
60 Seconds


Something about the cafe on the corner had caught Sunggyu's attention that day.
Maybe it was the decadent aroma of the morning's fresh roast, or maybe it was the way that the autumn leaves seemed to embrace the cozy shop.
Nonetheless, he found himself naturally guided towards the entrance. He began reading the chalkboard menu when the tinkling sound of bells was heard.
The cafe's wooden door had opened, someone stepping out.
Time seemed to freeze over at the sight of her. Sunggyu found himself staring at a girl, completely entrapped by her beauty. She stepped outside of the cafe and just looked up to the sky, a light smile adorning her features. It had finally stopped raining.
"Finally, it's break time.." you mumbled to yourself, standing up and stretching.
"Hey, Soojin, I'm gonna go out for my break. Be back in 5," you told your coworker, "and keep an eye out for boss."
"Alright." she looked up from her book, waved with her free hand, and went back to reading.
Grabbing your satchel, you made your way around the empty tables and out the tinkling door. The sky, which had previously been shrouded with storm clouds, had begun to clear. Stormy weather hadn't always been your forte, and the clear weather had undoubtedly lifted your spirits up. A smile splashed across your features, and for once, you permitted it to stay.
When you tilted your head back down, you found someone looking at you. Actually, it was more like staring. In a millisecond, the guy embarrassedly turned his head away and scratched it.
The man was pretty cute. He looked like a fox with his small eyes and blazing red hair. On the contrary, while foxes look quite sneaky, this man had a humble and honest face. He was adorable, to say the least.
About to run off, the man made his way to the pedestrian crossing area.
"Wait!" you grabbed the man's wrist, successfully turning him around, "would you like a drink?"
"Maybe some other time." the man mysteriously said, and walked off.
Dumbfounded, you went back to the small cafe in which you worked at. Hopefully, "some other time" would come soon.
"You're so stupid, Hyung." Woohyun sighed, whacking Sunggyu on the back of the head.
"I know," the elder raked his fingers through his hair, "but it was so embarrassing. She caught me staring at her!"
A groan escaped Sunggyu's lips as he recalled your eyes meeting his for that split second. He was almost certain that you would never want to talk to him ever again.
"You need to go get her," Woohyun wisely advised, "before you lose your chance."
"Take her on a date! Get to know her!" He suggested whilst flailing his arms, and Sunggyu thought of ways to get your attention. His so-called "plan" would be carried out the following week.
Time went by slowly, and soon, you forgot about that mysterious man. Exactly a week later, you were working as usual, when he stepped in.
Busy with making a latte for a different customer, you called over Soojin.
"Soojin, go take that customer to a table," you told her as she passed by behind you, "and I'll take his order in a sec."
"Will do." she said back with minimal enthusiasm. Typical Soojin.
Finished with making the latte, you served it to the middle-aged man. Soojin met eyes with you and motioned towards a table. You smiled in thanks.
Situated at the table was a man with chestnut-brown hair. His back was facing you, and as you approached him with utmost indifference, you pulled out your handy dandy pocket-sized notepad.
Without looking up from your ready stance of pen-to-paper, you asked, "Hi. What would you like to order?"
And with that, a melodious voice replied, "A cappuccino, please."
When you finally dare look up, an odd sense of completion racked through your body. It felt as if a long-lost lock had finally found its key.
It was him.
sorry for mistakes and/or tyness. pce out
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Chapter 1: Wow, this was really great! Too bad it was a oneshot :(