Lovely destiny

Trapped in an other world

You noticed that morning how good Fatty and Tony were at this kind of thing.
They wiped out every mark of your presence, every single detail vanished, so the basement would look like nobody used it (or slept in).
Because the kidnappers also didn't want to take risks they put you in a wooden box to 'transport' you.


After an hour (or something like that - the time went really slow while sitting in that tiny box) they stopped in an abandoned forest. 
We took a pause. 
You were finally out of the box and got time to take some fresh air. Unfortunately the two men didn't understand the same thing as you from the word 'pause'.
After 2 minutes they already told you to get back in the box (where you scarcely fitted in, it was impossible to move), but you were not placed back in the blue car where you first rode in, instead they dragged you into a much larger white vehicle (the white van from the beginning -remember ;p ) that was hid between the trees.

Those smartasses had figured everything out; even if someone would suspect something, nobody could chase or find them. The black masks, where you were getting used to, remained on their faces.


On the next trip (that looked much longer than the first one) you were asking yourself in which opportunity you could use your knife or run away;
immediately when they release you from the 'cage', when they both don't look at you for a second, ...

Maybe, would I be able to kill them?
What? No,that's not even an option, you silly

-you mentally slapped yourself-

Me? Kill someone? Yea right...

You sighed. Well, a moment it looked like a reasonable option, but you knew you wouldn't be able to do it. You hadn't the guts and if you would confront them
(like man to man -but with a woman instead) they would win. 

I didn't see if they carried guns or other weapons with them.

You stayed 'talking' like that for the rest of the travel; talking (mentally) to yourself, deciding what to do and when.


The car harshly stopped. Because of the sudden action the box was being pushed against the wall.

"Awww .." you groaned. You still weren't fully recoverd from that accident on friday.


The door was being opened and the wooden box was being lifted, with you in it.

It's time! Whatever or whoever opens it, just push it/him away and run.
Run like you've never done before.


You were put down and heard that the box was being unlocked.

*click click*

You were expecting to see light, air or people. But the box remained close.

Come on! Open it!
I don't want to leave America!

After waiting in it for 5 minutes you just did it by yourself.

"Huh? Where are they?"


The floor was shaking, it felt like it would move.
You looked around you and found yourself sitting between packets and different luggage. There were2 windows on the opposite side of the room. 
The clouds behind it were moving faster with time.

"I'm in an airplane!", you screamed.

You jumped and runned (almost fell) to the window on the right side. Kidnappers Tony and Fatty stood there watching the plane take off.
Fatty noticed you and started waving at you. They looked like they were satisfied with their work: they brought you at the right place at the right time.

Because the airplane was moving really fast by now it left the gound. You couldn't see the two men anymore.

"Nooo!", you were starting to freak out, "it's not possible."

You slammed a few times on the window.

Tears were forming and then quickly running from your cheeks. 

This isn't fair. 
I just wanted to live like any other girl would.
There were still so many things I wanted to do.

And I don't even know where I'm going.


(Sorry, I didn't upload yesterday .. I'll make it up sometime ; )  )

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WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! Come on Initacha, you can do it.^^ We are all waiting! ;D
Chapter 7: Please update more ^^
Chapter 4: That pic is so creepy
Coconutzie #4
The tag says Beakhyun... xD
Coconutzie #5
Really exciting!
Please update soon~
KISSmeBecca #6
Chapter 5: Omfg where is she going??? D:
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 4: Best chapter gif EVER!! XD NUTELLAAAAAAAA <3
Chapter 3: Please update soon author-nim~ <3