Mundane Life

When Airplanes meet the Welkin


"Sir, sir-" a voice called out, snapping him out of his dazed mind.


The man stared up in slight confusion and drowsiness, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He could barely register where he was, and he had an incredible pain throbbing inside his head. Why though?


"Please put on your seatbelt, sir. We're about to reach our destination." The stewardess announced in a polite tone, after having shaken the sleeping passenger's shoulder and brought him back to conscious.


Right, the flight...


The adult nodded meekly in thanks without saying anything, searching for the two pieces in his seat and snapped them shut together around him. The lady moved on and attended to the other seating people, assisting the last few ones and asking them to buckle their seatbelts before the airplane would proceed to skydive through the clouds.


Myungsoo sighed. Just yet another business trip to Japan was done with, and he was now waiting to land in Korea and check out - and probably take a long rest at home after a tiring day. It was always like this, when his manager sent him off to a conference in Tokyo or other cities in Japan, and Myungsoo had to go through the deal with being physically sensitive to flight transportation.


Why he had decided to learn Japanese during his teens completely threw him off by now, not having realized that much earlier. It was not that Myungsoo despised his job, airsickness was just very unappreciated.


And the fact that he was one of the few workers, who could talk the language fluently, was making his chances to not aboard the flights on a minimum.


He decided to close his eyes, his fingers trying to ease his pained temple.


After a while the flight arrived at the airport, and all passengers went out through the gate. He received his suitcase, or rather dragged it off the luggage carousel, before it could take another turn on it. The thing with being one of the last passengers arriving at the place had it's disadvantage: you could simply not get pass people without having to shove them away at least.


As he rolled his suitcase, taking long steps to make sure he could get one of the waiting cabs, Myungsoo had looked up to catch the sight of family and friends welcoming some of the home arrived passengers. He watched on as a young kid went straight to a man dressed in a business suit, such as his own, wrapping arms around the man's torso. It was clear to see that they were father and son, and soon after a lady went up to the two and embraced her husband, pressing her face against the side of his face.


Myungsoo turned his head to glance at his watch around his wrist... The time read as 9:37 pm.


He called a cab and waved his hand, when an approaching car came towards him, catching the driver's attention with ease. It was going to be a long ride home, considering he lived in the centrum of Seoul's many sky reaching buildings. Myungsoo gave out his address, as the driver japed on the screen of the GPS installed in the car and started to move the engine.



- - -



It was empty and dark inside his apartment. Myungsoo threw his keys somewhere on the counter, once he had flicked the lights on. The place was illuminated after days of being unoccupied by it's master, in which was sort of welcoming to the tired-out adult, unexplainable, but welcoming.


He moved his way towards the living room to settle himself on the leather couch, and the tie around his neck was forced loose with the two of his digits, his blazer jacket carelessly thrown on the seat beside him. Myungsoo couldn't remember why or what was the point of seeing how many missed calls he had gotten, while he had been away, but he always ended with his hand pressing the buttons of his phone to play all of the voice mails. The male wasn't much sure of when it became a habit.


He got up as soon as the phone announced that he had 11 new voice messages, and would proceed to play all of them.


"Message no. 1: Myungsoo? Are you off to Japan already?" The man recognized the voice as one of his co-workers, a small laughter following after. "Sheesh, the boss sure does let you travel a lot. But say, after you're done with everything over there, mind joining the rest of the guys for a drink? I would like to celebrate something special."


Myungsoo just scratched his nape while listening to his co-worker's request, and grabbed for a glass in the top counter above his coffee machine, closing its door shortly after. He would give his answer to the guy the next day, seeing it would be inconvenient to call at this hour, and Myungsoo was simply too tired to actually make that call.


"Call me though, if you have the energy to at all." The voice laughed a bit again, "Well, see you."


The glass was filled up with water, only to be nearly emptied again with Myungsoo chugging down the fresh cold liquid almost at once. Then the next message came on. “Myungsoo-ah, it's me. I was wondering if you still had those Nell albums somewhere in your apartment? I might need them during this month, and if you haven't thrown them away, I would like to have them. Heck, I could even buy them from you if so.” While the voice of an old pal continued to ramble on, the silent man had started to the ends of his sleeves, absentmindedly listening with a weary expression.


"Either way, hope to catch you later. Oh, by the way... Howon has been asking about you. That's all I got, so bye~.”


After the 5th or 7th message (he forgot to count.), Myungsoo had already dumped the dirty clothes into the laundry bin, once he was done with unpacking his suitcase. Through out message no. 8 and 9, a shower had been taken, and he felt less tense in his right shoulder. Why he simply couldn't find the right position to sleep in while flying off to Japan, it was still unknown to him. Coming out clean and hydrated from a good shower always had its amazing effect, it could even make someone convinced that they would receive a good night rest.


Message no. 11: Myungsoo-ssi, I pressume that you would be home very soon, so I'm leaving this message to you.” The said latter walked over to the phone with his palms ruffling his hair with a towel, fully dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a simple black t-shirt. He sat down again on the couch, rearranging the towel to lay on his shoulders and quietly heard his manager speak to him. “You know that tomorrow is the day, where the new recruits will start on their first day of work, correct? I know you're not fond of socializing, but our company's own tour guide has called in sick two days ago, and he won't be back until the day after tomorrow. So, if you wouldn't mind to lend a hand..? Don't worry, though, there'll be others guiding some of the new recruits, I already got Woohyun to agree. I'll see you around tomorrow.”


His manager got to be kidding him. Myungsoo rolled his eyes slightly and sighed... He came to realize, though, that he hadn't been assigned to any reports or paperworks due to the business trip, which was why he would be the good choice to pick as a substitute for his senior, Sunggyu. He half-heartedly wondered why it was such a joy to the senior, but decided to not think too much about it. In the end, why should it matter? The male pressed on a few buttons before standing up, leaving the phone by itself while sauntering away and towards the comforts of his bed, shutting the door behind him.


Deleting all messages... you have now 0 waiting messages in your voice mail.”



- - -





The said man looked up from the screen of his computer, having his palm smearing slightly his own face. “Hmm?” He replied in a weary manner, but came to be aware of his current posture and sat upright, facing his co-worker.


Woohyun half-laughed at the sight, “Boy, you look terrible."


Terrible? That honestly wasn't new facts, Myungsoo was sure of it for the past years. When was actually the last time he didn't look exhausted?


"Was last night rough or something?”


Myungsoo scoffed as soon as he heard the indication from the mere words Woohyun had used. “Right, because that's exactly the case.” The answer made the grin the other was wearing turn into a sympathetic but knowing smile, a palm grasping for Myungsoo's shoulder and squeezing it encouragingly.


“Joke aside... you are aware that we're appointed as tour guides for the day, right?”


If he couldn't groan anymore on this day... Myungsoo pinched the brink between his closed eyes, not letting the irritation surface in his calm exterior.


“Yes, I know. Got informed about it just yesterday.”


“Then I suppose I'm allowed to drag you out of your seat, because the new recruits are already here.”


But before Woohyun could do so, Myungsoo stood up from his seat and signaled that he would indeed follow him towards the manager's office, although reluctantly. The walk had been silent, and it usually was whenever Myungsoo was alone with Woohyun. The guy might appear to be social and talkactive around people, but once he's alone or with just one person (in this case Myungsoo had taken that role temporarily,) it seemed like there were intimidating vibes coming from him, as he would soundlessly take care of his own business. The thing was that he's unaware of that fact, because Woohyun wasn't intimidating by one bit.


It took a while, perhaps a month before Myungsoo got to know Woohyun, which was... considerably good. He felt less uneasy around his co-worker, once it had been settled down about what kind of guy Woohyun was in reality, and to be honest... he was a goof, and the latter was well-informed of it.


Besides, Myungsoo didn't mind the silence. Anyone could consider him as best buds with it, and the joke might as well be true.


"Ah, Myungsoo, Woohyun-" The manager waved them forward, once the two businessmen had walked into view through the open doors of their manager's office. The man behind the desk was not seating in his armchair, but rather standing with his right hand firmly grasping a guy's hand, obviously in the process of a handshake. "There's two here I would like you guys to meet." He retracted his hand back, as so did the new recruit, while the other watched quietly with a polite smile.


Myungsoo was ready to do his recited introduction, when he lifted his head up, only to forget everything he had in mind and settled on staring instead. The new recruit, who had been shaking hands with the manager before, smiled widely in response.


"This fellow here, is Lee Sungyeol." Their manager informed with his palm gestured towards the tall male, and in reply Sungyeol did a polite bow with his head. While the other recruit was introduced as well, Myungsoo failed to actually listen and was rather lost of words to say.


"I'm Nam Woohyun. It's nice having new potential workers here." Woohyun stuck his palm out in front of Sungyeol, charmingly giving a smile. They shook hands for a moment, and the other recruit was given the handshaking too.


Soon, Myungsoo was faced with an outstretched palm - he looked up bewilderedly to find the taller recruit holding his hand out before him. Sungyeol beamed at the fabbergasted worker. "Lee Sungyeol."


"...Kim Myungsoo." He swallowed quietly after shortly introducting himself, taking in the other's hand and squeezed. He wasn't sure of what else to say, but it surely did not help making it less awkward for him.


But the voice of the manager did wonders, as the man called to him, bringing his attention away from the lanky guy and towards his boss. "Myungsoo, if you could take Sungyeol and show him around in the building, that'll be great." The smile from his manager was reasurringly in a way, and Myungsoo felt himself nod in response. "Woohyun, I'll let you take care of the other fellow. You might as well start now."






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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 3: Where are youu
DySekai #2
Chapter 3: So far so good! I like the flow of the story, though a few qns still popped up regards to MyungYeol before Sungyeol left but I'm sure they'll be answered soon in your next chapters ;)

Shall look forward to the rest of it!
winter_tears #3
Chapter 2: nice start! next chapter soon juseyo xD