Think of Me

You+Me One-Shots Collection~ (( OPEN ))

"Yah! Move!"
"Hey! I was here first!"
"Stop shoving!"

Mrs. Kang, the homeroom teacher had posted up the test results on the board, causing everyone to be shoving each other just to see how high or low they ranked. Hyeji on the other hand,  waited until the crowd decreased. With in minutes, she's lookng up at the test results posted on the board.

Hyeji lets out a long sigh, "second place again..."

She slowly walks back to her seat and rests her head on her arms, clearly being able to hear all the fuss in the room.  Just as she was about to pop in her headphones, she over heard something that made her boil inside, so she turns to look to her right.

“Oppaaa~ I knew you would be 1st place again!”
“Ne Oppa~”
“No one can ever beat Oppa~”
“Oppa’s so cool~”

Hyeji slightly chuckles at the sight of the girls trying to kiss , quickly turnning back to her old position, resting her head once again, looking quite calm on the outside but burning up in the inside.

‘Go figure! Jongin got first place again! Ugh! I study my off but still come second next to him!’


"What?! Second place?!" Hyeji almost had a heart attack upon seeing her rank on the entrance exam, "who the hell is Kim Jongin?!"

"That would be me, ummm...." Jongin looks for her name on the list, "Ms. Choi, or should I call you pretty lady?" Jongin smirks at Hyeji.

Hyeji can clearly see that smirk on his face, "Yah! Who are you calling pretty lady, you punk?!"

"mwoh? me, a punk?"

"yes, you, you moron!"

"moron?" points to the test results, "excuse me, but according to these results, I'm clearly smarter than you! So don't you go calling me a moron!"

"then don't call me pretty lady when you have a huge stupid smirk on your face!"

"well I regret calling you pretty lady! I take it back!"

"Take it back for all I care!"

"i will!"

"Ugh! whatever! I don't have time for this!" Hyeji walks away madly, leaving behind an amused Jongin.

*End of Flashback*

Ever since their first year in high school, Hyeji and Jongin have had this rivalry thing about ranking 1st place, but once again Hyeji has lost to Jongin. Ever since the entrance exam, Hyeji promised herself to beat Jongin at all cost and to not fall for him like the rest of the girls did. Although Jongin is extremely smart, he is also extremely handsome. With just one smile, he can have any girl at the palm of his hand, except for one, Hyeji Choi.

Just as Hyeji was falling asleep, the bell rang, dismissing everyone to go home. While everyone is so eager to go home, Hyeji takes her time packing up her things, making sure to take everything she needs. Soon after leaving the classroom, Hyeji heads towards the school library. Upon arriving, she quickly scans the place in search of an empty table. Soon after locating one, she makes her way to it, but as soon as she was putting down her things, someone else was putting down their backpack.

Sits down without looking at the person, "sorry but this table is taken," Hyeji says.

"The table is big enough for the both of us," Hyeji's head shot up as soon as the person began talking.

"Jongin, I don't have time for this, just leave"

"I don't want to," Jongin takes a sit in front of Hyeji.

"then I'll leave," Hyeji starts grabbing her things, but is soon stopped by Jongin.

"Don't go"

"then leave!"

"I'm not leaving"

"then I'm leaving," Hyeji stands up and starts walking away.

Jongin lets out a long sigh, quickly grabbing his backpack and running after Hyeji. He grabs onto her wrist and pulls her along, heading outside of the school.

"yah! Let me go!" Hyeji tries pulling away but Jongin is too strong for her.

"I'm not letting you go"

"let me go!"

"no, stop trying to escape"

Hyeji tries her hardest to pull away but fails once again, making her boil inside, starting to argue with Jongin once again.

Jongin is becoming irritated, "will you shut up already!"

"make me!" Hyeji resorts back. With that, Jongin turns to face her.

"what did you say?"

Hyeji repeats herself, "I said make me!"

Jongin slightly smirks and leans towards her, quickly pressing his lips against her causing her to shut up and turn bright red.

Hyeji pushes Jongin away, "Jerk!" slapping him across the face before running away.

Jongin was taken back by her action, quickly running after her and gently pulling her by the wrist once again.

"let me go!"

Jongin gives Hyeji a guilty look, "I'm sorry, Hyeji..."

"p-please let me go!"

"I'm sorry..."

Hyeji looks away, "w-why did you do it?"


"w-why did you kiss me?!" Hyeji tries to hold in her anger.

"cause I like you Hyeji"

"don't give me that bull Jongin!"

"I'm not bullting you! I'm being serious!"

Hyeji lets out a sad chuckle, "like that's true"

Jongin resorts back, "it is! I've liked you ever since that day of the entrance exam!"

Hyeji is taken a bit back by his confession, "w-what?"

"that day of the entrance exam I was walking with my friend to the school, and we saw a group of girls walking in front of us. I heard one of the girls laugh quite cutely, making me want to see who it was and it turned out to be you. Your smile caught my attention, it was like a crush at first sight," Jongin gently grabs onto Hyeji's hands, "I asked my friend if he knew who you were, and found out that you were always ranked number one at your middle school, just like I was at mine." Hyeji listens carefully to everything he was saying. "At that moment, I was determined to rank number one at the entrance exam just so that you would know who I was," Jongin sadly lets out a chuckle, "although you came to dislike me for that matter, it worked. Ever since that little arguement we had during our first encounter, I was intrigued by you, so I made sure to always rank number one just so that you'll keep thinking of me. Even if that thought of me is to beat me, and rank number one.... at least you are thinking of me, that I know for sure. So don't ever stop thinking of me, cause I'm hoping you'll eventually fall for me, just like I fell for you."

Hyeji is left speechless, not knowing what to say or how to feel about his confession, "I-I...."

Jongin gently smiles at Hyeji, "i know this is a huge shock for you so you don't have to say anything, but do think about what I just told you. I like you and I'm hoping you'll eventually like me back."

Hyeji slightly nods and just stares at him, studying every feature on his face, causing Jongin to slightly blush.

After a long silence, Jongin speaks up, breaking the silence, "Hyeji?"

"yeah, Jongin?"

"don't call me Jongin, call me Kai."

Hyeji slightly nods and tries it out, "okay Kai."

Jongin smiles upon hearing her call him Kai, "how about we go out for some ice cream?"

Hyeji slightly chuckles, "arasso but your paying!" -mehrong-

Jongin smiles at her, "it's my treat then."

Hyeji smiles back at him, as they start walking toward the ice cream shop. Half way along the walk Kai took a hold of Hyeji hand, and to his surprise, she didn't pull away. So they walked hand-in-hand for the rest of the way.


Author's note: I had lots of fun writing this one-shot~ I hope you like it <3 and sorry if there's any mistakes, I was typing it and quite a hurry ^^;

To my first subscriber: MatsuoMiyuki

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Name: Eli (Ukiss/OOC)
Bias/Idol(s): Kevin (ukiss)
Relationship With Bias: best friends but with more than friends feelings (love?)
Genre: Romance, Comedy, angst???
Chapter 2: Name: Aimi Sun Hee(OOC)
Bias/Idol(s): Jiyong (G-Dragon)
Reltionship With Bias: she is trainne in the yg, then they fall in love
Genre: Romance, Comedy

Can´t wait :)

MatsuoMiyuki #3
Chapter 2: I keep on smiling like a lovesick fool throughout the whole story XDD
It's cute ^^ and I squealed when I read his confession assfgghkl ;-;
thank you so much for this! <3
MatsuoMiyuki #4
Name: Choi Hyeji (OOC)
Bias/Idol(s): Kim Jongin
Reltionship With Bias: high school rivals, later turn into something more
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fluff

can't wait! xD
btw, do you write ?