What to do for today with the 2 babies..



“Argh~”the leader yawn and stretch his body as he thrown himself onto the couch lazily – still didn’t fully conscious yet even after wash up.”By the way,who the one who unlocked the door for the kids?” it’s time for the two younger who unlock the rappers’ room for the kids to be explaining now.The two quickly avoid from the question with playing with the babies.


“Come,oppa help you to make it pretty,”Ricky pretend to help Cho Hee to make her drawing with pretty flowers and some girly stuff on it while Niel proceed his way to Chung Hee who is busy with his graffiti(?) on the paper.It’s more likely scribbling the paper with different color pencils.


“Uwah!Chung Hee is an artist,’Niel pretend no nothing about the rappers’ room being unlock and praising how talented Chung Hee is.”Round applause for you,”Niel still pretending to know nothing while give an round applause for Chung Hee of his artwork.


“Jakkaman,”follow up by other rapper who is same room with the leader,”This is weird…You two awake first and it must be you two who know who unlocked our room’s door for the kids,”L.Joe point out to the two younger who had feeling guilty right now after what they had did.


“Ah!Aniyo…how will I do something like that,isn’t it,Niel hyung,”Ricky rolled his eyes while explaining and push it to his hyung to answer.”Ah,yeah..right right..I only open the door for the kids to come in I didn’t unlock the door for them to wake MinSoo Hyung and you up..of course no…I didn’t do such a thing .I didn’t go and get a key and then ..mmph –“before the thick lips hyung about to split out something the lovely boy quickly shut his mouth up by cover his mouth.”Hyung,you talk to much,the hyungs will know it that it wasn’t us..So,it’s non of our business,”Ricky continue while still covering his hyung mouth just in case he will split out .Just like that,the rappers didn't ask about it anymore.


“So,what’s the plan for today?”said the maknae who walk out from the bathroom after having his morning sower.The maknae had a habit that he’ll take a bath every morning.As what he said that taking shower in the morning making him more refreshing to start a brand new day.

“Anything you all can do but just don’t disturb my beautiful sleep right now,”the sleepy head leader who kind of love to sleep recently.Even during their performing time,well not actually sleep on stage but while they’re in the waiting room in the backstage waiting for their turn,the leader do nothing but just lay on the couch while cover his face with his cap and sleep again.Not nap but a real sleep.No matter where and when they are the leader always sleep.Even though they doesn’t have a tight schedule ,the leader still will take a sleep.Sleeping had been a ‘trademark’ for Teen Top leader Bang Min Soo.

“The weather look good today,”said the thick lips member who stand right in front of the window and looking out.Indeed the weather look good for some outdoor activities.

“Ah!”Suddenly the lovely boy stood up and it looks like his bulb is light up and getting some idea what they are going to do for today with the two little babies,”What about we go to the near by playground?”Ricky suggested and gain a glare from the hyungs as feedback.”What?What’s so wrong with going to playground?The kids love it.I used to go to playground with my friend in my childhood and have a great time there.”

“Are you kidding me?We’re idols and public figure.How could we go to playground which is so childish.What if our fans see us playing with the slide,see saw and what so ever all of those stuffs in playground,”ChunJi blurted out and he doesn’t like the idea of going to playground to spend their precious rest day.”I rather  stay here and do nothing if we really go to playground.I don’t want to ruin my own image,”Chunjo folded his arms.

“Psst…I don’t even ask about your opinion,pabo hyung,”the conflict between the lovely boy and power voice hyung still not solve yet,Ricky still hating his hyung for taking his wallet from him.

“Yah!What did you just said?!”Chunji frowned and shout as he heard what had Ricky whispered silently just now.

“Stop!No fighting in front of the kids.It will lead them to be abusive and no manners to the elders if you two start to fight like that,”immediately the blonde guy stood up and in between them to stop the two from quarrelling in front of the two innocent little babies.

“I think go to playground isn’t a bad idea since the kids love it,”Niel attempt to get over this kinda of situation with interrupting and agree with Ricky’s suggestion.”Right,Chung Hee,Cho Hee?”the thick lips appa bend and ask the two kids.

“Ne,”the both babies nodded and clapping their hands when they heard about playground.”Chung Hee want to go to playground and play swings.Chung Hee want to fly over the sky,”just by heard about the word of playground,Chung Hee had getting his mood with it and leaping happily.A big smile form on his face.Meanwhile,Cho Hee just giggling of her oppa’s reaction about playground.

“See,the kids love it,”Ricky stick out his tongue to ChunJi when he is almost burning inside to see that little brat do that to him.

“So,it’s settle.We’ll go to playground to play today,”L.Joe conclude it before the maknae interrupt with a sudden.

“Ah!Nope,not settle yet,”ChangJo said for a sudden.

“Bwo?”the blonde guy asked.

“I forgot I got an appointment to work out at the gym today,”Ricky’s face became down immediately after heard what the maknae said.Since the two are 95 liners and they’re quite close to each other.Even during their holiday ,when everyone can return to their home,Ricky will brought ChangJo together with him and sleep over his place.They share secrets with each other and choreo moves.They’re always in sync when dancing and both mastered in dancing of the group.So,if the maknae go to work out today then he can’t came together and join them to spend their rest day in playground.It will be no fun without the maknae as the lovely boy thought.

“But…I thought you said you got nothing to do today.Why suddenly there’s an appointment of work out at the gym?”Ricky doesn’t like having fun without ChangJo.His face in serious expression and ask the maknae.

“I just forgot about it just now.You know that the fee of that gym is so expensive and I can’t missed out of it.It’’ll waste my monthly fee that I paid.I’m sorry but hyung-deul can play with Chung Hee and Cho Hee,”the maknae in rush of it as the appointment is in 10 minutes after this.He left and get his gym clothes and his bags prepared to go to the gym,”I need to go now.It’s right 10 minutes after this.I can’t be late.Have fun hyung-deul and aegi deul.”with that the maknae grabbed his things and storm out from the dorm.

“Ah,then just left  the 5 of us and the kids then-“before Niel could finish his statement,LJoe cut off.”Not 5 but 4 of you and the kids,I just got a message from the staff that they said the composing room is out of order for tomorrow so I have to go right now to continue my compose work since tomorrow can’t be use,”LJoe look at his cellphone and read out the contents.

It suppose to be a group outing day with the kids but 2 members had things to do and just left the 4 of them with the two babies.

“I will get my work right now and left right away after this.You guys have fun then,”Ljoe too leaving to his room and get the things he need.Go to the composing room right away.

“It’s alright,we still can go to playground with just the 4 of us and the 2 babies,”Niel try to cheer.

“You guys go I don’t want to go.I don’t want to ruin my image,”ChunJi too who didn’t want to go.

“Yah!This is suppose to be a fun activities with the kids but you all rejected it.Don’t you all think the kids will be unhappy if they knew that they can’t go to the playground,”Ricky blurted out and being unsatisfied of how his hyungs gone one by one.

“Oppa..what you mean we can’t go?”Cho Hee ask Ricky as she heard what he just yelled and proceed her way to ChunJi again right now,”ChunJi appa,does Cho Hee did something wrong?Why not going to playgrounf?Cho Hee promise to be a good girl.Please go to playground together,”Cho Hee grabbed on ChunJi’s bottom shirt while lift up her head to look at the appa who is taller than her as she reach at ChunJi’s upper knee only.Even Cho Hee is a little girl she knows a lot and have a lot of aegyo that she pleaded with her puppy eyes towards ChunJi to make ChunJi say yes and nodded.

“Alright then,appa will go together with you two,”ChunJi kneel down to make Cho Hee more comfortable at looking at him as she lift up her head too long will be hurt her neck.

“Yeah!Appa said yes!”the members all shock with Cho Hee sudden unusual reaction since she always so quiet and shy girl in front of them but right this moment,Cho Hee is like another person when ChunJi nodded and say yes to playground.Unknowingly,Cho Hee is leaping around happily while raising her hands to the air.The members chuckled to see the sudden reaction from Cho Hee.It’s such an adorable girl and pure kid.

“Yeah,oppa,we’re going to playground!”Cho Hee held her brother’s hands and the two leaping around together.

“Alright,kids,let’s go to get prepared first before we going to play,”Niel get the two babies who is jumping happily right now to have a change before they going to outside.Though it’s a good weather but outside is still cold day.People need to wear sweater when going outside.Niel get the kids to the room and get their luggage together to put their sweater on.

Meanwhile,the leader is in the middle of sleeping like no tomorrow.Ricky go to nudge him to ask if he go or not,”Hyung,MinSoo hyung,”the leader’s nose twitched  little and frowned before he open a little of his eyes and peeking who’s interrupt her beautiful sleep.To be honest, whether the leader is open eyes or not no one can differentiate it since his eyes is so small.So,Ricky didn’t notice his hyung actually peeking with his eyes open a little,Ricky moves closer to the leader’s ear and about to shout ,”Min…”just before he shout the leader got up straight like a dead person who got up suddenly from their coffin.The lovely startled and back fall to the ground with his hip hit the ground.Whimpering of pain while brushing on his hips that hit the ground,”YAH!”

“What ‘yah’?I already said don’t disturb my sleep,”the leader alert the lovely boy who fall down on the ground.

“I just want to ask if you want to go with us to the playground or not?You don’t have to do that.My hips his hurt right now,Aish,”the poor      guy get up from the ground while still caressing his hips that hit the ground hardly just now because of the leader sudden reaction of waking up.

“Ah…I said I don’t want to go anywhere today.I just want to sleep right..So move your away here,” the leader laid back to the couch and continue to sleep after just a few words.

“Hyung,indeed got narcolepsy just like how ChunJi hyung said before in broadcast,”Ricky leave right away after knowing that the leader won’t be going.

After a few preparations by taking care of the kids’ wardrobe for outing,the 3 members and the 2 babies take their leave by going down to the ground floor and they decided to walk to the playground since it’s just near their dorm.They don’t want to bother the manager hyung to get the van again and wait for it.Niel and Ricky each holding Chung Hee and Cho Hee’s hands when they walk down at the street while ChunJi follow from the back.The babies look happy and excited to go to the playground and so do the big baby as well,Ricky.He look more excited than the 2 babies.



Finally!An Update!I know it had been so long that I didn't return and update it...Well,its all because I got a writer block...I don't know how to continue it anymore..But luckily i have you all,my subscribers who didn't unsubcribe this..So I try my best with it and keep writing of how to continue it.I had erase it many times and many times and finally come out with this chapter...

So,enjoy it..and thank for my subscribers who still stay her with me and thank you for those who unsubscribe too because I know the feeling of waiting for update everyday but didn't update at all..So,i didn't blame it...but i thanks them for being stay here and support me before..thank you for all the hard work...

Alright,no more cheesy cheesy words as it might scare my subscribers if I keep cheesy-ing here..just enjoy the chapter and the next chpater is coming up soon..i had rest for a while and i had to do something for my beloved subscribers who supporting and stay with me here until now...I have to at least double update if i can for today..please stay tuned..




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i will update it as soon as possible..i promise


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Chapter 13: Yay your still alive!!! >< Lol sorry for my randomness, but I am glad that you are back. ^^ Good job on this chapter!! ^^v
Chapter 13: its okay take your time !! I really thought you gave up welcome back !!
GhastlyNight #3
Chapter 12: Kyaah~ Update soon Author-nim~ XD
001katje #4
Mblaq is my favorite season too :p I wonder what will happen if Teen top joins the programe :p
Chapter 12: What really? Omg I really hope its true!!!!!! ><
Chapter 12: eonnie chanhee XD
elien23 #7
Chapter 8: how i wish that teen top will be in hello baby
pleeeeeeeeeeeease update fast author sshi this fic is just tooooo darn good i'm rereading this fic again for the 5th time
love you author sshi:)
Chapter 8: awwww so cuuuute <3 <3 <3
oh how i want Teen Top to have a Hello Baby season...
and you just uppdated this....and uppdated again??
Loooove you, author-nim~<3
Omfg you're an awesome author!!! You have no idea how i want teen top to be on hello baby!!! It will really be so funny! Anyways you're really great! Update soon!! ♥
Chapter 5: kya new update *___*
soooo cute :3
update soon please! :)