“K-Kim Myungsoo?”

“There are a million names in Korea, so what is the possibility that that jerk might come here in our hospital unexpectedly?” Suzy thought.

She kept on scanning the patient’s chart and saw the diagnosis based on the lab results.

 “Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia...”

“How unlucky of him…I hope it’s someone else.”

 Suzy breathe deeply, and then opened the door.

 She slowly walked near the bed and slowly glanced at who the patient is.

“Oh my God, this can’t be…it’s been 2 years since I saw his face. I can’t stand a minute staying with him, I feel like I’m going to collapse.”

Suzy bit her lips then she swallowed hard. But before her feelings invade her mind, she abruptly realized the reason why she entered the room.

“Annyeong Haseyo, I am Ms. Bae Su Ji. I am the nurse assigned to you from 6am to 2pm. I hope you will cooperate with me so that I can help you with your needs.” she controlled herself from sobbing while introducing.

She tilted the IV bottle to check for the flow rate, then checked the tubing if there are any obstruction.

“Sir, let me check your pulse” she was about to grab Myungsoo’s hand.

“How can I even hold his hands? Is this anger or fear?” she hesitated to hold his hands.

She sighed then tried to isolate her feelings for her responsibility.

Suzy grabbed his hands while trembling then gently placed her fingers above his wrist to locate his pulse.


“I can still remember the first time he hugged me and I felt his heart beat next to mine. It feels so awkward now.”

Suddenly, Myungsoo’s eyes opened. He was surprised to see his former girlfriend holding his hands. He can’t help but utter those painful words, “I’m sorry”

Suzy removed her hands, “Sorry. I don’t know what you are talking about sir.”

Myungsoo grabbed her hands and tightly held unto her.

“Let me go! I’ll call the guard if you don’t let me go!” she yelled at him

“Should I let you go…again?” Myungsoo was determined to stop her from leaving.

Suzy powerfully removed her hands from his grip and arrogantly remarked, “Listen…in this place, I’m a nurse and you’re my patient. It is against our policy to include personal matters in our work.”

“If you need anything, just call the nurses’ station.” then she left the room and closed the door.

Myungsoo mumbled, “I-I need….you.”

Suzy felt tears in her swelling eyes. On a blink of an eye, tears suddenly started pouring down her cheeks and she hastily wiped them away.

She entered the fire exit and sat into the stairway. A second passed and she suddenly burst out into tears, while hysterically crying her heart out.

“Why are you making me feel like I deserve this?”

“I don’t deserve all of these nonsense things!”

“I don’t want to see you anymore!”

“Why do you keep on appearing right before my eyes? This is just unfair!” she yelled.

Suzy was still sobbing; she decided to go outside the hospital to breathe some fresh air.

When she was about to return, she saw a familiar face at the hallway.

It was Krystal, Myungsoo’s best friend, whom she believed might be the one his former boyfriend is currently dating.

She ignored the girl, pretending not to see her at all. But unfortunately, Krystal recognized her.

“Suzy!” she shouted while approaching her.

“Oh, Krystal…why are you here? Did you come here to visit someone dying?” she sarcastically asked.

“S-Suzy, Myungsoo’s confined here. And he’s- “

But before she finish what she’s about to say, Suzy interrupted.

“Yeah, I know…he’s my patient.”

Krystal looked down on the floor and murmured, “I hope you’ve already forgiven him.”

“I bet you really cared for him so much that you even need to ask for forgiveness from me just for him.”, “Don’t misunderstand things, Suzy.”

“I won’t, it’s just that…I’m not as foolish as I was before.”

Krystal tried to explain her side of the story, but Suzy was stubborn.

“Myungsoo and I…”

“Don’t even try to explain. Krystal, I won’t mind your relationship with my former lover.”

“We’re not what you think we are. I’m just his friend and could never replace you in his heart.”

Suzy felt irritated. Lies…blah…blah

“”Past is past, no need to bring it up again. Please, I’m not going to listen to all this crap!”

“He still, and will always love you. He made a complicated decision back then because he didn’t want to hurt you.” Krystal tried to defend Myungsoo’s feelings.

Suzy annoyingly rolled her eyes, “That’s funny, because I’ve interpreted it the other way. Anyway, nice try! Don’t think about it, the damage has been done.”

Krystal began sobbing. “M-Myungsoo…h-he’s terribly sick. The doctor told him 2 years ago that he might not live for too long. That’s the reason why he wanted to go somewhere away from you.”

Suzy didn’t know what to say to her. She was frozen with the words Krystal revealed.

She pretended not to get affected and then continued showing her cold heartedness.

“Why are you saying these things to me? You want me to pity him and forget everything?”

Krystal replied, “No, I just want you to know that he didn’t mean to hurt you. I want you to understand that he wanted you to live a life without him, so that when the time comes, he won’t need to worry that you’ll get depressed.”

Suzy looked away.

Several minutes passed and she bowed at her, and then left Krystal without a word.

“Didn’t he know that I’ll worry even more? He’s too foolish to do such selfish act!” she thought.


After her shift, she decided to visit Myungsoo.

He was sketching something when Suzy suddenly opened the door and entered.

“S-Suzy, please listen to me even for a minute.” he begged.

“And what are you going to say? Lies? I don’t want to listen! I don’t want to accept that you want to selfishly hide this from me…I just can’t- “

Suzy walked towards him and hugged him tightly.

Myungsoo smiled gently and wiped the tears on her cheeks.

He reached the sketchpad he was working on and showed it to Suzy.

“Remember these squids? The one we harvested when we first met?” he pointed out.

“…As long as these creatures are still living in the sea, I’ll always be here for you. Just like my love for you, it will last up until the whole world fades away.”

Suzy’s eyes were swelling from too much crying. She can’t control herself from the regret and disbelief that invades her heart right at that moment.

“I thought I’m going to hate you for the rest of my life. You gave me these scars in my heart that no one can ever heal. But now that I’ve seen you, I can’t help but melt from so much happiness. I love you Kim Myungsoo, I’m sorry that I can’t hate you enough.” she caressed his hair while saying such tender words.

“I love you more. I’ll miss your sweet smile. Now it’s sweet to know that I’ll be bringing them once I leave…”

“I love you most…” Suzy replied.

The atmosphere suddenly got gloomy.

That day, the sky was filled with too much darkness that covered the sun’s bright light. The tears and rain poured simultaneously.

Myungsoo felt sleepy.

Then, he closed his eyes.

A quiet cry was heard echoing on the hallway.


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Chapter 1: Too short :( i wait for next chapter!
soomuch_A #2
Chapter 1: This is a good sad story... :( but too short... Myungzy!
Chapter 1: holy awesome! what an awesome chapter! i nearly cried:( more myungzy stories xoxo