
Lost and Found


“Oh my god it’s already 7 pm” Han Eul checked her watch as she realized that she had conversed with Joonmyun for too


“Oh, do you already have to go?” It was completely obvious there was a slight disappointment in Joonmyun’s voice.

“I’m really sorry Joonmyun, I- I still have stuff to do at home.” Han Eul replied as she stood up.

“Oh don’t forget your notebook.” Joonmyun pointed out as Han Eul was about to leave, completely forgetting that she

came to the coffee shop for that notebook.

“And let me walk you outside, it seems like there’s a storm coming in soon.” Joonmyun stood up as well walking out of the coffee shop with Han Eul.

“So when will-“ As Joonmyun was about to speak again, little droplets of rain started to pour down the streets of Seoul.

“Oh shoot, I think I left my umbrella at school!” Han Eul announced as she searched through her bag only to find no sign of

protection from the pouring rain.

“Oh, it’s okay I have mine. We can just share I-I guess…” Joonmyun removed his hands hands from protecting his head and

quickly searched through his backpack. As Joonmyun opened the small umbrella Han Eul hesitantly stood there. Joonmyun

gave her a smile and gestured for her to join him. Slowly, Han Eul starts to remember a déjà vu of what seemed like a

familiar scene.

“You know, I feel like we’re in a romantic drama or something. It starts raining, and I don’t have an umbrella, but you have

one.” Han Eul spoke out as her and Joonmyun walked past the streets of Seoul.

“You really think so? Do you want me to do this too?” Joonmyun quickly put his arms around Han Eul embracing her closer

to him.

“Yah, we just met what are you doing.” Han Eul slipped out an informal word to a guy older than her.

“That’s right, we just met, yet you’re already being informal to me.” Joonmyun smirked a sign of his victory. Feeling at loss,

Han Eul just let Joonmyun win this time.

“So, where are you going?” They both spoke aloud as they reached the bus stop.

“Home” “Wherever you’re going” They both said in unison.

“Wait, what?” Han Eul questioned Joonmyun’s reply. “Nu-uh you’re not going home with me.” Han Eul crossed her fingers

together. “No no no ” This time shaking her head sideways as well.

“I just want to make sure you’ll get home safely.” Joonmyun protested innocently. 

“Joonmyun, we just met. It’s okay, I was fine getting home before I met you, I’ll be fine getting home after I met you.” Han Eul

reassured him.

“Fine. Just let me take you home till I get to the front door…yes? No?” Joonmyun pouted, a pout so irresistible no one can

seem to say no to.

“Whatever, suit yourself.” Han Eul huffed completely annoyed by how this stranger is acting when they just met 2 and a half

hours ago.


The ride to go home took about 30 minutes. The bus would constantly be filled up and squeaking noises of shoes can be

heard as people enter and leave the transportation. Han Eul and Joonmyun ended up having to stand during the first 15

minutes of the ride home as there was a crowd of people already there when they first got on. As more people started to

arrive at their destinations, constant push and squishes out the door were given to Joonmyun and Han Eul as they held on

to the nearest exit door pole of the bus. At one moment the busy stop light of Seoul caught the bus driver off guard putting

the bus to a sudden halt and making Han Eul knock into Joonmyun’s chest.  Finally, after what seemed like forever, Han Eul

and Joonmyun finally reached their destination. It wasn’t raining in that part of Seoul, so Joonmyun tucked his umbrella



“So, we’re here…” Han Eul huffed out as they reached a door with a Rilakkuma welcome sigh on the front.

“Nice sign.” Joonmyun complimented.

“Be quiet.” Han Eul looked beside her to a smiling Joonmyun.

“What! I was telling the truth.” Joonmyun protested still having that sly smile on his face.

“Ugh, okay. Well, anyways you can leave now this is my front door.” Han Eul threw her hand out presenting the front door to


“Alright, well… it was nice meeting you Han Eul..” Joonmyun scratched the back of his neck.

“You too Joonmyun…” Han Eul smiled.

“Oh and here, have this. Just….just in case it rains again.” Joonmyun took Han Eul’s hand and placed the umbrella on it.

“Joonmyun it’s okay I have-“ “Take it.” Joonmyun smiled as he gave the umbrella to Han Eul.

“You can return it to me anytime.” He smiled as he starts to walk away. “I will, I will. Be safe Joonmyun.” Han Eul gave him a

weak smile. 


Chapter three is up like promised! I hope you guys like this semi-long chapter and all the fluff feels between Han Eul and Joonmyun lol. I tried guys, I really tried the fluff part haha. I don't know, guess I can only do it with my Luhan fanfic haha.
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Chapter 5: its so cute...beautiful story.....
Chapter 4: hehehehe... timimg..??????
Chapter 2: hehehe...nice!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh my, this is so sweet ^^
younsooah #5
Chapter 5: sweet romance :)
absolutely love it
Chapter 5: I'm g0nna scatter all the n0tebo0ks i have with my number in seoul once i got there puahahahaha
Chapter 5: Awww. Cuteee. <3
Kyuhyunaaa #8
Chapter 5: Junmyuniieee~
Ah seriously author, this is good. Very good \m/
Farys_Sya #9