My Chef


My Chef 




"   When your-first-loved-guy has gone for 10 years, and now he comes back to you. And, you have to realize that he doesn't even love you back or even just remember you. You know it you have to move on, you have to escape of the nightmares that he wasn't the guy you have known for 10 years. But.. what have you do, if your marriage will be going on a week? Trust me, it's not a marriage you will be deal with.. it's not a marriage that every girl dreamed."   


( A/ N : Hey~ jihaan comes back to you. It's my second of my fanfics, yeah~ my first was The Summer, The Rainbow, and The Strom. Subscribe for more story, and maybe upvote? Or just give me a comment above. Oh yeah~ it's my 1st story of Oh Se Hun *throw Sehun*. Why should him? I love him actually~ muahaha~)



"I’m 17 years old. But my father told me to have a husband. A husband, right, husband. And

my father has already his type, and guess what, he wanted me to marry a chef, yes, a chef. And he is my childhood friend! "



♥       Lee Yoon Hee 

-          Stubborn girl

-          17 Years old girl

-          Childish but a cheerful girl

-          Cannot even understand herself

-          Crazy about chocolates, and junk foods, and bubble gums



♥      Oh Se Hun

-          18 years old boy

-          Yoon Hee’s childhood friend

-          A chef

-          Love teasing Yoon Hee

-          Childish too, but sometimes acts like a mature person

-          Moody



♥        Byun Baekhyun 

Yoon Hee’s bestfriend since his lovely bestfriend left her for 10 years, 10 years ago, and didn’t recieve any news from him. He loves Yoon Hee as much as he loves himself but it’s more than just a love, less than just a love between girl and boy.






♥        EXO Member Friends of Sehun, but Yoon Hee hasn't had know about them yet, until Sehun showed it

♥        Mr. Lee Yoon Hee ‘s father. He loves his daughter so much. He wants Yoon Hee has a husband that could keep her safely and lovely. It's like giving up his duty.

♥        Mr. Kim Yoon Hee family’s driver since her mom gave her birth. He loves Yoon Hee as much as he loves his daughter. And he always supports Sehun whatever happened!


(A/N I'll add more soon^^)



©copyright postesuperstar-k design 2013.

©copyright jihaan storyline 2013.




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0hSarahh #1
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Immm sooooo rly cant wait for the next chapterrr
1003dumz #2
Chapter 11: yayyy
lookin' forward for the nesxt update^^
Chapter 9: nice~ i like the awkwardness between the two haha. & bacon.. wooo!^^
Chapter 9: whoaa update it! ^^
I love how Baekhyun came in haha XD
can't wait for the next chapter ><
please update! :DD
Chapter 5: WHAT? they've kissed at that young age O.O
Chapter 4: 0_0 whoow they've kissed already :3

(i'll be here again in weekends keep updating :))
Chapter 3: Baekhyun~~~~ so i'm right :D why so short? *pouts* then who is this again.. i mean the person who is pulling out her hair?:D hmm maybe baekhyun again haha~
baekhyun and sehun, have they met before?
Chapter 2: ooh i wonder who is this "oppa" Baekhyun maybe :D
hello, i love oh sehun, he's my bias on exo-k. I'm glad for your first fic for him. Do your best in making your story a good one:)i hope more readers would read your fic. The plot is not's kind of interesting