The owner of the mask's ghost

The boy who was cursed?


It was the night Monday the 14th of January which means four more days to go till the ball and I was writing an email to my parents who are in Australia, telling them how I’m my work university is going, how my part time job is going and for them not to worry about me too much. My parents let me move to Seoul because they wanted me to get use to and to know the home country of my parents. In the end I finish my senior year of high school here and got into one of the top universities. So after I sent the email and closed the laptop screen and had a stretch. Then I noticed the invitation on the other side of the dining table. I went over and took another look at it. Hmmm…… should I go? Let’s just see what I have. So I opened the spared wardrobe where I kept all my dress and girly stuff and there hanging in the right corner was my yellow prom gown that I didn’t get to where to senior prom because I got called an eyesore just before the day of prom.

(It looks like this)


Yeah I got called an eyesore a lot. Even my little sister I pretty, I guess I got the ugly gene in the family. I took the dress off the hanger and walked in my room and lay it on the bed. It really it beautiful no wonder my mother sent it to me. I just stood there and admired it but then I realised that the invitation said a mask ball. I don’t have a mask; I can always got find one tomorrow since I have four more days. Am I really going? Maybe best to have one since I could change my mind. I was opened the wardrobe in my room and hung the dress up when I realised that there was a black box on the top shelf. It has always been there but I didn’t wonder what was in it till now. The shelf was a bit high but I managed to reach it. I was an old dark brown wooden box with a lock at the front. I remember finding a strange key on the dining table the first time I moved here and I kept it with all my other keys. I went to the bowl next to my front door where all my keys were and looked for it. It didn’t take long so after that I went back to my room and unlocked the box. I wonder what’s in here, maybe an old letter or something creepy like a body part. I should really stop watching horror movies. I slowly opened the box hoping that it is not something creep and found a beautiful golden mask that was highly decorative.

(which looked like this)


I was so beautiful but why was it here and how old is this mask? As I held the mask I heard a humming sound. Like someone was humming a peaceful melody. “Who’s there? Show yourself!” I said. I heard the hum again then a figure appeared in front of me wearing an olden year elegant wedding dress. I let out a screamed. “Dear child I won’t harm you” it said.

-“Y-yo-you’re a g-g-ghost” I stutter.

-“Don’t worry I won’t harm you lay you hand out” it said.

I was scared but I did anyway and then her hand touched my hand I began to relax. I can sense that she had no intention to hurt me so I gave her a small smile to let her know that I was ok.

-“Why are you here?” I asked her.

-“I was trapped in that box with that mask for a long time. You see I was actually alive back in 1932. What year is it now?” she asked me.

-“2013 just began”

-“It’s been that long? Wow… by the way I’m Lady Jessica and that mask was given to me as a wedding present from my mother. My mother and I were happy that I was getting married even though it was an arranged marriage. On the night after I got married I was murdered by who I do not know. I never got to wear that mask that is in your hand and I never will” she told me. Her story was heart breaking. I wanted to give her a hug.

-“You can’t do that” she suddenly said.


-“You can’t me. You will just go right through me”

-“You can read minds?”

-“Yes but I didn’t mean to. I can’t help it. Anyway are you going to this ball?”

-“I don’t know”

-“Please go” she begged me.

-“Why do you want me to go so much?”

-“You should go you might meet someone and plus I haven’t got a chance to wear this mask out when I was alive. So please, this mask deserves a night out. Even if it was worn only once out to a ball or something I could rest in peace” this mask must really mean a lot to her.

-“Ok I promise I will go. For you to rest in peace” I said to her.

-“Try it on then” she said in a really excited tone.


-“Just do it” so I walked over to the mirror with the mask in my hand and tried it on.

-“It’s so beautiful” I said as I stared at my refection.

-“On you it really does” she praised me. I looked down at my pyjamas.

-“Although with what I’m wearing it looks odd” I was still staring at the mirror.

-“It would look better on Friday… Well look after it and farewell” I heard her soft voice fading. “Wait!” I called out when I turn around. It was too late she was gone. I took the mask off and troked the patterns and jewels on it and said to myself “Thank you lady Jessica”

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