A Distant Dream

Snow Rain Mythology


Hello there, I'm back again. This chapter is a bit longer than usual 'cause yesterday was Valentine =)) So I hope you all enjoy this. And thank you for commenting and reading the last chapter.


Ps: FZ_DracoHart: the first fragment of memories is for you, my friend =)) Enjoy it okay!!








Another day came under the light of the sun itself, shining the sleeping world in darkness and woke people from their dreams… She always loved sunlight and the dawn…but ironically, under this dawn, her dream would come to an end, too… Sunlight became much brighter than before as it shined on them, playing with their hair. She cast a glance at her beloved, who was hugging her tighter. Those golden eyes reflected her weak and tired image while not trying to let tears escape…




Her own tears fell, trailing down her pale cheeks. Wind blew heavily made she felt cold, outside and inside…


She didn’t want to leave this world… She didn’t want to hurt that kind heart, that generous soul…




However… she couldn’t change her fate… not when it had been decided ever since she was born…


So be it… If she was to die today… let her hold and remember those happiest memories of her life… For she wanted to cherish, to keep something of her… even in the deep abyss of inferno… to be burned until her soul was rotten… She didn’t want to forget…


Her beloved was about to say something, but she stopped midway…looking so torn and hurt… all those emotions that she hated to see on that beautiful face…


Please…don’t hate me for doing such selfish things…


Words wanted to come out, but instead, felt cry, making a choking sound in the attempt of speaking… She coughed heavily and wet liquid came out, soaking her white dress… White mixed with red… Beautiful color…


She smiled weakly, finally experiencing the taste of iron in …


“How can I exist in this world… without you…??” Dull voice of greatest sorrow, and she felt her heart throbbing at those very words. “How can I live??”


“Why did you act so stupid…?? Why did you interfere?? Why did you protect me?? Don’t you know that your actions are in vain when I can’t survive… It should have been me… who received the pains you’re feeling… It’s me… not you…” Her love was crying so desperately and she felt guilty for that, making her beloved withstand such emotional pains. “Why!??” The cry was full of anger.


“Because…” She said in difficulty “I can’t stand… seeing you lose your life… Therefore,… this is… the only option…”


The smile continued to stay on her lips, but she knew, inside, her soul was frozen in fear… The fear of not seeing her beloved again…not hearing that voice… no longer could touch those cheeks… kiss those lips… So…she lied… she’d never lied before… still, in this very moment, she would keep that truth inside the lie… for her beloved’s sake…


“Do not cry… my love…” She tried to wipe away those tears but she found no strength to lift her hands… “I promise… when I’m reincarnated… I’ll find you… no matter what…”


They both knew this was a false hope… Even so…


“I believe you…” Her own amethyst eyes would have widened if she hadn’t been so tired. “I believe you…Hyunie… And even if you’ll have no memories of me, of us… I’ll make you fall in love with me again… that’s my promise… to you… Please…wait for me…” Soft fingers caressed her cheeks, spreading the warmth to her pale face.


She was losing her hearing… she was sure because she no longer could hear sounds of things around her… Only the sound of a familiar voice… a voice of a person she’d fallen for her since the day of their very first meeting…




What you wished for.


What I wished for


The voice left behind contains only a sigh


All because it was thinking of you


Just one person, singing for your sake


Just one person, humming for your sake.




“Please… smile for me…” Golden eyes met amethyst orbs in a sincere beg, hesitating and then letting tears fall once more…


Before being pulled into the deep slumber of eternal darkness, she could still see her beloved, whose lips had curved into a beautiful yet sorrowful smile…


“I… love you… Im Yoona…”



Chapter 5



A Distant Dream






Seohyun woke up with cold sweat trailing down from her temples. The girl’s brown eyes went wide for a moment before looking around the room nervously, as if she was trying to confirm that this was real…


Her heartbeats finally returned to normal in every breathe she inhaled. But her hands still gripped the blanket hard. Suddenly she sat up, turning her head to eye the spot next to her. Seohyun promptly grabbed the pillow her seobang always used, pulling it to her face to smell the scent of her beloved. And unconsciously, she cried with a big smile on her lips. Tears started to damp the pillow but she didn’t care… All she cared was this was real or not…


Definitely real…


Dreaming wasn’t something big, but that dream… it made she almost think her life here with her beloved was just a… dream, an illusion itself…That idea was… horrible…


Touching her wet cheeks, the young singer couldn’t help but think about that warmth… It was as if… Yoona had touched her cheeks before… like in that dream…


“Ouch!!!” A pain hit her head, and the girl rubbed her temples. The room seemed to turn round and round… She felt… kind of dizzy…




Warm hands pulled her into an embrace, letting her head lean against the strong shoulder. Lips made small kisses on her forehead for some comfort and she let out a little giggle…


“Are you alright?? Is it hurt??”






“Just… want to hear your voice…”


Although Yoona was happy, she could spot something wrong with Seohyun’s tone. It was so full of… fear now… So, instead of teasing the girl like she always did, Yoona slightly pushed Seohyun away, much to her surprise.


“What’s wrong, Hyunie??”


“It’s… nothing…” Seo bowed her head to hide away her tears.


“I don’t think so… And look at me when you say it.”


Yoona lifted Seohyun’s chin, and their eyes met. Even the angel didn’t expect to see such things in those eyes she loved. So much fear… so much fright… And was that sadness?? No… It reminded her of… those memories…again…?? Sadness of that pair of round eyes. Tears wanted to fall but she held back, smiling gently at the trembling girl in her hands, using her fingers to clean her lover’s tears away…


“Did you have a bad dream??”


“…. Um…” Delicate hands tightened the hug, Seohyun buried her face in the crook of Yoona’s neck, seeking for protection.


“Don’t worry, okay… Now, tell me about it.”


“I… I dreamed of my dying… in your hands, Yoong ah… And and- !!!”


“Calm down… It has gone now, nothing can harm us anymore…” Yoona pecked the silky hair of her wife “And??”


“You sang something to me and… I saw you crying…” Seohyun’s voice saddened at the memories. “I don’t want to see such expression on your face, Yoongie… It hurts me… here…” She pointed at her left chest, where her heart was pounding so fast.


Suddenly, Yoona grabbed Seohyun’s hands and brought them to her face.


“See… This is real, and I’m not crying…” Not anymore “So, don’t be sad…okay??”




Even with Seohyun lying peacefully in her arms, Yoona couldn’t help but worry about what could happen in the future. Now, not only Jessica-unnie’s warning but also her Hyunie’s dream had awakened this side of her again…


Was it really a dream… or something else?? What if… it was her… lost memories??


Taking a deep breathe, she managed to smile again “Come on… I’ve made breakfast for you… Just enjoy it, okay??”


“Um!” Seo gladly nodded her head in agreement. Just then, she remembered one thing… a very important thing…


Isn’t today Thursday??


“My assignment!! I’m late for school!!!” The girl was about to use every second to run for her class when her beloved held her back “Yoongie!??”


“You don’t need to go… I’ve already called for your professor this morning. Besides, I think you just had a really bad headache.” She rubbed her chin “Must be the wine.”


“Wine??” Seohyun asked, clearly not understanding why her husband talked about alcohol right now.


“You… don’t remember??” A quiet shake “Aish, you mistook my wine and your orange juice yesterday, Hyunie.”




“Ah hah~ And by the way, I’ve also canceled your schedule.”


“Eh!?? How??”


“Magic makes everything become possible, my love.” The older one grinned.


The younger girl looked down in embarrassment, right then she spotted one thing.






“Did I wear my Keroro pajama yesterday??”


At this, Yoona let out a big laugh, practically hugging her stomach to hold back her laughter but failed easily.


“It would be very interesting if you’d worn your Keroro pajama while singing on the stage, Hyunie ah~”


Wait…that mean!!!


“You changed my clothes!??”


“Of course I did…” Now, the angel’s face wasn’t so far from her lover, only a few centimeters left “What kind of seobang I am when I can’t take care of my yeobo??” Such an innocent statement…coming from a certain… byunYoong.


“…………” Several of deep red shades appeared on Seohyun’s face.


“Aigoo, I swear I didn’t do anything without your permission. Your clothes were magically changed.” Yoona scratched her cheek “Now, hurry up, you didn’t eat anything yesterday so you must be very hungry.”


Nodding to Yoona, Seohyun made her way to the bathroom. When the door was closed, Seraphim Jupiter unconsciously released a sigh that she didn’t even know she was holding the whole time. To tell the truth, she could have used her power to read Seohyun’s dream. Still, she felt that was a violation to the latter’s privacy and certainly, Yoona didn’t want to do anything harmful to her lover. It filled her with sadness.


“I should return to the kitchen…”






Seohyun set her feet on the kitchen’s floor, where was surrounded by the scents of many delicious food. She eyed the room then caught a glimpse of her Yoongie, who was wearing a yellow apron with rillakuma pictures on it, making some pancakes by using her ridiculously awesome cooking skills. And when Seohyun said ridiculously awesome, she really meant it. No one could cook while making coffee and other things at the same time with just their two hands. And with that smiling face, she was sure that Yoona was planning something.






“Ready for your breakfast, my princess??” The angel bowed princely, earning her a soft giggle from Seohyun. “Well??”


“Of course, my prince~”


“You flatter me, your highness.” Yoona joked.


“Um… delicious!!” Said Seohyun as she ate her pancakes. “You’re a really good cook, Yoongie ah~”


“Living too long will surely make you find some hobby to pass the time, honey~”


Living too long??


“Yoongie, how old are you??” Yoona raised an eyebrow at the question.


“Really Hyunie, ask a woman her age?? And for your information, I’m about…” A small smile “more than ten thousands years old…”




“Yeah” The angel chuckled “I’m way too old for you. Don’t tell me we are going to divorce??” Seo choked on her food.




“Relax, I’m just kidding.”


Seohyun sent her a glare “No more joke about our divorce!!” Her eyes softened “Because I can’t see myself being with anyone but you…”


Yoona blushed at the sentence, it was rare when her Hyunie acted so affectional like this. Well, not in daylight time of course.


The two then continued their breakfast with lots of laughter and jokes, but mostly, they asked each other about their day. Seohyun was about to ask Yoona about the events after Jessica left when the doorbell rang.


“I’ll get that!!” Seohyun said, already running to the door.


Opening the door, what she got was a very tight hug from… her parents!??


“Appa, omma??”


Seohyun looked at them in disbelief from head to toes, titling her head in question while Mr. and Mrs. Seo chuckled at her. Mr. Seo was a man in his late 40, by his feature, you could tell he looked very handsome when he was young. And Mrs. Seo was an elegant woman with a pair of gentle eyes. Seohyun really got her beauty from both of them.


“Hyunie!! OMG, look at you!! So beautiful!!” Her omma commented “And where is my favorite daughter-in-laws!??”


“Appa, omma!!” Next, Yoona appeared beside Seohyun, smiling from ear to ear. “Glad to see you too~ My favorite parents- in – laws.” She joked and three of them laughed, only Seohyun had a smile on her face.


“How are you?? Still good??”


“Of course omma. And appa, are you angry with me??” Yoona innocently asked Mr. Seo.


“Im Yoona, Im-Seo Joohyun.” His voice was stern “How could you two do that to me??”


Everyone was surprised with his statement, even Mrs. Seo herself. The man eyed Yoona with the strictest gaze he’d ever sent her.


“I don’t understand, appa…”


He then pointed at Yoonhyun “You two had another propose date and you didn’t tell me!??”




“Aigoo~” Seo and her omma sighed in relief as Yoona and Mr. Seo laughed out loud.


“Got ya!!!”


“You should be an actor instead, appa, you’re too good at this…”


“Really??? But how can I compete with Actress of the Year Im Yoona??”


“Now, stop it~ We need to get inside, you know.” Mrs. Seo slightly smacked her husband’s arm.


“I know, I know~”


“I’ve made breakfast, I bet you and omma haven’t eaten yet, right?”


“Always good at predicting, daughter-in-laws.” Her appa gave Yoona a thump up. “Mind if I ask what you cooked??”


“Everything you could think for breakfast~”


If anyone had told Seohyun that her appa could be this funny, she wouldn’t believe it. But ever since he met Yoona, he was like… a new person. And she was happy for it. Memories of their first meeting still made Seohyun laugh sometimes. Honestly, it was almost… a disaster… with her parents’ assumption of Yoona being her… secret lover… And that… wasn’t a good thing…at all.





Seohyun was kind of surprised when she saw all the food on the dining table. The angel she met yesterday was sitting neatly on one of the chairs, hands entwined on the table and her lips was having the most gorgeous smile Seohyun had ever seen. Such a beautiful angel, right??


“Oh, you woke up… I’m sorry about using your kitchen without permission, but I think you will need something to eat after such little sleep…” The brown haired angel said apologetically and Seohyun didn’t know what to do except for looking at her sheepishly.


“It’s… fine… Omo…you made all of this??”


“Ah… yes!! You…don’t like this??”


“No, I love it. It has been a long time since I last ate pancakes…”


“Then I’m glad. I’m worried that you won’t like the dishes…” The angel smiled gently. Suddenly, Seohyun felt her heartbeats fasten at that very smile.


“How is your hand??”


“Oh, it’s okay now.” She waved her hand, which was completely healed now.


They continued the breakfast in silence. To tell the truth, Seohyun hated silence, it reminded her of her loneliness and isolation.


I have to break this. She thought.


“Um… My name is Seo Joohyun, nice to meet you.” For a moment, Seohyun thought she had seen a gleam of disbelief in those golden eyes.


“I’m… Yoona, Im Yoona…” They shook hands, and the young singer took a notice that Yoona’s hand was really warm, it brought her a sense of nostalgia “Nice to meet you, and thank you for letting me stay here~”


“It’s fine. I live here alone anyway.” She said in bitterness. “Can I ask you onething??”




“Are you… really an angel??”


Yoona, the angel giggled, making Seohyun’s cheeks go red “Yes. Yes, I am. A Seraphim has to be exact.”




“It’s the highest order of angels. You’re not a Christian, are you??” She nodded in response and Yoona also rubbed her chin in argeement. “It’s good for you…” The last part was as if Yoona was whispering to herself.


“Miss Seo… I-!”






“Please call me Seohyun… It’s my nickname…” The singer didn’t know why she acted so friendly to this person, a stranger nonetheless. “You must be older than me…”


“Then you call me Yoona unnie, okay??”




They chatted for sometime then Seo finished her breakfast. Yoona had insisted on washing the dishes herself, but the brunette rejected, saying that she was her guest. So, in the end, both of them washed together.


“The last one…and done!!”


Just right when Seohyun was leaving the sink, she lost her balance and fell backward. Luckily, Yoona was there to catch her. However, due to the surprise, she also fell.




Instead of pain, all Seohyun could feel was the softness and warmth. The girl then slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Yoona’s golden eyes. Such beautiful eyes, containing so much tenderness in them. It was like she lost herself in that color. She didn’t even feel herself breathing at all.


Yoona was surprised for a moment, then when she was going to say something, the front door was suddenly opened, making a loud sound. And the next moment, her parents were stading in front of them. And Seohyun had the feeling this was not going to end well.


Her appa was having a shocked expression on his face and her omma…well, let just say her omma was smiling the most evil smile she’d ever seen from her. It sent a chil to her spine.


“Seo Joohyun, did you date this girl behind my back??”




“Eh!?? Omma!!!”


The girl shyly stood up at the time her mother stepped closer to the two. But Yoona seemed to fall into another dazed state. Only when the old woman eyed her with a wide grin on her face did the angel noticed that. Promptly getting up beside Seohyun, she lowered her head in shame seeing such expressions on Mr and Mrs Seo’s faces.


“I think you’ve misunderstood us… Mrs Seo…”


“Oh, don’t be shy, dear.” Mrs Seo hit the angel’s shoulder “Wow, Hyunie really got herself a gorgeous girl~” At those teasing words, Seo couldn’t help blushing. The images of Yoona and her being together were just… too unbelievable… The brunette was an angel for Heaven’s sake. Being with Seohyun would only taint that holiness of her.


“Omma!! She’s not my girlfriend!!”


“Are you lying to me, young lady?? You two were about to kiss, right there!!!”


“I tripped and fell!! Then she caught me!”


“And unfortunately got herself fall, too??” Amusement appeared in Mrs Seo’s eyes.




“Such an amateur trick, daughter dear~”


“Omma…” Seohyun let out a sigh.


“Did your hear that, Jaesuk?? She has a girlfriend now~ My daughter is mature, I’m so sad~” Mrs Seo faked her crying and turned to look at her husband.


Even the most skilled actor couldn’t act so naturally like Mrs Seo. However, it didn’t pass Yoona’s sharp eyes, she already knew the old woman was teasing them but she was too stunned to even move her muscles. Seeing and touching her lover… well, soon-to-be lover was… miraculous to her. She’d dreamt of this for so long after all.


“Did you sleep with my daughter!??” Yoona could spot a gleam of murder in Mr Seo’s black orbs.


“What!? No!!”


“Whoever you are, you’d better be responsible for that!”


“Eh???” The brown haired angel gasped. “This is just a mistake, Mr.Seo!! I didn’t -!!”


“Mistake!?? Did you just say taking my daughter’s innocence is a mistake!??”


“No, I didn’t mean that!”


“You will not get away easily like that!!!”




Three persons turned their heads to the direction the voice coming from, and surprisingly, it was Seohyun, a very calm and obedient child. It was rare…very very usual, too. Seo Joohyun never yelled at anyone before, even when she got very angry, but seeing her father’s assault to Yoona, she couldn’t help but feel her blood boil at that very sight. And as a result, she raised her voice… not just to anyone…but her father!!


“Hyunie…??” The tone was so faint… but disbelief was clearly in it…


She looked up and met Yoona’s golden eyes, which held an emotion that she couldn’t figure out… And did she just call her…Hyunie??


Aish!! What have you done to me… Yoona??






Let just say the event ended with her father apologizing Yoona. Ever since then, that angel had become an important member of their family, even before they got together. Sometimes, it made Seohyun think Yoona’s appearance in her life was a gift of the God. Well, you know… Kind-hearted human girl was given a special award because of her kindness. Like those fairy tales… But strangely, Yoona was angel… and she didn’t even go to the church once!! Always trying to find an excuse for it.


Seohyun smiled fondly at three persons talking with each other. She had never thought someday, she would get a lover, let alone marrying one, a girl nonetheless… and with her parents’ approval, too. A family with appa, omma, her and the one she loved. It was like a dream-come-true!!


“Hyunie ah~ You’re spacing out…” Yoona worriedly touched her cheek.


“Huh?? Oh… Sorry…”


“Aww… Aren’t they cute??” Mrs. Seo chuckled while pointing at them and they could only smile shyly back. Instead of joining the fun, Mr. Seo was gazing at something else. A simple photo frame on the table, yet his eyes softened at it.


“You know…” He said “I always think this is Hyunie’s most beautiful moment… She looked so happy…”


Yoona smiled gently while holding Seohyun’s hand, and the young singer really had the urge to cry at her father’s words.


It was their wedding picture… The moment that Seohyun become the happiest girl in this world… the moment she got married to Im Yoona… She was having the happiest smile on her lisp while leaning agaisnt Yoona's shoulder, and the latter looked so handsome in her white tux.


Seo's wedding dress

Seo's wedding dress



Yoona's white tux.






“Even so… You’re always my beloved little daughter…”


To tell the truth, Yoona was happy for Seohyun. Yes, she died and gave up her life to protect her. But Seohyun never had much happiness in her old life as Seraphim Saturn Joohyun. All Yoona brought her was despair and sorrow, so when she arrived here and saw her lover having such parents like this, she was glad. Reincarnation was really a good thing for her beloved…


Suddenly, her phone rang. The ringtone was “It’s okay even if it hurt” of her Hyunie. Hearing that, Yoona picked up the call.






“But I thought I’ll have another day off… Is this for Love Rain’s promotion??” The Seo looked at Yoona in question.




“Jinjja?? Wow… Okay… I got it, thank you…”


“What is it, dear??” Asked Mrs. Seo


“I have a schedule today… Strong Heart…”


“Strong Heart?? Isn’t that the show has Lee SeungGi as MC??” A nod, then Mrs. Seo flashed the young couple an evil grin “I heard that you are his ideal girl, daughter-in-laws…” Yoona choked on her drink.


“Omma!!” Sighed the brunette “Anyway, I argeed because of another reason…”


“Another reason??” Yoona’s smile widened.


At the same time, Seohyun’s ringtone rang.


“Hello, This is Seo Joohyun.”




“Oh… Really?? I see, thank you, Coodi unnie…”


Three pairs of eyes were on her form now “I have a schedule too. Strong Heart…” Then she raised an eyebrow at Yoona “Did you know about this??”


“Just seconds ago…”




“Must be the promotion for WGM…” Mrs. Seo chuckled.


“You watch WGM???” The rest asked in surprise “Since when??”


“Since my daughter and daughter-in-laws attended.” A matter-of-fact answer.


They then burst into laughter. And happy voices filled the house.






Seoul First Class's Apartment.


Yuri's Apartment. Number 21



The pen was thrown again, this time, it hit the wall and fell lifelessly on the ground. Its owner, Kwon Yuri, was having the biggest stress in her whole life. Not even the time she stood face to face with the God would make her this nervous.


That Sooyeon look-alike girl was staying only a few meters away from her, only a wall seperated them apart. Aish!! This was just too much frustrated to Yuri. She’d had a very hard time controlling herself not to destroy that poor wall and talk to that girl!




“What the hell!!!”



Last night was not exactly a good night to her. Standing in front of the door liked an mute idiot, not even greeting the blonde for once!!



And at that very moment, the apartment’s frontdoor was knocked. Running a hand through her hair, Yuri let out a sigh then walked closer to open it.


Little did she know, behind that door, was no other than Jessica Jung, who was having the coldest frown on her face. She had tried to enjoy a peaceful breakfast then her neighbor (cough*Yuri*cough) made so much noises that broke the quiet atmosphere. Honestly, Jessica was never a bad-tempered person but that girl!!! Didn’t she know what silence was!??


“How can I-!??” Yuri was stunned right on her spot when sapphire eyes looked straight at her own ones. “H-Hello…”


“H-Hi…” Strangely, Jessica lost all her anger. Seeing those eyes again made she feel nervous and shy immediately.


Loving a person too long would really give you a lot of understandings about them. And in Yuri’s case, she knew Sooyeon loved peaceful aura and nature very much.


May be this is a good time to test her… I wonder if you’re the same as my Sooyeon.


“I’m sorry if I bother you, Miss… I’m just having a bad time now…”


“Yes. The noises really bothered me…” Jessica then remembered that “But it’s okay… People always get frustrated with things after all…”


Wow… she’s actually mature than Sooyeon… and colder, too…


“Thank you, Miss…um…”


“Jessica Jung…”


Jessica Jung!?? Now even the name is the same!?? Can it get worse than that!??


“Thank you, Miss Jung… I’m Kwon Yuri, nice to meet you…”


When their hands touched, warmth surrounded their flesh. For Yuri, this was just too much. Her hand gave her the same feeling as Sooyeon’s hand!! Soft and slender. While all Jessica could feel was a sense of familiarity, so nostalgic that almost made her… burst into tears???


Yuri looked up frightfully and the blonde could only look back in confusion. Her lips opened without notice as her eyes began to shed tears… Falling unconsciously…


Seeing that hurt Yuri’s heart… for it was the same way she last saw her beloved crying… Those tears of hopelessness and despair.


“Who… are you???”


The song Yoona had sung for Joohyun is Requiem of the Spinning world by Kagamine Rin and Len, in case you wonder. Oh, by the way, this is Tiffany's sword, Claiomh Solais... 



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Chapter 6: Yeah!!! Finally the past is revealed bit by abit! Thanks a lot author-nim!!!!:D
Well, now what did Yoona do that made the God angry and wanted to kill her...
Hweheehehe YoonHyun cuteness overload~! I can't wait for the Strong Heart, maybe Seohyun could do some action that proclaims Yoona is her seobang and hers only! Ha, eat that Geunsuk!
Hmm, YulSic now in the verge of remembering, now waiting for their progress...
Chapter 6: eeeepp!! can't wait for YoonHyun in Strong Heart...

i bet there will be some LSGxYoona moment...and maybe jealousHyun?? kekekekeke...;p
carebearfren #3
Chapter 5: happie birthday author =)
Just wish to say great story so far and i will continue to look forward to your updates =)
Chapter 5: Hehe, Seraphim Jupiter is still ByunYoong! But, the memories of Seohyun's death in the past really makes me curious most of all...
Hmm, the demons... I smell something fishy between them, the Devil, and the God himself. Maybe the demons' assault was a part of His plans? Seems like Sunny knows (or senses) this and its relation with Tiffany's current state...
Tehee... Now YulSic are neighbors! I hope this could make Jessica remembers Yuri again!
Chapter 5: aish that demon!!! ruin my YoonHyun moment!!!
chocomilk125 #6
Chapter 5: OMG!!. . .yulsic's meeting againnn. . .!! sigh. .when jess will be able to remember those memories againn. .??
Chapter 4: I sense that something bad is about to happen :O
LeeJuno #8
Ayo~ I just subscribed to your story~ I really like it! There are so many holes and secrets that need to be told before I lose my mind xD
P.s. I'm Viet too~