
I Think We Need A Break

Edited: I changed the summary because when I wrote half way through I found that the summary and the story are so different >.< I'm sorry

Idk if the title and the story are even legit lol, but enjoy~^^



“Stop being so childish, will you? It will do you no good.” Youngjae was being ridiculous again, Daehyun thought. This had been their fourth argument in a week now. Everything that came out from Youngjae’s mouth lately seemed to be very ridiculous to Daehyun. He didn’t know what’s wrong with Youngjae’s mood swing but he sure knew that he had enough with this. “So now you’re telling me I’m being childish when I’m not?” Youngjae looked at Daehyun in disbelieve. Everything was going upside down, either one of them liked it.

Lately, Daehyun seemed to be a little bit different in Youngjae’s eyes. Daehyun had changed; well he used to be a big head cheesy guy with a lot of cheesy lines in his head just to paint the blush on Youngjae’s both chubby cheeks appeared. Daehyun was always so sweet and gentle with Youngjae. Daehyun treated Youngjae like a princess in other words. But just lately, these couple of weeks Daehyun had been acting a little bit different and it started to worry Youngjae out.

Daehyun had never raised his voice when he talked to Youngjae, he had never used violence towards Youngjae. And the first time Daehyun ever used violence towards Youngjae was when he pushed Youngjae on his shoulders so hard that Youngjae fell on the floor. “I’ve told you I’ve been busy. What is wrong with you?!” And then Daehyun left Youngjae crying on the floor, sobbing Daehyun’s name. Daehyun didn’t even come back home that night. The truth was that Daehyun was seeing someone else behind Youngjae’s back.

Youngjae knew all along that Daehyun was cheating on him. But he wanted to ignore it, to pretend that he didn’t know. He wanted Daehyun to tell the truth, to tell him that he had someone else other than him. Youngjae wanted everything to come out from Jung Daehyun’s own mouth. But every time Youngjae gave a hint that he actually knew about Daehyun’s affair, Daehyun would only deny it and say that he loved Youngjae and only Youngjae. Until one day when Youngjae couldn’t help it but to directly tell Daehyun that he knew. “What are you talking about, Youngjae? Are you hinting that I have an affair with someone else?” Daehyun threw his hands up, getting faded up with Youngjae’s questions. “I’ve told you I’m not.” “My own eyes won’t lie to me. I saw with my own eyes that you were out dating with a girl. With a damn girl, you goddamit!” Youngaje fell backwards towards the kitchen counter. “What have I done to you that you don’t like? Did I do something wrong? Did I do something that you don’t like? I’m sorry, Daehyun” Youngjae began to sob. Daehyun’s expression soften and he slowly walked towards Youngjae. “No, Youngjae. Mo did nothing--” “Then why are you doing this to me? Why?” “I--” “Do you not love me anymore?” “No, Youngjae. Of course I love you.” Daehyun was trying to pull Youngjae into his embrace but Youngjae back away. “No, Daehyun. If you love me, you won’t be doing this to me. You won’t be seeing someone else be—“ “How many times do I have to tell you that I am not seeing anyone behind your back! For God’s sake, Youngjae!” Daehyun was frustrated. He ran his hands on his hair, pulling them slightly.

Daehyun sighed deeply. “I cannot do this, Youngjae.” Daehyun went out of the kitchen and walked straight towards the coffee table and took his car key. “No, Daehyun! Where are you going?” Came Youngjae crawling from the kitchen with tear stained face. “We both need a break for a while, Youngjae. Me and you.” With that, Daehyun left again and this time, he wouldn’t be coming back for a while.

It had been 3 weeks since the last encounter. Daehyun had been on dilemma whether or not to call Youngjae but he lost the courage. He would always end up putting his phone at his bedside table and went to sleep. It was true that was dating a girl behind Youngjae’s back. At first he thought he had lost interest in Youngjae and found that the girl he’d been dating; Kim Minah was rather even more attractive than Youngjae. But oh how he was wrong now that Kim Minah was nothing but a . He was waiting for a right moment to break up with this girl and go back to Youngjae. He wanted the life he used to have with Youngjae back. He wanted to go back to Youngjae and say that he was sorry and he would do just anything for Youngjae to forgive him. And Daehyun had decided, he would break up with Kim Minah on the next day.

Those 3 weeks had been like a living hell for Yoo Youngjae. He had never experience life to be so hard. Youngjae had lost weight, he barely ate anything. All he did all day was wrapped himself in Daehyun’s blanket and cried his heart out, trying to recall back why would Daehyun find someone else. Was he not good enough for Daehyun? Was Daehyun getting tired with him? Was Daehyun slowly changing his uality and decided to not be with Youngjae anymore? Youngjae had so many negative thoughts playing in the back of his mind. Even how hard he tried to push them or bury them deep deep inside, but he in the end of the day, he failed. Youngjae had given all his heart to Daehyun. He vowed that he would love Daehyun until even afterlife. By now, Youngaje had no more spirit to keep on living. It had been 3 weeks and he didn’t even get a single call from Daehyun. He must have had enough with me. He must not want me anymore. To be telling the truth, Youngjae was tired of crying. He was basically tired and worn out.

On the first midnight of the fourth week, there was a click sound from the front door of Youngjae’s quiet apartment. Youngjae was in the bathroom looking at himself in front of a cabinet mirror. He splashed cold water at his face and took a deep breath. I have to keep on living, even though without Daehyun. I have to at least do something for myself for once. Youngjae splashed cold water at his face again to have himself fully awake. He tilted his head back and looked at the mirror again but to his surprise, he was met with another unknown figure at his back. Youngjae was shocked that he couldn’t even manage to produce any sound. All he did was look shocked before the figure behind him stabbed him right at his heart from behind. He was being stabbed for at least 3 times by the unknown figure until that person was confirmed that Youngjae had died. The look on the person’s face was full with satisfaction. The person bend down next to the covered with blood Youngjae with a smirk. “I know Daehyun will go back to you, that’s why I have to get rid of you.” With that, the person left.

The following day, Daehyun returned back to Youngjae’s house. Taking out the house key from his right pocket, with a deep breath he unlocked the door and stepped in. “Youngjae-ah.” Daehyun called from the living room. The apartment was very surprisingly quiet. Daehyun threw his keys on the coffee table and went straight to their bedroom, knowing that Youngjae wasn’t in the kitchen when he passed by the kitchen to the bedroom. He opened the door slowly just in case Youngjae was still asleep. But no, he saw no sign of Youngjae in the room. And so he walked to the bathroom. He stopped in front of the bathroom. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking but he was certain that smelled blood. Without hesitation, he banged the door opened to be met by a pool of blood and Youngjae lifelessly lying on the floor.

“Youngjae!” Daehyun fell on his knees next to Youngjae’s body, crying and sobbing. He wanted to hole Youngjae but he was afraid. He didn’t know what to do. What actually happened? Who did this? Daehyun wanted answers but he didn’t know where to search for all the answers. That morning, police came, ambulance came and Youngjae’s family came as well. Feeling so sad that their youngest son was dead. Putting all the blames on Daehyun, but Daehyun didn’t even argue with that because he knew it was his fault. It was his entire fault that Youngjae died. The police did some investigation to find the murderer and never in Daehyun’s life had he felt like killing someone. He swore to God that one day, he will kill Kim Minah with his own hands. 



Fail ending, I know. I'm at writing endings well basically I'm at writing lol Idk what happened but I just couldn't write angst anymore ;;;; I didn't check back or reread it so I'm sorry for all the grammatical errors T_T And sorry to kill Youngjae /bites tissue// I'm sad to write him dead but ;;;

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Chapter 1: youngjae is dead. well. i'll comment properly after my paper tomorrow.
Chapter 1: oh no T_T That girl is such a devil >"<
continha_troll #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
i am very pleased with this.
and madu, you've always wanted daejae to be dead in fics LOL
i want a character death.