

Hey everyone! yea this it I hope it's not disappointing at all I just wrote this to try to get rid of writers block,and for fun

I don't think this  is that good,but to make it  better while reading listen to the song "One" by SHINee of course it's just  makes the story have more feeling I guess I don't know just do it. Hope you Enjoy! (P.S this story has no meaning )


Minho was at work when he had got a call from Onews best friend Jonghyun that Onew was a mess because of someone named Taemin came over to Minho's,and Onews apartment,and had said some things to Onew.


Minho stormed into his apartment to see Taemin sitting o a stool drinking a glass of water.

“What the do you think you're doing .What the hell did you say to him”


Taemin got up from the stool he was sitting at,and walked to Minho


“I told him the truth”


“The truth happened two years ago Taemin!” Minho yelled


“It still happened Minho! Taemin yelled back


Minho felt his blood boil face turning red out of pure anger. Minho pushed Taemin roughly into the wall making Taemin whimper in pain.


“I swear it's taking everything in me not to strangle you right now”Minho said clenching his back teeth


“you wouldn't. You love me."


“Taemin what the hell are you talking about “I love you." I don't it's Jinki are you that miserable that you come into someone home,and try to make them feel the same way as you!" Minho yelled punching the wall behind Taemin.


Taemin didn't say anything just looked towards the floor


“what you can't say anything?” Minho asked mockingly.


Taemin looked up at Minho with tear filled eyes.


“Minho I love you. Why can't you feel the same way,why can't you come back to ME,what can't you leave him I was here first not him Taemin said screaming,and pointing at where Minho's heart was tears falling down his pink cheeks.


“why can't you come back to me Taemin said wrapping his arms around Minho,and resting his head on his chest.
"you should just come back to me"


Minho just stood there not returning the gesture wanting to seriously push the younger off. He needed to talk to his lover clear things up


“Taemin. You need to leave now.”

Minho said as calmly as he could pushing the boy away.


Taemin looked up at the taller tears staining his face


“can I do one last thing?"


“what Taemin!” Minho yelled getting frustrated at the boy.


Taemin flinched when Minho yelled,but then slowly stood on his tip toes,and leaned in,and pressed his lips onto Minho's.


Onew's POV



After Taemin had come to the apartment,and told me that Minho,and him were in a relationship,and sleeping together I ran to Jonghyun's house for some consoling. I cried for hours in his arms him just rubbing soothing circles on my back Jonghyun was the best at comforting. After crying I told him what had happened he told me that I should go home,and talk to Minho about it,and see if it was the truth. I didn't want to at first,but then agreed.


*Flash Back*

As I was coming home from work I saw a car parked in front of me,and Minhos apartment.I wasn't expecting anyone,and neither was Minho that I knew of.

I walked to the front door,but stopped when I saw a boy standing in front of it

"annyong....can I help you?"
The boy turned to look at me

"annyo. I'm  Taemin
I looked at the boy with furrowed brows shouln't he be using honorifics im obviously his elder by at least 2 years

"oh we'll hello Taemin I'm Lee Jinki,but everyone called me Onew nice to meet you
I said reaching out my hand,but all he did was stare at it .

"yea can we talk inside "

I was hesitant at first I didn't know the kid,but it didn't look like he would do anything.I sighed then made my way closer to the door then unlocked it
"please come in I said holding my arm out.

I walked in after him,and sat my things down on the counter

"would you like something to drink? I asked

"no can we just talk"

I was confused first I didn't know the boy,and he insisted on talking about something that I probably knew nothing about.

I walked over to the couch,and sat down.

"what is it you want to-

"Me,and Minho are in a in a,and we're ing "

I didn't know how to react it was so sudden.

"I don't know why he's been hiding it from you I told him he should have told you a long time ago,but I guess he dosnt want to hurt you."

My eyes started to isn't true


"yes it's true.I think you should leave here before he comes home from work it will make it easier"

"no it's not tru-"

Before I could finish he pulled a picture out of Minho kissing him.(AN:it's a picture that they had took when they were once in a relationship)

My sight started to blur,and before I knew it I was a sobbing mess in Jonghyuns arms



I took a deep breath before  pulling out my Key to the apartment,and unlocked the door. When I opened it I wasn't exspecting to see what I saw I wanted to drop to my knees,and just cry. What Taemin said was true.



Minhos POV


I was shocked by Taemins action I didn't know what to do,but if this was the last thing he wanted from me,and would leave me,and Onew alone I will do it. I placed my hand on his hip,and started to kiss back. He slid his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance 'oh god I want this to end already'.I was about to pull away until I heard key's clash onto the floor. I turned around fearing who would be there. My heart dropped all the way to my stomach when I saw Onew standing in front of the door tears streaming down his face.




Before I could even attempt an apologize Onew ran out the door sobbing. I turned to Taemin to see him smirking that made me beyond pissed. “Taemin I swear to ing god if you're still here when I get back I will hurt you so bad to where you wish you were dead”,and with that I ran out the apartment to go find Onew.



No ones POV


Minho looked everywhere for his lover,but found him no where. Minho had stopped at a park where the pay phone was so that he could call Jonghyun to see if Onew was there until he spotted someone sitting at a swing with there head down. Minho walked closer to get a better view he recognised the gray jacket that Onew was whereing when he left out.


“Onew! Minho yelled out walking fast towards Onew


Onew looked up to where he heard someone calling him after realising who it was he quickly got up,and ran, Minho ran faster so he could catch up with his Onew,but he was just to fast




Minho yelled


Onew turned back to see Minho painting,and out of breath hands on his knees he didn't care he didn't want to see or speak to him right now. When Onew stopped to turn around Minho took the chance to start running again,but only to have Onew run again. Onew ran looking back at Minho who was getting closer to him Onew ran faster not noticing that he was in front of a busy street.



Onews POV


I don't want to talk to him just please leave me alone Mihno stop chasing me

I stopped,and looked back to see a frozen Minho with his hand held out maybe he finally decided this was enough. I looked to the side,and saw lights coming my way fast.


Minhos POV


NO!!! I yelled


Please no no please


I ran to where Onew laid sprawled on the street pavement blood circling his head. I dropped to my knees,and pulled him close to me. This isn't happening no it's not it can't be. I rocked back,and forth Onews wet hair.


“I'm so sorry Onew it wasn't like that I wasn't cheating on you I-I just wanted him to leave us alone. Everything is going to be okay I promise okay Onew are you listing to me? Everything is going to be okay tomorrow I'm going to make everything up to you ill cook you dinner,ill sing to you,and....and we can go to my mothers house,and you can talk to her like you always do,does that sound okay to you?


Onew please say something to me!!!! I cried holding on to my Jinki he isn't going to leave me!


“This is all my fault I should have made him leave. I should have gone after you when you first ran out I'm so sorry Onew



Taemins POV


I watched as Minho held Onew crying fire trucks,and police cars surrounding them


“I'm sorry Minho,but I had to do it you wouldn't come back to me when I asked I tried to make it easier for the three of us,but you wouldn't let it happen like that.


I crawled out of the passenger side when I knew no one was looking this way,and started making my way home limping in the process.


I'm sorry Minho,but I had no choice.



Well this is my attempt of an angst one-shot.

I made Taemin a super bad person Do you all hate me? I just have this feeling that someone is cursing at the computer screen because of this.

I'm sorry if you are .

This isn't edited sorry.


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neon_fighter #1
Chapter 1: OH! MY! FREAKING! GOSH!! I was so shocked!! But why Onew? Why?? I'm not big on angust but I really loved this one!! Amazing story!! <3<3<3
sweetmagnollias #2
Chapter 1: oh god please make a sequel to this :'(
watwotwut #3
Chapter 1: evil!Tae???? That's new. I hope Onew didn't die... (╥╯﹏╰╥)
Chaera_Bomzy #4
Chapter 1: Always has to be Onew TT-TT I really like this...well not the Onew part at the end. This makes me hate Taemin/2Min
MiyuLisis #5
Chapter 1: what? you killed my jinki O: why is ALWAYS him? ku ku ku (ku is cry in mandarin lol) cliche but well onho is onho jeje thanks for share
Chapter 1: Wow that was very upsetting :( but I love it :) you can't just leave it like that though I know you won't update the sequel soon love:P
Chapter 1: Wow, that was really horrifying haha... (what happened in the story I mean!!) That's just beating up your poor readers' hearts haha :'( Poor Onew!!! And Taemin, so evil omg!!! I hate when stuff like that happens in plots. It was very fast paced and interesting though! :)
I can't read at the moment but i'll read it later kay?
Reely Alex reely