyfriend to the balcony. He can feel the cold air under the layers of clothes he's wearing. He's gotten used to it but not Key, who is shaking.
"Hey." He hugs him from behind and rests his head on his shoulder. "What time is it?"
"It's...12 o'clock! Happy New Year!" the younger screams, turns to hug him properly and jumps happily. This is the happiest he has been in years, so he doesn't care about anything anymore. Anything but the man who's looking at him with so much love at the moment. His heart almost hurts, but it's a good pain. Jonghyun kisses him slowly.
"Happy New Year baby"

a/n: so yeah I wrote this on the first day of 2013 and intended it to be a New Years fanfic but ended up as a drabble and, like I said before, I want to make this an actual chaptered story...soon (: Enjoy reading and always comment!

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dinocheeese #1
Chapter 1: Awww so cute x) can't imagine when Jonghyun really goes to the army though D:
Chapter 1: Aww that was so cute!!