A/N Please read!

I Knew You Were Trouble

Dear my lovely subscribers, 

I think it's time for me to take a break. I am going through a rough time and I am getting depressed and stressed day after day. School is coming to an end which means exams are coming up and I'm very very stressed and worried about them. Not only that but I have been having some confusing relationship and friendship problems which have been affecting me for a long time. I have also been having health issues. My sleeping habit is also completely messed up. Everyday I sleep for maybe 2-5 hours. 

Anyways my point is that I will taking a long hiatus to get my mind and feelings back on track. I will get right back to the stories once I'm stable enough to think of ideas and have more happy thoughts. Before I leave for my long hiatus I will be updating one or two more times. They will be from the updates I saved on my computer but never got updated. 

I'm sorry that I am going for a long hiatus and making you guys wait. I promise ill be right back when I recover and solve these problems. I hope you guys can understand. Thanks a lot!


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