A Phone Call From Seungho

When you say 'I love you'

Eunhae had gone home with a smile on her face. After another hour or two of goofing around with the new student, Jaesoo, she couldn't help but laugh at the thought of him. He was naturally funny and he agreed with her when she talked about her perspectives on school and life. Maybe it was his friendly factor (causing him to nod), but either way it made her feel more relaxed. She didn't know what this funny feeling was. It was odd but pleasant all at the same time. She got home and rested on the couch, lazying around for the rest of the day. She decided to keep quiet about their new friendship .. or at least until decided to tell. She continued to watch the television until she received a call.

"Yeboseyo?" she answered too eagerly, not checking up on the caller ID. "Jagiya~" a husky voice had replied back. A smile had run along the lines of her lips as fast as she could blink. It was her sweet heart boyfriend, Seungho. It had been a while since the two had a decent conversation. Not too long ago, they had broken up and not too long ago had they gotten back together. They did miss each other when they parted, and they still loved each other. She could remember herself crying for a whole day because of the break up. It was mutual, but it was hard; they were together for over 5 months and their bond was so strong. "Jagiya?" she heard again. Shaking her head to concentrate, she smiled as she spoke. "Yeobo~ how are you?" she answered with genuine enthusiasm. Although the situation was still rocky, she still showed her affection to the other. "I'm doing alright. How are you, jagiya? Have you been sleeping enough?" he asked in return. Eunhae answered his questions and talked about her day. It was regular for him to ask her such things since he was worried for her health. Not too long ago, Eunhae had a health scare.

As they finished up their conversation, Eunhae had asked him one last question. "Will I get to see you soon?" she asked, hesitant. "Ne. Hopefully," he answered softly, "saranghae, jagiya." Then there was a final click. Half-smiling, Eunhae put her phone down and stared into space. She truly missed the feeling of being able to talk to her own boyfriend comfortably. They were both putting forward the effort of still being with each other, but they had forgotten really why they had broken up. Instead, they focused mainly on the past yet didn't realize it yet. Eunhae finally got up and moved around, shuffling her feet towards the kitchen. Grabbing cold pizza out of the fridge, she placed a slice on a plate and popped it into the microwave. "Unni? Are you home?" Jia had asked, hearing the beeping of the microwave buttons. "Ne," Eunhae replied, her voice shaken. She waited until her sister appeared into the room. "You didn't even come home, you liar!" she smirked, folding her arms over her chest. "And you didn't go with Soo or Hyuna," Eunhae replied back with a slight smirk. "I didn't feel like it after all. My last class decided to give us the most homework," Jia groaned, leaning against the door frame. Eunhae took her pizza out from the microwave and walked out into the dining room with her sister following behind.

Sitting down, she carefully took a bite then noticed Jia sitting across from her. "Why weren't you home?" she asked. "I stayed in class for help," Eunhae lied, taking another bite. "Lies. It's the first day of school. There's nothing hard to learn!" her sister pointed out, not buying it at all. Realizing she'd lose anyway, Eunhae decided to tell. "I was giving a tour to a new student," she sighed before lying back in her chair. "Who?" Jia asked, one eyebrow raised. "His name's Jaesoo. He got his schedule late today," Eunhae answered back truthfully. Jia got up, walked over, and sat beside her sister. Taking a bite of Eunhae's pizza, she looked at her sister curiously. "I think I've heard of him," she said simply, "he just got here not too long ago. He doesn't really talk to anyone." Eunhae sat there and listened to her sister until the last part was mentioned. A big smile spread along her lips again. "Well, he talked to me~" she shrugged, getting up. "That's because he was being nice," Jia rolled her eyes. "Maybe? But it was fun, so ha! You can't always be the fun one," Eunhae said with a laugh. She walked out of the room and up the stairs, into her room while leaving her sister with her pizza.

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