Chapter 1



-Chapter 1-


The 19 year old frowned as soon as he saw that the lights of his apartment was on. He was the only one who had the key to the house other than the landlord and Taemin was pretty sure that he had turned off the lights earlier before he left for school.

He needed to save the electricity bills after all since he’s the one who’s paying for it.

Cautiously approaching the door that was widely opened, his body froze on spot upon hearing the commotion that was going on inside his place.

He knew the voices very well and if he didn’t run for his life now, he would be dead--literally.


Taemin didn’t waste any of his time and immediately rushed for the stairs, but luck doesn’t seem to be on his side today.

One of the loanshark’s goons who was going out to the balcony for a smoke unfortunately spotted him and well, of course called the rest of his gang to go after the red haired boy.

“Hey,he’s running away!”

“Oh man.”

He gritted his teeth and ran down the stairs, trying to avoid the people who were in his way but it seems pretty much useless anyway since those people ended up getting pushed by the dogs that were going after him.

Now why on earth did he ran from them in the first place anyway?

Oh right.

His dad was the one who got him into this mess after failing to repay back his debt with some loanshark guy.

And what’s worse is that he left his own son to pay back the debt alone.

What a responsible dad he is.

“Oh no,” Taemin swallowed a huge lump in his throat when he came upon an alley. There was no time left to change his path since the guys were already approaching him judging from their voices.

The only way he’s going to escape from them was to find a hiding place and luckily, he saw dumpsters scattering all around the alley, huge enough to hide him from their view.

“Yah,you better give up kid I know that--what the-? Where the hell did he go??” one of the goons cursed when he saw no one at the place.

“You sure that he went this way?”

“I’m 100% sure-“ his words got interrupted when he heard a rustle coming out from somewhere near the dumpster. The frown on his face slowly turned into a smirk and this, does not look good for our 19 year old protagonist.

- - - - - - - -

He tried his best to drag his feet along the sideway,ignoring all the stares and attention from the passer-by’s . His face had got beaten up pretty badly earlier and his body?

 Don’t even mention about it.

In fact, he probably got a few broken ribs right now.

-Taemin’s POV-

I felt like crying right now.

What did I do in the past that I deserved this? It’s bad enough that my grades are going down for skipping classes a lot--sigh.I don’t even have the energy to argue with fate right now.

Might as well end this.

I sighed for the 50th time,reaching a nearby convenience store where the cashier just gave me a weird look as soon as I entered.

I’m suddenly craving for some cider right now. Weird huh?

I should be worrying about my wounds and all but whatever, they’re still gonna come back and do it to me all over again.

I grabbed a few cans of cider off the drinks section and head to the counter to pay for them. It didn’t took me long since I’m pretty much the only customer of the night.

Speaking about night, what time is it by the way?

I looked at my watch and wasn’t really surprised seeing that it was already 11 in the night.

I don’t think that I can go to school tomorrow in this condition.


A particular building caught my attention from afar when I walked out of the store. It was the place where I usually come to whenever I wanna get my mind off things but recently,I got too busy for that because of my part-time job.

Huh,it won’t hurt to go there.

..Oh wait, it does hurt.

“Ahh..,” I lightly groaned as I swung my arm around to get rid off the numbness. I really hope that this won’t last long.

I carefully take my steps on the stairs to the rooftop, glad that they didn’t lock the path to the stairs this time.

I normally need to break the lock to the stairs a lot so yeah.

After what it seems like an hour of going up the stairs, i breathed a sigh of relief when the sight of Seoul in the night came to my sight.

How beautiful.

-End Of Taemin’s POV-

He placed the plastic bag at the edge of the building before also sitting at the edge by himself. Some people who saw him might think that he’s crazy but yeah, he likes doing it.

Something suddenly crossed his mind as he watched the people going by who seemed so little from his current view.

Did he even have an existence in this place?

No one’s gonna miss him right if he leaves the world like his mom did?

Not even his teacher,

Not even his classmates but oh wait, the loanshark guy might do.

He laughed at his own thoughts, but for some reason he got up from his spot and felt like he wanted to try it.

Try going on a suicide.

Just before he even had the chance to let his body fall to the ground, a pair of arms managed to hugged him and brought the two of them to fall to the floor of the rooftop instead.

And judging from the voice of the owner, it’s a girl.


-End of Chapter 1-




A/N Haha XD Sorry for the lame chapter btw u_u huhu.

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taestal_143 #1
Chapter 1: Update please
JheiSii137 #2
Chapter 1: update please... taestal fighting.!
missitaem18 #3
update please ^^ here taestal shipper
Winry84 #4
Chapter 1: Wah ! I want more ! ^O^ Update please !
Chapter 1: like it....
please update soon.....
bella78 #6
Chapter 1: taestal!! ♥ nice story ^^ update soon!